***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

We are doing great :D congratulations to all the new mummies!!!

Stitches are healing well, baby cuddles are just the best thing in the whole world. I don't think ive cried so much from being so happy!!! Little man is currently cuddling in on my chest for a late night snooze.

I am exclusively formula feeding as I felt I was just not capable after what went down.

My waters broke at 630am on Monday 14th December, by about 12pm I was having slight niggle of period cramp pain. By 11pm I was getting contractions every 8 mins lasting for 1 minute. Managed to get sleep in between but by about 2am I was asking to go in to hospital so off we went. I was checked by midwife and she said the head was so low and pushing in cervix she couldn't say how dilated I was so I was given a sleeping tablet and asked if I wanted to stay or go home. We went home and I tried to get some sleep but I was out of it on this sleeping tablet. I felt like contractions were back to back but I was falling asleep in between the and waking to crazy strong contractions. By 5am i was in agony and crying with the pain so we went back to hospital where I was onto the gas and air and in the bath which was just amazing. By 8am I was pushing and the little man arrived at 0923am.

I got skin to skin and delivered the placenta which turned out to be huge, weighing over 1kg. Immediately after the placenta delivery I heamorraged and the midwifes called 999 for an ambulance. Jack was taken away and given to my fiancé whilst they tried to stop the bleeding. I was stabilised and put on the trolley to get taken to the main hospital. Thinking my ordeal was over we got in the lift to get down to the ambulance. The lift got stuck between floors and the fire brigade had to be called. I was asked to stand up to try and get lifted out of the lift as the combined weight of the trolley and me was about 25 stone. This caused me to almost pass out and I ended up getting lifted out of the lift by a whole crew of firemen on the ambulance trolley. This experience lasted about an hour

Was taken to the ambulance and was restabilised as my blood pressure had plummeted. On the way to hospital I started to bleed again and was blue lighted the rest of the way.

Arriving at hospital I was checked for clots and membranes, which was more painful than actually giving birth and then stitched for a 2nd degree tear. Had to be given massive amounts of fluids via drip and was only really properly coherent by about 3pm. Was moved into labour ward later that night but luckily avoided the need for a blood transfusion and was let out of hospital on the 17th December on my birthday :D

It has been the most emotional thing I have ever done in my life but he's worth the pain, the tears and just means the absolute world to me.

I hope you all have an extremely positive birth experience and even after all I've gone through I would do it a million times over just to have him again.

Sounds like you had a tough time�� it will be a good story to tell the grandkids one day though. We are so utterly in love with our little boy. It is so exhausting though & I'm looking forward to the time Jack is more active in the day & sleeps a bit more at night. Having a c section has knocked me off my feet a bit, I am normally so independent but know I have to rest. I'm so lucky to have my husband at home for 6 weeks & a really supportive family.

It's true no matter how awful/not to plan our births were..We wouldn't change them as it meant we got our babies x

EDIT ED TO ADD Happy belated birthday for 17th, it's my birthday today. At least our little ones had common decency not to steal our birthday thunder ha xx
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Congratulations ladies still hanging in here! :-)

Having other children at christmas and awaiting a baby is exhausting!!

Feels like it's never coming. Hmm impatient much??!! X
Congrats ladies!!!

It was my 30th birthday on the 19th and I really thought baby was going to steal my day, they didn't and I am still waiting! xx
I've had a lot of tightenings today and pelvic pain today
I've also been getting sciatica like pain in my r thigh which makes my leg go funny and nearly made me fall at one point
My furniture and pram is arriving tomorrow so excited about that
Just trying to finish sorting the room out as just want everything sorted before baby appears
Feel happy today though
Nice to hear everyone's birth stories
Am I the only one who wants baby to stay in there longer lol
I love carrying the baby around and feeling it move inside me:) not tired of it yet :)
We are doing great :D congratulations to all the new mummies!!!

Stitches are healing well, baby cuddles are just the best thing in the whole world. I don't think ive cried so much from being so happy!!! Little man is currently cuddling in on my chest for a late night snooze.

I am exclusively formula feeding as I felt I was just not capable after what went down.

