december due mamas

Hey all. I started spotting last night and again this morning. I got seen in epu and my baby died at 7 weeks. I wish you all the luck in the world and will pop in occasionally to catch up on how you are all getting on. I will be trying again so hope to be back soon x
Lovely scan pic Tonks!! Beautiful!! Good luck on Monday Slb look forward to seeing your little one!! I'm on countdown to Wednesday!! It's gone sooo slowly this week!!
So sorry to hear that caz. How far along were you? I wish you all the luck trying for another little one. Xxx
So sorry caz :(

Thank you Mexico. Good luck to you too xx

I am feeling so much better the last couple of days. I can drink water normally and have actually been eating without throwing up. I'm still in bed and on the meds but in a week or two I think things might be getting back to normal.
Glad your feeling better bunny :)
I feel absolutely huge already il only be 12 week on wed :/ xx
I'm really nervous for my scan but fingers crossed all will be well :)
I might go bed early tonight so it's sooner :)
I'm glad your feeling better Bunny! It's about time! I know your not 100% but I'm hoping you will be soon :)
Ikklemoi.. I feel the same at times and then other times I feel normal! Lol like after a large meal or lots of fluid it gets worse! So I think some of it's still bloat lol xx

Eeeek sib hope everything goes well, exciting times am counting down till my scan, 9days feels ages away tho. Xx
Morning Slb, hope you slept ok and are looking forward to seeing your little bean today. Can't wait to see the scan pic! Only two more days for me!! It feels like a life time I know exactly what you mean Ilklmoi!! Xx
Thanks ladies :)
I slept well, I always do these days! I'm shattered constantly lol

My daughter woke me up at 6 though so I've had lots of time to worry and get excited this morning :)

I was like that last week but it's soon come round :) good luck to both of you :)

Eek!! I actually can't wait! Even though I am nervous.

I had a nosebleed last night and the only other times it's happened was when I pregnant with my daughter. They're common in pregnancy. So I'm taking that as a good sign :) I've literally never had one unless I've been pregnant lol xx


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