december due mamas

Hyperemesis is horrendous it's non stop can't eat can't drink can't lift my head off a pillow nausea and sickness 24/7, I have decided as much as I'd love more children I cannot do this again, unlucky to have had HG both pregnancies and it would depress anyone I always said the sickness was by far the worst part of pregnancy and labour was the easy part.
Just realised today I've 2 days left in TRI 1 and I can't believe I'm moving to TRI 2 it's not easy and the days felt like months at times, I think it's important to have people to talk to on here at least we can share how we are feeling, I'm sure my husband would have chucked me out by now if I'd moaned to him half as much as I do on here! So thanks for being here when I needed you
This will be our last too. I had hg my 1st pregnancy but it didnt last as long as this time. My second pregnany I escaped lightly. I mean it was still pretty horrid. I was sometimes sick 6 times in a day but I could still eat (if I selected carefully) ane do some stuff around the house etc. My 3rd pregnacy wasnt as bad either sickness wise but sadly ended in a MC at 10 weeks. So getting it worse than ever this time was a bit of a shock. Between my age which is getting on and the fact I'm just not sure how I'd do this again we are calling it at 3. Secretly I'd love 5 but 3 is a good number too.

I totally agree about labour. It was a doddle compared to this. I'd rather go through labour any day than a day of HG. It sounds like an exaggeration but I know I mean it because I remember the MW being sympathetic about how hard labour is when I was in advanced labour with my first. Between moans I said "oh, this is easy compared to morning sicknesses! ". She looked a bit startled, lol.
Lol I said that to my midwife too I was like is this it? as his head was crowning
Oooooh can someone make a board December Due Mumas - tri 2?? Could we update with due dates on the front as we'll all have them confirmed soon won't we?? X

I do agree with labour when baby isn't back to back, with my first was horrendous pain for 26hoiur ended up with a c section in end, with my second baby wasn't back to back got to
The hospital at 8cm couldn't believe the difference in pain even when baby was crowning completely a breeze. 3rd was back to back and horrendous pains constant was in labour 28bour and c section and my 4th was elective this baby will be elective wish I had the chance of a natural birth but been told it isn't even a possibility because of the risk to me and baby. Xx
This is my first baby and HG is so awful I don't want to do this again. I didn't wash or wash my hair for 12 days at one point because I was too ill/weak. I will assassinate the next person who suggests ginger to me. When I do manage to eat I'm eating really high calorie foods to try and stop my weight dropping more. I look skinny at the moment with huge boobs and tummy! X
I try to manage a shower every 3 or 4 days but I'm not actually sure when I last washed my hair :shock:. Im not being sick as much with the meds now but food is my big problem. The second I put food in my stomach it just wants rid of it. I usually manage to keep a small amount of something down at night but thats it. I have lost over 2 stone and could loose a couple more before looking skinny. For once in my life I'm actually glad to have been carying extra weight! It stil worries me that loosing weight so quick and not eating cant be good for me and the baby but there isnt much I can do about it.
Have you got a good consultant Bunny? I've got my first outpatient consultant appt middle of June. I swing between finding eating or drinking easier. Today I'm finding eating a lot easier than drinking. I remember crying last week after vomiting up half a rich tea biscuit that took me half an hour to eat!
Oh no you poor ladies!!

I've had indigestion and general sore tummy kick in today. I've been in pain it's horrible. The last day of the holiday I'm just sitting on a chair in the shade feeling like my tummy is going to explode!


Tonks I've made a Dec 2016 mums thread in Tri 2 now I'll try and keep it update when u all join us over there xo
Well done mummy for sorting that! Will let you know once I've had my scan on 8th June! I'll be 12 weeks on Friday..... Hope everyone is doing better than they were!! I really can't wait to see my little bean in a week or so!

My friend has just had her first baby and said it is truely the best feeling in the world!! I can't wait to have that feeling!!

Woop woop mummy thanks. I hope I can add myself on Friday.

Another day another bout of indigestion, mild cramps (like diarreaoh ones) & general constant dull ache around the whole belly & pelvis area. I know this is absurd but I'm not sure if I'm wishing the nausea back!!!!


As the tiredness for anyone got any better? Half way through the day and I'm wanting to crawl back into bed. :( x
No I get to about midday and I just want to go back to bed until the next morning lol going back to work tomorrow so no idea how I'm going to cope with that
Oh good luck back at work mummy. I can't remember ever feeling this tired with previous pregnancies this one as completely wiped me out already, hope the next 29weeks are better saying 29eeeks seems so soon to prepare for bubba eeek. At midwifes tomorrow do you think they'll listen to heartbeat at 11weeks? Xx
Have you got a good consultant Bunny? I've got my first outpatient consultant appt middle of June. I swing between finding eating or drinking easier. Today I'm finding eating a lot easier than drinking. I remember crying last week after vomiting up half a rich tea biscuit that took me half an hour to eat!

No I haven't seen a constant. I have been working with a gp. She is very nice and seems to have some idea about HG though. The bit that is most important for me is that I get house visits. I don't actually know how I could make it to an appointment. We are also planning the birth with an independent MW and she has been very supportive.

To start with I struggled to drink but could eat some food. Now I find food the hardest. As soon as my stomach feels something it wants rid of it. It cant even handle the anti acid tablets I am supposed to take. Thankfully my other tablets are small enough that I have managed with them.
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Anyone else not feel pregnant? I keep panicking lol

I think it's because the sickness has passed but I keep forgetting I'm pregnant lol

I'm tired but only on an evening and emotional at everything lol but other than that I feel fine.
I know it's a good thing seeing as how some of you ladies are suffering but in really nervous somethings wrong :/ xx

I am sure everything is fine they do say that as you get towards the end of the first trimester your symptoms tail off.

When is your 12 week scan? Can't be that long now! I have just over a week to wait mine is on the 8th!

I do know what you mean it is a worry as if you have symptoms you hait it and when there gone you worry!!

Think positively and everything will be fine :) xxx
Everything got better from 8 weeks for me. I know I'm really lucky! I've threw up once since.

I noticed that at 6 weeks my pregnancy tests started to get fainter and then at 8 weeks the lines were pretty much non existent. So I think I had higher than average hcg and it evened out quicker than usual and that's why I've felt okay.

It just makes you worry lol it's the 6th June so a week today :) I can't wait but I'm terrified I'm going to go and somethings wrong. Xx


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