My waters broke at 630am on Monday 14th December, by about 12pm I was having slight niggle of period cramp pain. By 11pm I was getting contractions every 8 mins lasting for 1 minute. Managed to get sleep in between but by about 2am I was asking to go in to hospital so off we went. I was checked by midwife and she said the head was so low and pushing in cervix she couldn't say how dilated I was so I was given a sleeping tablet and asked if I wanted to stay or go home. We went home and I tried to get some sleep but I was out of it on this sleeping tablet. I felt like contractions were back to back but I was falling asleep in between the and waking to crazy strong contractions. By 5am i was in agony and crying with the pain so we went back to hospital where I was onto the gas and air and in the bath which was just amazing. By 8am I was pushing and the little man arrived at 0923am.

I got skin to skin and delivered the placenta which turned out to be huge, weighing over 1kg. Immediately after the placenta delivery I heamorraged and the midwifes called 999 for an ambulance. Jack was taken away and given to my fiancé whilst they tried to stop the bleeding. I was stabilised and put on the trolley to get taken to the main hospital. Thinking my ordeal was over we got in the lift to get down to the ambulance. The lift got stuck between floors and the fire brigade had to be called. I was asked to stand up to try and get lifted out of the lift as the combined weight of the trolley and me was about 25 stone. This caused me to almost pass out and I ended up getting lifted out of the lift by a whole crew of firemen on the ambulance trolley. This experience lasted about an hour

Was taken to the ambulance and was restabilised as my blood pressure had plummeted. On the way to hospital I started to bleed again and was blue lighted the rest of the way.

Arriving at hospital I was checked for clots and membranes, which was more painful than actually giving birth and then stitched for a 2nd degree tear. Had to be given massive amounts of fluids via drip and was only really properly coherent by about 3pm. Was moved into labour ward later that night but luckily avoided the need for a blood transfusion and was let out of hospital on the 17th December on my birthday :D

It has been the most emotional thing I have ever done in my life but he's worth the pain, the tears and just means the absolute world to me.

I hope you all have an extremely positive birth experience and even after all I've gone through I would do it a million times over just to have him again.

wow monkey that is some story! cant believe your lift got stuck! how frightening. what a lovely birthday present for you though:) well done on getting through it all!
Oh my goodness monkey. Hope you are recovering from your ordeal honey.

Hope all new mummies are doing well

I've given up on medication. Pain now managable, being told I'm silly for not getting anything stronger today but struggling to see the point now I've come through the worst of it. Instead today I chose to have a glass of wine. It tastes divine!!

Happy birthday to you who have a bday as well as baby birthday!

Good luck to those who are still waiting

My birth story is thankfully uneventful. Planned section.. At hosp for 7:30 and in theatre for 09:30. I had been expecting a 'lovely' experience I was sadly mistaken.. Instead I was terrified and anxiety through he roof the spinal going in was horrendous experience and took about 40nins. By time hubby came in I was on oxygen too! Which freaked him out. Baby born 10:08 and he's amazing. 7lb 3oz of lovely gorgeousness. Got skin to skin and he fed immediately. I was seriously sick... After I had a single bite to eat suddenly couldn't stop being sick so on a drip for ages but other than that was fine. Catheter out the next morning and I was up and about. Clearly the effects of the anaesthetic and pain killers in theatre were still in full force! I was up and avout showered and they agree I could go home at 10:30.... Still waiting for discharge paperwork at 4;30 I was pissed off to say the least! They stopped doing any obs or even basic care as soon as they said I could go home. When I asked for more pain killers I was so scare they would say I had to stay in when thy said I couldn't take anything home stronger than paracetamol i just didn't push it. My little man is awesome. He is the most amazing little thing and I am so in love. Dd is besotted. Although at 4 is struggling with some of the attention he is getting. Having said that everyone has turned up with gifts for Her and she thinks it's her birthday!

Anyway life is pretty damn fabulous. Love my family and can't wait for Christmas.

