December 2020 mums

Hey All,

Due december as well :) super nervous as I have a history of infertility and mc. Pretty sure got pregnant by way of immaculate conception as sex was not a thing much last month.

Pretty shocked but excited and nervous too. 5w6d today.
Hey All,

Due december as well :) super nervous as I have a history of infertility and mc. Pretty sure got pregnant by way of immaculate conception as sex was not a thing much last month.

Pretty shocked but excited and nervous too. 5w6d today.
Welcome to the gang.
What's your edd? So I can add you to the list.

My hubby is pretty reserved when it comes to sex and intimacy so I only get to dtd a few times a month if I'm lucky lol. Its quality over quantity anyway here Haha.

I'm sure you'll be fine but you can tell us all the fears and stuff we will understand. We can virtually hold your hand.
Thanks Peroni!

So I got a ‘pregnant 1-2’ this morning.

my stomach is in knots as I’m just worrying about money now but what will be will be and it’ll be lovely to have another little one <3
You'll find a way. We always do.
Hey @BevG, congratulations on your bfp. So nice to see you on here. PF definitely isn’t like it was back in 2011 and the due date month groups aren’t usually that big, our Sept one has about 8 regular posters.
Hey @BevG, congratulations on your bfp. So nice to see you on here. PF definitely isn’t like it was back in 2011 and the due date month groups aren’t usually that big, our Sept one has about 8 regular posters.

Hey familiar name
Congrats on your 4th bundle thatll be a good number. I like things in pairs lol.

It has definitely changed here it was so busy when we were all around in 2012
Hey familiar name
Congrats on your 4th bundle thatll be a good number. I like things in pairs lol.

It has definitely changed here it was so busy when we were all around in 2012
Yeah this little one was a massive shock, coil failed on me! I’m excited now though, find out the gender next week, then I may post it on fb lol
Hi Kanga, I even remember you hehe it was twice as busy when I was trying for second DD two years ago.
I think it’s everything going on tbf probably couples getting fed up of each other than wanting to try haha
Hi Kanga, I even remember you hehe it was twice as busy when I was trying for second DD two years ago.
I think it’s everything going on tbf probably couples getting fed up of each other than wanting to try haha

There were loads of us here even a few months ago and then we seemed to have a massive spate of long termers getting bfps. The September, October and November threads are quite busy :)
Hi ladies,

Tentatively stepping in to say hello...OH has been pestering me for weeks to test as he was convinced I was pregnant. I finally caved and did an frer yesterday, there’s no denying the result! The test line came up straight away and is so much darker than the control line. So it looks like baby number 4 :eek: is on its way!

Not sure on dates yet, my cycles have been all over the place since I had number 3 but going by lmp, I’m already 6+5!!

I already have a 5yo, 3yo (4 next month) and and 18mo. A fourth wasn’t part of the plan just yet, so is very much a surprise, but a happy one nonetheless :cheer:

Congratulations to you all, looking forward to sharing the next crazy few months with you <3
Hey @EllieH I remember you too, congratulations! Amazing seeing the 1-2 on a digi.

@jenni16 wow you are hardcore not testing, but congratulations on number 4 cooking! I'm 18 weeks with a surprise number 4 too.
Hey @EllieH I remember you too, congratulations! Amazing seeing the 1-2 on a digi.

@jenni16 wow you are hardcore not testing, but congratulations on number 4 cooking! I'm 18 weeks with a surprise number 4 too.

Oh hi Kanga, fancy seeing you in here again?! How are you doing? Nice to know I’m not the only one crazy enough to have 4 little ones!

I was blissfully unaware for as long as I could be. Makes a change to the obsessive testing of previous pregnancies!
Oh hi Kanga, fancy seeing you in here again?! How are you doing? Nice to know I’m not the only one crazy enough to have 4 little ones!

I was blissfully unaware for as long as I could be. Makes a change to the obsessive testing of previous pregnancies!

I'm doing good now, it has been a crazy few months. My coil fell out and I had no idea I only tested as I was feeling so nauseous all the time and thought this is like pregnancy and low and behold got a massive bfp. I was about 6 weeks and only took the 2 tests, definitely so much different from the obsessive testing and line spitting I'm used to. I think I'm still in denial that I'm going to have 4 kiddies, it's been 4 years since I had a newborn and feel like I've forgotten everything lol (Alfie is 4 in 16 days!) I'm due just 4 days after James's 6th birthday in September!
Aaah lovely see all the new arrivals!! Congratulations to you all for you BFPs!!

I found out on monday and still keep expecting to see my period when I wipe. When do you get over that?!?!

I had my letter and appointments though from my midwife team. It's going to very different due to covid I think but as this is my first babe, I don't have anything to compare it too.

I work for an airline (not flying fortunately) but super worried about the future so trying not to stress out.

What do you all you lovely ladies do?
Yay more ppl

I work as a carer for the elderly and I sell fabric from my house as a side hustle.. side hustle that's taken over my life haha.

I think you dont stop waiting for your period really until you have your first scan haha
I am a nursery nurse, I actually handed my notice in just before everything kicked off to change nursery but am currently unemployed. I have two interviews lined up too ha
hey. I've been here since 2013 was ttc ended up having 10 miscarriages in total been tested etc no underlying issues so putting them down to my weight and stress of my previous relationship stopped ttc in 2014 when split with ex. met now partner last year and I'm now finally expecting due 21/12/2020 have a good feeling about it all. had +3 on a digi and lines super dark never had them before. exciting xx
hey. I've been here since 2013 was ttc ended up having 10 miscarriages in total been tested etc no underlying issues so putting them down to my weight and stress of my previous relationship stopped ttc in 2014 when split with ex. met now partner last year and I'm now finally expecting due 21/12/2020 have a good feeling about it all. had +3 on a digi and lines super dark never had them before. exciting xx

Fate obvs knew you were with the wrong person. Congrats.
Cant wait to see everyone's scan pics now
I had all my letters from the midwifery unit come through, booking in appt will be over the phone (due to covid) and scan booked for 10th June. I'm Furlough from my job at the moment so haven't had to tell anyone as I have all the time in world to go to appointments....

@BevG I hope work isnt too stressful for you now and @EllieH good luck for the job search.

Congratulations @exohx123, you must be over the moon!

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