december due mamas

Thank tonks :) all fine :) gone up 2 days so 12+2. Due date 17/12/16. I originally thought the 16th so pretty close :)

Here is baby :) I've got 4 pics but I will only post one. He/she wasn't in the right position at first so I had to go for a wee and come back! Lol the measurement behind the neck was within normal range. Placenta is still low but I'm not concerned. I'm so happy right now :)


Beautiful Slb so happy for you! Looks so cute seeing the scan pics!! I'm starting to get worried about Wednesday but trying to keep calm! Mines not until 2:45 think I would rather have a morning one so your not on edge all morning!! Xxx
Thank you :)
You will be fine :) I know how hard it is not to worry though :)
Mine was at 11. I've been up since 6 and it dragged :( I booked my next one today and that's at 9am :) xx

Awwww sib glad everything went well what a lovely scan pic looks like he/she is smiling. Hope your scan goes well on wed Mexico, my scan isn't while 3.50 on 14th be so Neevepus an appointment so late. Can they push due dates back at all according to this 12 week scan?? Xx
Lovely pic!

I am doing my scans privately this time around so can book when I want to. I was planning an early scan but have been too sick to leave the house. Now that I am a bit better I am hoping I might make it this week. Heard a good strong heart beat when the MW came so that takes some of the nerves away. MW did say I measure right for 16 weeks not 12 so along with being so sick she was seriously wondering about twins:shock:. I have always measured weirdly large early on though so I think its normal for me.
Thank you ladies!
Ikklemoi.. Try not to worry, you had a scan not long ago and all was fine :) yes they can change your due date. I originally said the 16th (according to period dates), then I went to the 20th (2nd scan), then the 19th (3rd scan) and now the 17th (12 week scan). All babies grow at different rates though. But they tend to catch up by 12 weeks.

At least you know all is fine bunny! I know it's not going to make you feel great but having sickness is a great sign. Ooh twins would be lovely :) I don't think there are any December twins yet lol

Good luck to all of you who are due for scans xx

I've had not scans at all and I'm just over 12 weeks!! I'm wishing today and tomorrow morning away scan is at 2:45!!

Seems a lot of people have had scans already xx
Don't worry Mexico. Most of us have had early scans because we have had losses. Plus I was spotting early pregnancy.
I'm sure everything will be fine :) normally your 12 week scan would be your first xx

I havent had my first scan yet either. I'm 12+4.

I like the idea of twins once they are born but am not hoping for them because of the pregnancy and birth. I have enough issues with high bp etc without twins. I think my body would have a hard time with it. Really hoping for another home birth too.
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Ah well I hope you get a singleton then :) I hope you get the home birth you want :) I wouldn't be allowed now or have the confidence lol but I love the idea of it :) xx

Bunny we are the same I'm 12 plus 4 with my scan tomorrow but this my first baby!! So I'm super scared!! I guess it's the Unknown, and I worry about losing my figure and not getting back to how I was!! That does worry me but not as much as hoping baby is nice and healthy!! I'm a late started first baby at 31!!!

I am hoping to have a home birth too bunny but everyone I talk to is trying to discourage it saying how dangerous etc it is, but I'm just ignoring them!! When is your scan bunny? Xx
Hey ladies, nausea as been really bad again today, couldn't even put food in my trolley at supermarket was making me feel physically sick, and the smells etc. I'm 12 week tomorrow shouldn't nausea be getting better by now? Xx
Mexico- I had my 1st at 33 and this will be #3.
I found the information on this site really helpful before my 1st home birth:
It goes through specific risks and solutions. It helped make me feel more confident and helped me convince OH and in laws HB is a safe options. Of course there are always some situations it would be better to be in hospital but I think a lot of people dont realise how many risks hospital itself causes.

Ikklemoi- my first pregnancy I was at my worst at 12 weeks but a lot better at week 13.
Ahhhh was you bunny never experienced nausea like today at all, been awful, this is my 5th baby and non of the other pregnancies was like this at all. How was a home birth bunny did everything go smoothly? I'm not allowed to labour it's gonna be elective c section again, feels guttering even tho a no it's safest option for me and baby xx
HB was lovely for us. The first time my labour was very slow progressing and it slowed down every time I got distracted. I felt it really helped to be in my own environment as it was easier to concentrate and be relaxed. It also helped not feeling like I was so on the clock for interventions etc. She had the cord rather tightly round her neck when born which caused a moment of concern but the MW dealt with it fine. It went so well that I knew right away I wanted a home birth with my second. During pushing he seemed a little stuck and I had to change position a few times but once he started coming he came pretty quick. He was a surprise 11lbs! But the birth went pretty smoothly and didnt even tear. His sister was even there. Of course it was lovely being in my own bed and taking a shower in my own bathrooom after.

It is a shame you cant have the natural labour you want but at the end of the day we all make the best birth choices we can to keep our LOs safe. I know some ladies have had really nice CS experiences.
Awww that sounds amazing your home birth bunny, would really of like that, but my first I was induced with so wasn't even a possibility. In just so nervous as this will be my 4th c section and reading horror stories. Xx
Hi all, I had my scan today which was the most amazing experience my husband was so transfixed he was getting in my way looking at the screen! My date has been put back and I have now been given the 19 December! I am praying it will be a little early as I don't want it near Christmas!!!

My 20 week scan is booked for 2 August!!! Xxx
Ooooo glad went well Mexico, could you see bubba clear on the scan? So amazing the scans Arnt they. Could be a 2017 baby with it been 2weeks each way :) hope my dates don't get pushed back on scan am finding it really difficult already at 12 weeks �� Xx
Such good news Mexico I'm loving seeing all the good news from scans

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