Happy christmas everyone x x x
I've had a lot of tightenings today and pelvic pain today
I've also been getting sciatica like pain in my r thigh which makes my leg go funny and nearly made me fall at one point
My furniture and pram is arriving tomorrow so excited about that
Just trying to finish sorting the room out as just want everything sorted before baby appears
Feel happy today though
Nice to hear everyone's birth stories
Am I the only one who wants baby to stay in there longer lol
I love carrying the baby around and feeling it move inside me:) not tired of it yet :)

I loved being pregnant & hadn't tired of it either. I love being a mummy but I hate the pain & discomfort of having a c section. A whole week later & part of my scar has bled through twice. Was in hospital today as I had a bulge on my scar that just burst as I was getting dressed. It was terrifying to look down & see blood rushing especially as my belly still covers the scar & I couldn't see where it was coming from. They have swabbed for infection &dressed it with some sterile strips. They are not overly concerned by sound of it but I just want to feel normal now. I want to hold my baby without worrying about pain, cough & laugh without having to hold my wound...I want to be able to leave my house & just do normal things x
I've had a lot of tightenings today and pelvic pain today
I've also been getting sciatica like pain in my r thigh which makes my leg go funny and nearly made me fall at one point
My furniture and pram is arriving tomorrow so excited about that
Just trying to finish sorting the room out as just want everything sorted before baby appears
Feel happy today though
Nice to hear everyone's birth stories
Am I the only one who wants baby to stay in there longer lol
I love carrying the baby around and feeling it move inside me:) not tired of it yet :)

I loved being pregnant & hadn't tired of it either. I love being a mummy but I hate the pain & discomfort of having a c section. A whole week later & part of my scar has bled through twice. Was in hospital today as I had a bulge on my scar that just burst as I was getting dressed. It was terrifying to look down & see blood rushing especially as my belly still covers the scar & I couldn't see where it was coming from. They have swabbed for infection &dressed it with some sterile strips. They are not overly concerned by sound of it but I just want to feel normal now. I want to hold my baby without worrying about pain, cough & laugh without having to hold my wound...I want to be able to leave my house & just do normal things x

sorry to hear youre in so much pain! can imagine it being frustrating as you just want to relax and enjoy your baby. Really hope you feel better soon.
I've had a lot of tightenings today and pelvic pain today

I've also been getting sciatica like pain in my r thigh which makes my leg go funny and nearly made me fall at one point

My furniture and pram is arriving tomorrow so excited about that

Just trying to finish sorting the room out as just want everything sorted before baby appears

Feel happy today though

Nice to hear everyone's birth stories

Am I the only one who wants baby to stay in there longer lol

I love carrying the baby around and feeling it move inside me:) not tired of it yet :)

I loved being pregnant & hadn't tired of it either. I love being a mummy but I hate the pain & discomfort of having a c section. A whole week later & part of my scar has bled through twice. Was in hospital today as I had a bulge on my scar that just burst as I was getting dressed. It was terrifying to look down & see blood rushing especially as my belly still covers the scar & I couldn't see where it was coming from. They have swabbed for infection &dressed it with some sterile strips. They are not overly concerned by sound of it but I just want to feel normal now. I want to hold my baby without worrying about pain, cough & laugh without having to hold my wound...I want to be able to leave my house & just do normal things x

It will get easier. A section is major abdominal surgery and takes time to recover from. Give it another week and you start to feel much better and find getting around easier - just don't do too much or it will set you back (I should have listened to my own advice). It is frustrating not being able to do things but take the time to sit and snuggle with your baby. xxx
Any more Dec babies yet? I keep checking in!

I have been readmitted to hospital with an Infection in my wound. Just feeling like another knock back. I'm on iv drip now as oral antibiotics didn't work. Feel so low, I can't even hold my baby x
Oh Lucy honey I am so sorry to hear your unwell. Look after yourself and I really hope you recover soon.

Love and hugs x x
Aw sorry to hear that Lucy try to keep your spirits up, I feel for you.

No news here. Anyone else whose still hanging on? Xx
Thanks girls, lets hope baby comes along in the next few days. Fed up now! xx
im still here too!
I think I might have had a show this morning
but not entirely sure but i had a big glob of greeny discharge and i remember thinking it was unusual
then had a crazy busy day so just resting now and decided to look up images on google ( not the most pleasant thing lol!)
and i think thats what it was
so things might be kicking off

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