***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

Congrats Excitednewbie!!! A little lady for you also and well done for getting to 7cms, I got to 8cm when I was first examined, could not believe it. My girl sleeps all day and up most of night too, me and OH are not settled until 5/6am most mornings, it is madness.

I know, I can't believe I am getting by on like 3/4 hours sleep, but I am still going, as is OH! and we love our sleep usually.

Melissa - I have spoken with midwife regarding feeding, baby won't latch on left and right nipple is so sore and now bleeding, she has recommended nipple guards, continue with expressing and also to top up with one formula feed at night - Layla has lost 9.7% weight since birth. They are trying to help me latch and told me to go to a class. I am going to continue what I am doing and if baby has lost more weight I may have to switch to formula as I am starting to get a little stressed and emotional about it, she is being weighed again tomorrow.

Has every one in the group had their babies now, or are we still waiting for more? x
Have all the Dec babies made arrivals now?

Thanks to the ladies on this thread for your support & advice throughout tri 3 & wishing you all the best with your little bundles of joy xx
Have all the Dec babies made arrivals now?

Thanks to the ladies on this thread for your support & advice throughout tri 3 & wishing you all the best with your little bundles of joy xx

Awww makes me sad that's it, looking back it seems like pregnancy went so quickly although I know at the time it didn't feel like it! My should have been December baby is now 13lb 2oz and 9 weeks old :-/

Big thanks to all from me too :-))) xxx
I feel bad that I used to complain about feeling so crap during pregnancy, I miss having my wee boy in my tummy with me all the time. I already want another!

My wee one is a month old tomorrow! Where has the time gone?!
The last two weeks have gone sooo fast!! Baby is back up to her birth weight and back to breastfeeding. Still struggling with latch on the left so have to express from that side. They are checking for tongue tie tomorrow. She is a bit nocturnal, but a little better last night re sleep. Do any mums here want to set up a December mummies thread thing in the ''baby and toddler'' bit for if we need advice and for updates on our little ones? xx
Hi Lisa, a December babies thread sounds great. I don't get on here much so I'm probably not the right person to host the thread! I'm glad I'm not the only one missing being pregnant, I loved every minute of it. xx
Hi, just got round to giving an update I had my little boy weighing in at 8lb4oz by emergency c section on 31/12/15. Labour started off well and loved the relaxed atmosphere at the mlu and being in the birthing pool. However my BP went high and baby was too far back so had to be transferred and then the whole labour turned to hell. Just so thankful that Joe and I are here safely. Have had issues with breastfeeding and getting him to latch trying to express as much as I an and recently he has started to latch occasionally so still hoping.
Congratulations to everyone else who has had their little ones x
Congratulations sc71 and well done. Breastfeeding isn't easy, I lost a lot of blood during the birth, consequently my milk was late coming in and I have very low reserves. Combination feeding is the best I can hope for, babies benefit from the tiniest drop though! xx

I had my baby on New Year's Day, a little boy to add to my gorgeous brood.

Very quick labour, recorded as 1hr 36, baby doing really great sleeping and feeding well long may it continue!!

A Dec thread sounds great - again I am not on here much but would definitely contribute if someone sets it up? Could we combine with January mummies perhaps - make it a bigger group?

Congrats to all, do we have a full set of babies now?

Much love G X
Congrats ladies 1hr 36min labour sounds like bliss compared to my 24hr ordeal! Maybe next time eh?

I've been combined feeding but think my milk is starting to dry up as Jack just never seems satisfied after a booby feed. I feel a bit conflicted about it all but I'm just happy if my baby is fed, content & gaining weight.

I'm up for a Dec thread to if someone wants to start it xx
When I get a bit of time I will set a up a thread, will ask Jan mums if they want to join in.
Glow - We had our babies on the same day :) congrats xx
Hi ladies hope everyone ok!

Had a bit of time at 2am!! So thought is start dec 15 mummies thread in Baby and toddler forum. Anyone fancy joining me head over there and say hi. I'll post in jan mummies and see if anyone wants to join us from there to make a bigger group.

Congratulations to everyone hope your all adjusting to new babies well

Melissa x x x
Hi Melissa, I already asked Jan mummies if they want to join us in a dec/jan mummies thread - they said yes :) I said I would set it up, but I am sooo busy with little girl - she cries so much(colic) and struggling with breastfeeding so not getting hardly any free time to get on my laptop, so if you have time you can set it up :) xxx

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