Cycle 1 with Ovusense.

I haven't started yet...cd4 at the moment...normally af would have gone by now but still here...hopefully see some change in your chart over the next few days x
So I'm going to have to use OH's iPad with this thing? Boo. He keeps telling me to get an iPhone... lol
Yeh treat yourself Salley. I went to the dark did of android and hated it so back on iPhone lol :)

Hope AF goes Lau so you can start using. My AF was a strange one this month xx
I considered getting the iPhone 7, but service providers in the US have leasing programs now, instead of just letting you buy the phone outright.. I'd have an additional $25/month to get an iPhone, even if I wanted to get the 6 or 6 plus. Sort of waiting that madness out, maybe find an unlocked one online somewhere or something.
How complicated and expensive is that for an iPhone *shock*

Stick to the tablet xx
My af was gone by the evening. That's night 1 done and I didn't even feel it! So easy to upload and much better than using a thermometer xx
Yeh Lau. I really like it :)

Mine seems to be steadily rising. I really hope I see ovulation. Going to read up abit more about temps tonight so I understand more lol. Xx
Yeh officially not doing my nights next week - whoop!! Xx
I hope so lol!! We are planning to try SMEP :)

How are you Salley? Xx
Still no AF, didn't test today though. Just trying to prepare for our get away to Aruba in 4 days, try not to think about it too much.
Ooo lovely. I hope you have a fantastic time :)

Are you going to try your Ovusense? Xx
I haven't fully opened my OvuSense because AF still hasn't arrived, once the witch gets here I'll open it up and get it going for cycle 7. If the witch doesn't show and I (by some miracle) get a BFP then I want to keep the OvuSense in the plastic wrapping so I can just sell it on Ebay or something. Give another lady ttc the deal I got for it. Well.. minus the 30 day free trial since that started the day it was ordered.
AF finally arrived! Yay! Now about going on vacation... do you think the OvuSense is designed to go through an Xray machine? And do I really want to explain that if it throws a flag for them... lol Might just take my BT and start OvuSense when I get home..
I am glad you finally have something although I am sorry it's not a BFP. I would wait til you come back off your holiday Salley before starting Ovusense. Don't worry about thermometer either as you can input the temps so just relax, get AF gone and enjoy your holiday and OH xx
How right you are Charlotte. It's OH's birthday on the 19th. I'm sure we'll have a great getaway. Looking forward to fun and sun it's started getting chilly in Georgia. Hope you're getting on well with your gadget and it doesn't fall out again. :) November 20th I'll start using mine, I'll be CD9 by then.
Aww that will be lovely Salley! I really hope you have a wonderful time :) would love to see pics when your back.

No BD last night so it stayed in well lol! Xx
I'll likely change my profile picture when we get back. :) Our goal is to take lots of pictures for scrap booking. When we went to St. Thomas we were having so much fun with another couple we met we totally forgot to take pictures! Got maybe 10? lol My profile picture now is from St. Thomas though. So we got a few goodies even though they were only a few.

I bought an iPhone 6 Plus off Ebay last night! Well, technically this morning, it was an auction and I won! I'm not going to say what I'm spending though. lol Still cheaper than the madness they're expecting with the extra $25/mo. I'll get it set up after vacation. :) OH kept asking me why I all-of-a-sudden wanted an iPhone now. To set up my OvuSense, duh! lol

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