***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

Just popped my head in to see how you're all getting on- huge congrats on the babies everyone!!! Hope you're all doing ok- so excited for you!
Wow, so much has happened since I last logged on. Congratulations ladies on the safe arrival of both Jacks, and good luck with the section MelissaSian! I'm booked in tomorrow to be induced, it's all very real now :-) xx
I am jealous of all these birth announcements!!! Good luck every one. I have had 2 nights of pains and tightenings that keep stopping and back ache tonight so hoping something will happen soon xx
Good luck Lisa! :) we are home from hospital after 2 days, I'm so in love it hurts. You can do it :)

I hope everything went well with the csection yesterday Melissa!!!

Bed time after nappy changes for my wee man :)
Good luck Lisa! :) we are home from hospital after 2 days, I'm so in love it hurts. You can do it :)

I hope everything went well with the csection yesterday Melissa!!!

Bed time after nappy changes for my wee man :)

Aww we came home yesterday too! It was scary being responsible for a new baby last night without any midwives to help! Suffice to say he will not sleep in a crib, he will only sleep when held. Me & hubby took it in shifts yesterday must say am very tired today & frustrated that I haven't been able to tidy! Midwife has been & seen baby, he has a touch of jaundice but not worryingly so. He will be having his heel prick test on Sunday & I be getting my staples removed x
Hi all just a quick update. My gorgeous baby Elliott was born by planned c section on 17th. He's totally amazing!

Hope everyone ok x x
Awww yay congratulations Melissa!!!! Another boy for December mummies :) xx
huge congrats lucylastic and monkey on your boys! and congratulatiosn melissa this thread is getting really exciting now. good luck keepitcrossed
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Hi all just a quick update. My gorgeous baby Elliott was born by planned c section on 17th. He's totally amazing!

Hope everyone ok x x

Congratulations hun. Hope you are recovering well.

Won't be long for the rest of the December babies now. Where has the time gone?!

How are fellow mummy's all settling in with their new babies? Having a c section has made it very hard for me to do anything which I find frustrating! :wall2: Got told off my midwife for doing too much. I can't sit & let people wait on me! X
I am still waiting!! Due boxing day. We need MrsTLC to update the first page with who has given birth :) xx
Lucy I'm the same feeling extremely frustrated by the recovery from section. In pretty much permanat pain and only had paracetamols since leaving theatre as they refused to give me anything else due to feeding.

Although due to the pain from the section I couldn't Also cope with the feeding and switched my little man to formula yesterday. Still can't get any stronger pain killers but hey!

My little man is awesome, he's perfect And Elliott cuddles make all the pain just melt away he's the beat pain relief there is.

Hope your on the road to recovery Lucy
Hope your not waiting too long lisa. Xx
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An update from me. Holly Tegan McKenzie arrived safely last night. Our little package was 6lb 9oz and perfect in every way. We're in awe. xx
Lucy I'm the same feeling extremely frustrated by the recovery from section. In pretty much permanat pain and only had paracetamols since leaving theatre as they refused to give me anything else due to feeding.

Although due to the pain from the section I couldn't Also cope with the feeding and switched my little man to formula yesterday. Still can't get any stronger pain killers but hey!

My little man is awesome, he's perfect And Elliott cuddles make all the pain just melt away he's the beat pain relief there is.

Hope your on the road to recovery Lucy

Hope your not waiting too long lisa. Xx

Can't believe they won't give you painkillers, I had 2 lots, can't recall the names but can check. All alongside breastfeeding

An update from me. Holly Tegan McKenzie arrived safely last night. Our little package was 6lb 9oz and perfect in every way. We're in awe. xx
Oops posted early... Melissa if you are in pain maybe see your gp for more, I took everything they offered me!

Keepitcrossed - congratulations xxx
Lucy I'm the same feeling extremely frustrated by the recovery from section. In pretty much permanat pain and only had paracetamols since leaving theatre as they refused to give me anything else due to feeding.

Although due to the pain from the section I couldn't Also cope with the feeding and switched my little man to formula yesterday. Still can't get any stronger pain killers but hey!

My little man is awesome, he's perfect And Elliott cuddles make all the pain just melt away he's the beat pain relief there is.

Hope your on the road to recovery Lucy

Hope your not waiting too long lisa. Xx

Can't believe they won't give you painkillers, I had 2 lots, can't recall the names but can check. All alongside breastfeeding

An update from me. Holly Tegan McKenzie arrived safely last night. Our little package was 6lb 9oz and perfect in every way. We're in awe. xx

Aww another one! :lol:

Melissa - I had paracetamol & oromorph in hospital. I have been given extra strong ibuprofen, paracetamol, antibiotics & blood thinner to take at home...and I have been breast feeding too! He was weighed today & has lost over 1lb as my milk hasn't kicked in yet. I'm topping up with bottled but considering a full switch myself. Not knowing what he was taking in had made me anxious!

Had staples out today too wasn't as bad as I'd thought but I'm still too scared to look at the wound x
We are doing great :D congratulations to all the new mummies!!!

Stitches are healing well, baby cuddles are just the best thing in the whole world. I don't think ive cried so much from being so happy!!! Little man is currently cuddling in on my chest for a late night snooze.

I am exclusively formula feeding as I felt I was just not capable after what went down.

My waters broke at 630am on Monday 14th December, by about 12pm I was having slight niggle of period cramp pain. By 11pm I was getting contractions every 8 mins lasting for 1 minute. Managed to get sleep in between but by about 2am I was asking to go in to hospital so off we went. I was checked by midwife and she said the head was so low and pushing in cervix she couldn't say how dilated I was so I was given a sleeping tablet and asked if I wanted to stay or go home. We went home and I tried to get some sleep but I was out of it on this sleeping tablet. I felt like contractions were back to back but I was falling asleep in between the and waking to crazy strong contractions. By 5am i was in agony and crying with the pain so we went back to hospital where I was onto the gas and air and in the bath which was just amazing. By 8am I was pushing and the little man arrived at 0923am.

I got skin to skin and delivered the placenta which turned out to be huge, weighing over 1kg. Immediately after the placenta delivery I heamorraged and the midwifes called 999 for an ambulance. Jack was taken away and given to my fiancé whilst they tried to stop the bleeding. I was stabilised and put on the trolley to get taken to the main hospital. Thinking my ordeal was over we got in the lift to get down to the ambulance. The lift got stuck between floors and the fire brigade had to be called. I was asked to stand up to try and get lifted out of the lift as the combined weight of the trolley and me was about 25 stone. This caused me to almost pass out and I ended up getting lifted out of the lift by a whole crew of firemen on the ambulance trolley. This experience lasted about an hour

Was taken to the ambulance and was restabilised as my blood pressure had plummeted. On the way to hospital I started to bleed again and was blue lighted the rest of the way.

Arriving at hospital I was checked for clots and membranes, which was more painful than actually giving birth and then stitched for a 2nd degree tear. Had to be given massive amounts of fluids via drip and was only really properly coherent by about 3pm. Was moved into labour ward later that night but luckily avoided the need for a blood transfusion and was let out of hospital on the 17th December on my birthday :D

It has been the most emotional thing I have ever done in my life but he's worth the pain, the tears and just means the absolute world to me.

I hope you all have an extremely positive birth experience and even after all I've gone through I would do it a million times over just to have him again.

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