***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

Any more Dec babies yet? I keep checking in!

I have been readmitted to hospital with an Infection in my wound. Just feeling like another knock back. I'm on iv drip now as oral antibiotics didn't work. Feel so low, I can't even hold my baby x

thats rough hun, hope you feel better soon!
Exciting Newbie! Any update

What about you Lisa any news?

Just had two days of period pain here !! X
Hi glow, nope still pregnant! Baby very active this morning though, could be a sign? Also increased discharge and stuffy nose.
What is your due date? I had 2 days of period pain last week for around 2 hours in the morning, then it just went :( x
30th X I have had two days of it! Had it on and off for about 2 weeks.

Very best of luck for all of us having 2015 babies!

I wasn't bothered before cos of Christmas Day but any time now would be lovely.

I am exhausted can just about walk to the shop without needing to lay down!!!! Xx
Come on December babies!

Home from hospital now, feeling a bit better after the antibiotic drip & new antibiotics I was given to come home with. Not back to normal yet, but hopefully on my way there. I just need healthy thoughts now.
I'm still here too :( had period like pains and odd twinges for last two wks been more on and off last two days, feeling a lot of pressure now too. Due date tomorrow but doubt he or she will be here. Have midwife appointment and potential sweep tomorrow too ( not looking forward to it) but as I'm on deadlines to be able to go to the mlu will just have to put up with it and hope it works.
I am 2 days over now, having sweep tomorrow also, hope it starts it off as would like the option of a pool birth and don't really want to be induced.
I am scared about sweep, have you had one before sc71? I haven't x
As its not my first I am not getting one for another week or so :(
im still here ladies lol its getting really annoying now everyone asking if anything is happening
munchkin been super active today
cant believe its 2 days off due date
why are you guys having a sweep? and what do you mean re deadline for mlu and pool birth? im hoping for pool birth too so would going over affect this?
just want everything to happen in its own time- after all i keep telling myself the date is just a rough estimate
i wonder how many of us will tip over to 2016? i bought a baby grow saying born in 2015 lol but got until 3rd jan to return it so if baby not here by then will return
Oh I know the constant texts asking if ''any signs, any news?'' etc, like you wouldn't tell people if baby had arrived!
Sweep was just offered by midwife, you don't have to have them, but I want to at least try.
If you are induced you wouldn't be able to go to a midwife led unit or go in pool due to drugs I guess? I am not 100%sure, will ask midwife tomorrow.
Aw bless, I made sure I didn't buy anything with 2015 on, just in case!
Fingers crossed these little babas get a move on. xx
Hope your all ok
Can't believe it's our due date today glow!
Though baby has other ideas methinks
Yup! Happy due date :-)

All good here, I would like it to end naturally too. We will see but pretty sure mines not coming in 2015 now... !
I am still here too ladies, grrrr!!! 4 days over now xx
Fingers crossed for you all to have some December babies - there's still time!

I can't believe my wee man is two weeks old already, things are flying by.
I can't believe I was a December mummy and have a 7 week old already. Time has flown by. Keep checking in on you ladies left :-) xx
So do I becky, I want to see more babies making an appearance.

How are those of us who have had our babies settling into motherhood? I am slowly getting back on my feet. I'm lucky my husband has 6 weeks paternity. God knows what I will do when he goes back to work x
so I guess my baby is going to be a january 2016 baby after all! happy new year everyone! have had some period like back pain and browny discharge. so maybe things starting?
had midwife appt today and they offered me a sweep but i declined want to just go with the flow
cant believe its 2016! its going to be an eventful year- having a baby, my sister having her first too, turning 30 and 2 of my best friends getting married to name a few!
Baby girl Layla arrived 1-1-16 at 2:39pm weighing 8 lbs 9. Waters went at 5:30am new years eve, but contractions didnt get regular until 24 hours later, by the time i was examined on new years day at 7am i was 8cms!! Had a pretty traumatic birth, failed ventouse, ended in forcep delivery with episotomy and graze all with just gas and air!! Lost quite a bit of blood but am all ok now and loving my little lady so much. Xx

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