december due mamas

Thanks everyone we are super excited! Haven't uploaded the scan as I am rubbish at stuff like that! I hope the luck continues! It's magical, I can't wait to be a mummy!! Xx
Aww bless yah Mexico, I saw midwife at antenatal today there all paperless now so had to go through everything again the local midwife did other week. She said am really high risk pregnancy which scares me so bad and she keeps going on about my blood loss with my last c section post partum haemorrhage or Sumet. I go for my scan Tuesday but so worried that something bad will happen in theatre with everything. :/
Great scan photos ladies. I'm still waiting for my appointment to come through the post. X
Hi girls. Hope you're all okay. I feel really really sad for no reason today - does anyone else have days like that?

Blinking hormones...

Sometimes I feel sad baby frog but mostly I get days when I just feel so so so annoyed. Just my husband sitting next to me on the sofa makes me want to punch him. Anything he says just grates on me so much, my patience has completely disappeared.

My husband has def had enough of my hormones lol.


I've had a few moments when I think I could have murdered my hubby. Especially last weekend when he came in drunk and woke me up...

I'm feeling much happier now thankfully. It's just so strange because I'm usually pretty rational, I don't even really get PMT... Xxx
I have spent most of this pregnancy feeling too sick to feel anything else, lol. I do remember feeling really sad for no reason at all some days in my other pregnancies though. Its strange how hormones can hit you.
Hi ladies,

Have my scan tomorrow - So excited and it will be the first time my partner has seen the baby. So so nervous though......the morning sickness has gone and now its anxious waiting sickness!

Great to see some of your scan pics.
Good luck tomorrow boom! It truely is magical! My husband was transfixed! He couldn't keep his eyes off the screen it was so cute!!
Try not to worry too much about the sickness as mine tailed off too any they say it is pretty normal as you get to the end of the first trimester! Look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow!!

I know exactly what you mean bunny and baby!! The men should try going t total for 9 months my husband wouldn't last 5 minutes!! Although yesterday I was foul. No matter what he did or said I could have killed him! Poor sod! Really grumpy mare!!! Today fine!! Hormones hey!! Xx
Had my scan will try and upload a picture soon all is well and I've still the same due date of 21st Dec ��. Baby was waving it's little warms and kicking the legs about. The downs screening seems within normal measurements she said so fingers crossed :-) it's still not even sinking in that I'll have a little baby here in 26weeks ��. How's everyone else? How was your scan boom hope everything was well. Xxx
Aww that's great news Ikklemoi! Can't wait to see the pic :)

Mexico I did suggest my hubby gave up booze too - he seemed to think it make more sense for him to drink for two... Hmm.

I'm not a frequent drinker anyway, I don't drink in the house, but I do like to go out and get very merry and have a dance every now and again. I miss clubbing already :( xxx
So had my scan....amazing!

Little monkey wouldn't change positions so had to have a walk, a drink, a wee...but we got there in the end :)

Due date confirmed as 23rd December!!

All very real and exciting now.
So had my scan....amazing!

Little monkey wouldn't change positions so had to have a walk, a drink, a wee...but we got there in the end :)

Due date confirmed as 23rd December!!

All very real and exciting now.

Glad the scan went well!

I finally have mine booked for tomorrow afternoon. I will be 13+5 but haven't really been up to going before now. It will actually be the first time I left the house in about 5 weeks! I am excited about it. Trying not to be nervous because we already heard a good strong heartbeat when MW came last week and with how sick I've been baby must be doing well, lol. Just hope the MW is wrong about the possibility of twins! If it was twins I would be really excited in one way but the extra complications of pregnancy and birth worry me. I have enough going on in pregnancy already with asthma, high bp etc. Not to mention having two toddlers already :).
Awww bunny what makes her suspect twins? I think the picture as uploaded as my profile pic won't let me put it on a pic on here tho don't no why :/ I was petrified before scan felt like a needed toilet even tho a didn't but all was fab can't wait to see baby again now :) good luck for tomorrow bunny xx
She was wondering because I was so bad with the sickness which is more common with twins and then she measured me and my uterus was the right size for 16 weeks, not 12 :shock:. I have always measured large from early in pregnancy though and this is my 4th pregnancy in 4 years ( two full term and one MC) so I would expect to measure large, still 4 weeks ahead at 12 weeks...

I can see your LO in your profile pic. Lovely and clear of the face.
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Oh I've always wondered how they can actually tell by just measuring with a tape measure. I was told my last baby would be small he was 8lb 5. Think the scans more accurate with measurement ain't it. Are you opting for the downs screening etc? Aww thanks I'm trying to work out using scull theory a think another be be 5 boys then ��
Its not particularly accurate at all for saying the size of the baby. Although 4 weeks ahead is enough to raise questions. If I hadnt measured large early on in my other pregnancies she would have had me convinced about the twins but it I think it might have more to do with my body type. I am not short but have long legs and a really short torso so I think the bump doesn't have anywhere to go but up and out. I have big babies too but its too early for the size of the baby to be making that much difference. I was measuring 5 weeks ahead with DS by the end but that is not too surprising when he was born at 39+2 weighing 11lbs, lol.
Wow 11lb ouch, now that's a really good weight indeed. My smallest has been 8lb 2 and biggest 9lb 5. If they've any concerns on scan they'll give yah extra growth scans won't they. Am sure it's all normal with one baby :) seems to go so fast while your in the scan room, gonna book a couple of private ones imbetween to try and calm my anxiety, still isn't fully sinking in that am having another baby. The c section worries me and what my consultant as to say about a 4th c section, apparently they only like to do 3, altho e did joke with me
Last time I had a c section that there's no reason why a can't
Have anymore xx
Icklemoi I didn't go for Down's screening to be honest I'm not even sure if it's something they offer in Northern Ireland it wasn't mentioned to me and I didn't ask. Wasn't mentioned with my son either not sure why that is, it's possible it could be down to the abortion laws here or maybe it's just not a test they do without asking, it wouldn't have mattered anyway although my friends little girl was born with DS and they were shocked but that lasted about 5 minutes but I think had they known before it would have given them time to prepare themselves
Yeah that's true mummy a don't believe in abortions personally just would rather no if baby had any problems before hand to prepare with having other children at home. A baby is a blessing no matter what. The sonographer said that my scan results was 1.3 which is the lower end of what they should be which is good,but they had to combine that with bloods and age etc, everything as changed because with my 4 year old, never got offered a scan to measure for downs at all. Xx good luck today bunny xx

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