Hey don't worry about the lube thing! Think about how many ladies get pregnant on when using it, It'll be mostly all gone by the time you're ready anyway,
It sounds to me like you're getting somewhere with the doctors, which is really good! Th
Speaking of which i had a phone call from the nhs referral line today, telling me they were fuming with my doctor
Turns out she only referred me to another doctor not a specialist, when I said it was because of my weight they went off on one! They said Im only 2 stone over weight and the doctor was being reckless...
With the irregular bleeding ive been having I should have been sent straight to the fertility clinic at the main hospital, So Ive got to wait until april, ( cornwall is pretty low on doctors ) But i'm getting a proper app with a proper doctor. Plus Im going on holiday in march so I think i'll just chill out and enjoy myself until then

Heres my chart today, I'm ill as hell! But I just went to the doctors and I don't have a temp apparently so thats good, Although I kinda hope it drops back down for a day or too lol! I really could do without trying to be sexy haha! xx