***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

Baby girl Layla arrived 1-1-16 at 2:39pm weighing 8 lbs 9. Waters went at 5:30am new years eve, but contractions didnt get regular until 24 hours later, by the time i was examined on new years day at 7am i was 8cms!! Had a pretty traumatic birth, failed ventouse, ended in forcep delivery with episotomy and graze all with just gas and air!! Lost quite a bit of blood but am all ok now and loving my little lady so much. Xx

oh wow huge congratulations ! new years day present:) lovely weight and what a lovely name . youve done really well! you shoulde be proud of yourself!
Congratulations Lisa, well done. Lovely news. Enjoy newborn cuddles xxx
Seriously need the front page updating with everyone's details - does it have to be he person that created the thread? (Sorry I use tapatalk so bit clueless!) X
I've had pelvic pain over night and woke up with period like backache
But have had some light period like blood on my liner this morning and a bit of tissue like when starting a period
Some tightenings too
Could this be it? Does that sound like the show?
That sounds like it excitednewbie. My waters breaking was my first sign but I experienced those things. Fingers crossed! xx
Congrats lisa. Excitednewbie hopefully this is it for you! Good luck x
yep been having contractions about 15 minutes apart for last couple of hours:) trying out the tens machine but not quite go the hang of it lol
so hopefully well have a baby by tomorrow
yep been having contractions about 15 minutes apart for last couple of hours:) trying out the tens machine but not quite go the hang of it lol
so hopefully well have a baby by tomorrow

Got everything crossed for you x
Congratulations Lisa. Hope your recovering well. Beautiful name x

Hope things going well Excitednewbie. Hope baby makes an appearance soon!

X x
Any more babies yet? Hope every one is well. I am shattered, not too sure how I am getting by on no sleep! :( Finding breastfeeding really tough too. xx
My baby is here:) a little girl
Arrived at 10.53 yesterday morning weighing 7lb 4oz
She's absolutely beautiful but slept all day so and wouldnt settle all night!
I've not slept muchsince sat evening so now really exhausted
Laboured at home from 12 on Sunday until 9 on Monday
Waters broke at 6.45 contractions were about 6 minutes apart and lasting 1 minute
Rang MAU they were like oh we don't need to see you for a while
But pain intensified and contractions started coming every 3 mins
Went in around 9/930and they examined me- I was 7 cm!! All just with a tens machine!!
Got taken to pool and as soon as I was in pool started getting urge to push
My goodness ladies they don't lie about labour pain do they
Delivered her in pool with gas and air within a hour lol
Managed a lovely 2nd degree tear - stitches were almost as bad as the labour!!
She was ok but temperature was low for a while but my heart rate wouldn't come down didn't lose that much blood sit hey don't know why exactly
But had to satay on labour ward rest of day and in the end got given intravenous fluids in a drip
Got moved to ward late last night and been trying to settle the littlun for hours just managed to get a couple of hours now she's been sick everywhere :)
So doing good apart from sore nipples and she struggles to latch and terribly sore down below:)
But super happy
Fabulous news excitednewbie. Hope you are starting to recover and baby starting to settle for you.

Lisa... It's amazing how we survive on so little sleep! I used to be an 8hrs a night girl and felt awful without out, last night I got 4hrs and felt like I'd won the lottery! If your struggling won the breastfeesing please don't suffer in silence. Speaking from experienxe honey I perservered for too long and ended up in a terrible state physically and emotionally.... Talk to health visitor and breastfeeding advice and if you really are struggling there is nothing at all wrong or anything to be guilty about is you switch to formula. Again I know how hard and emotionally draining such a decision can be ! But remember a healty mum needs to be your priority and if your in pain and suffering the impact that can have can be awful. Good luck with it. X x x x
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Thanks ladies
Breastfeeding is much harder in practice than theory lol
My little one keeps latching just on the nipple which is super painful
But midwives at hospital have been really helpful so we're getting there! But positioning is such a huge part and that's what we don't seem to be getting just right yet
Congratulations to everyone who has given birth :D it's been exciting reading all about the new babies :D

Is there anyone left still waiting or are we all getting cuddles with our little ones now?
Congratulations excitednewbie! Sounds like you did amazingly well. Boobie feeding is incredibly hard, it does get easier as you and baby learn what you are doing. Might be worth getting LO checked for tongue tie as that can effect latch. Glad you are getting support and hopefully some rest too xxx
Thanks ladies:) hopefully going home today
It's really helpful knowing everyone is going through same thing:)

I think we are still waiting to hear from glow and sc17 hope you ladies are ok:)

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