My baby is here

a little girl
Arrived at 10.53 yesterday morning weighing 7lb 4oz
She's absolutely beautiful but slept all day so and wouldnt settle all night!
I've not slept muchsince sat evening so now really exhausted
Laboured at home from 12 on Sunday until 9 on Monday
Waters broke at 6.45 contractions were about 6 minutes apart and lasting 1 minute
Rang MAU they were like oh we don't need to see you for a while
But pain intensified and contractions started coming every 3 mins
Went in around 9/930and they examined me- I was 7 cm!! All just with a tens machine!!
Got taken to pool and as soon as I was in pool started getting urge to push
My goodness ladies they don't lie about labour pain do they
Delivered her in pool with gas and air within a hour lol
Managed a lovely 2nd degree tear - stitches were almost as bad as the labour!!
She was ok but temperature was low for a while but my heart rate wouldn't come down didn't lose that much blood sit hey don't know why exactly
But had to satay on labour ward rest of day and in the end got given intravenous fluids in a drip
Got moved to ward late last night and been trying to settle the littlun for hours just managed to get a couple of hours now she's been sick everywhere
So doing good apart from sore nipples and she struggles to latch and terribly sore down below
But super happy