crying at everything!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2008
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This weekend, i cried when i accidentally crushed OH in bed by rolling over too vigorously!!! i cried when i dropped a cup of coffee and it splattered everywhere, i cried when i had too much washing up to do, i cried when i stubbed my toe on the chair leg..... i could go on, OH is very patient and provides the required cuddles but crikey, i am way too emotional about everything!

I wonder if this is some kind of evolutionary adaptation for future baby? i'm driving myself bonkers!!! :rotfl:

oh, and i cried when i lost at a board game too hahahahahaha. i'm pregnant and therefore should win!!
LOL.. sorry i shouldnt laugh but our hormones do go a bit mental! Im not too bad now but was a nightmare at the start of the pregnancy. Glad your OH is understanding!!

Claire x
Last week when watching you've been framed, i started laughing really hard at a clip and then the next thing i had burst into tears and had to leave the room!!!! :roll:
I cried at GMTV this morning when some woman met Donny Osmond!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

I was bad at the start of my pregnancy and I'm bad again now but the middle bit was ok.... I just make the most of being able to have loads of cuddles :rotfl: :rotfl:
its aweful isnt it, not only do i cry at everything but even the simple tasks like making a phone call really get me stressed :?
Hormones running wild, galloping in fact :rotfl:

The joys of pregnancy, I used to cry over the silliest thing to.

Have agood day ladies :hug:
Im always crying! I fecking hate it! So then I get mad! :evil:
oh MAN! where do i start.. iv been crying at everything OH instantly knew i had been this morning and gave me a huge cuddle that i really needed :roll:

Hope you feel a little better soon sweety :hug: :hug:
i cry at posts on here as well as everything else lol and they might not even be sad posts lol

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