***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

Really petty to post but it's upset me a bit. I've managed to get to 39 weeks without a stretch mark..now I've got them on both sides of my lower abdomen. Like I say stupid to be upset about it but I am. X

oh no! i was just saying to my husband happily yesterday that i didn't have any stretch marks!! didnt realise you could still get them so late lol I dont think its petty at all id be gutted too
Due on the 21st - waters leaked pretty consistently for a few hours and pain is building slightly. Midwife is having me wait until 8am tomorrow to get checked over. I have the option of being induced or waiting for up to 3 further days for things to start naturally which I will probably opt for. So excited.

thats super exciting monkey hope it goes well for you

so if our waters start leaking we should contact hospital even if no contractions?

im the opposite i want baby to stay in there as long as possible lol
I thought I would just give midwife a call to give them a heads up that things seemed to be starting when my waters went. They went over a few things like no sex now, take temp every 4 hours, rest and slee as much as possible. I think it's because it starts their timer or induction due to infection risk.

Seem to be having contractions now lasting 1 min every 8 mins or so
I thought things were starting last night, was getting painful tightenings every 7 minutes for nearly 2 hours. I then fell asleep and have woken up fine, dammit!! Good luck everyone xx
I'm also a mummy!!!! Baby jack was born 15th dec a mere 27 hours after waters broke. He weighed 8.1 lbs and was born with only gas and air. It was a bit of a horror story afterwards as I bled and was rushed to the main hospital after having assistance from fire brigade and paramedics. Just happy he's here and happy he's healthy. Mummy needs major rest but I did it. :)
Monkey... Oh my god how scary...my baby jack was born 15/12/15 weighing 7lb 11oz at 9.25pm via c-section following a mighty 20 odd hour labour. Did not progress over 7 cm within 12 hours & little bugger decided to turn transverse & back to back making it a very painful labour. Went from hypnobirthing & birthing pool to gas & air, followed by epidural & labour enhancing drugs to an emergency situation. Little bugger was worth every second of the pain & anxiety. I am truly in love. X
Awwww two baby jacks :) how amazing :) I can't stop looking at him and just wanting to eat him up! Definitely worth every second and I wouldn't change him for the world. Well done Lucy. If I was to do it again i would opt for more pain relief. But other than that just a mind blowing day
Wow glad I checked in well done ladies tons of love to you both and congrats xx
Awwww two baby jacks :) how amazing :) I can't stop looking at him and just wanting to eat him up! Definitely worth every second and I wouldn't change him for the world. Well done Lucy. If I was to do it again i would opt for more pain relief. But other than that just a mind blowing day

I was upset that I didn't get a natural birth but you know what..all the drama was worth it for my little boy.

Thanks glow, still buzzing after yesterday although I am extremely tired.

Look forward to the other babies making their appearance xx
Fab news Lucy and monkey!! Welcome baby jack's! Hope mummies are starting to recover. Many congratulations to you both. X x x
Aw Lucy he's here, you grew him and delivered him safely the how should not be dwelled on you did it alone whatever way you look at it!! Well done.

Look after yourself and enjoy him, the rest is history! Be careful to get rest.

Can't wait for my turn!!x
So it's my section tomorrow! Have to be at hosp for 07:30... Feeling both incredibly anxious and incredibly excited. Also feeling completely unprepared!!!

X x
Good luck Melissa! I was shaking like a leaf I think it was adrenaline. Just think your little babe will soon be here! It's the best Christmas present I have ever received xx
Ahhh well done ladies, congrats to you all!!!

Good luck Melissa. xx
Congratulations Lucy and Monkey. Fab news. Lucy - get lots of rest whilst you can and take any help offered whist you recover.

Melissa - good luck tomorrow, any idea where you will be on the list? I hated that I had to be at hospital at 7am and he wasn't born until nearly 2pm, so much waiting around, it's not like if you are in labour and have something to do!

Loving the fact that the December babies are coming thick and fast, we need the front page updating with all there babies details :-)

Well they only do 2 planned sections a day. Have to ring at 7am to check there are no emergencies. But a good friend of mine is a midwife and coming in on her day off to come I to theatre and take baby. Apparently first planned section is around 9am. So I'm hoping (famous last words!) that I'll be all done before midday.

Argh anxiety is ramping up now no chance of sleep tonight! X x
Well they only do 2 planned sections a day. Have to ring at 7am to check there are no emergencies. But a good friend of mine is a midwife and coming in on her day off to come I to theatre and take baby. Apparently first planned section is around 9am. So I'm hoping (famous last words!) that I'll be all done before midday.

Argh anxiety is ramping up now no chance of sleep tonight! X x

Hope you got some sleep - baby will be here so so soon xxx

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