Cravings & old wives tales....What's everyones cravings?

yeah i'm smashing thanks.......this is my first month where i could be in with a shot...managed to bd around okish days i we shall see. xx
have incredibly sensitive nipples and never had those before....but it could just be cos all my adult life i have been on the pill. so this could be normal!! lol xx
well...we shall see.....what dates your scan petal? u going west cumb for it or carlisle? xx
Dont really have any craving as such atm but with my DD 17 years ago and with this pregnancy I have at some point had a spell of eating lots of pickled onions, beetroot, gerkins, salad cream and anything who I having another girl?? Time will tell lol!! xx
was orange juice but now its deffo big macs, could eat one every day if icould!
Lol. Im wondering what im gonna crave when im further on :) xxx

Hello petal....can u remember how many days past ov you were when you started to get the faint lines on the hpt cheapies? or the lines on the opks? xx

About 8-9 dpo 9 dpo i think. but very faint i thought i was imagining it. You getting lines hun? xxx

nope.......but I ov'd on thursday and i have a works do on that would be 8dpo.........i don't wanna drink if there is a chance i may be pregnant...but it's a night out in manchester so will not be great sober! lol.....I might do a test 1st thing friday and just see........if no line i will drink, but just not a u keeping well? x

i did that on the sat it came up negative but on the monday bfp so be careful!
well...we shall see.....what dates your scan petal? u going west cumb for it or carlisle? xx

Its on the 1st :) not long now and im going whitehaven. A bit less nervous now i keep listening to the heartbeat :) Hope everything works out for you hun keep me updated. Have you got facebook by any chance? xxx
I'm craving strawberries, anything sour & salt.
Like maccie Ds chips with loads of salt on, sherbet lemons etc.
The old wives tale goes that if you crave sweet it's a girl, salty or sour it's a boy.
I've had a feeling I'm having a boy from day 1...what abt everyone else? xxx

I wanted mcdonalds chips and the beginning. Now it's gherkins, lemon sherbert, lemons, green apples... Anything sour.

I am supposidly having a girl. Tbh I think you crave want you need... Just your body telling you what your lacking!
pineapples ! lool like two whole fresh pineapples to myself every day lol got a gut feeling its a girl really
Strange how a lot of us crave salt/ orange & citrus. Tbh I don't place much faith in old wives tales or according to this we'd all be having boys! X
Hi!! This is my first post :) I'm craving branston pickle, and any citrussy foods.... a lemon drizzle cake sounds amazing... when usually i don't have a sweet tooth at all.... must be a boy?? xx
I craved oranges and pure orange juice early on too - read somewhere that's it's your body letting you know you need more vitamin's worn off now I'm in tri 2. Basically I seem to want all the stuff I used to want when I had PMT - lots of bread, cheese and comfort food!
I had a fixation with orange juice too! At the start I was drinking 2litres of fresh squeezed juice a day. My cow of a midwife said it'd make me fat as it's full of sugar so I shouldn't have that, or milk which I also craved !!! x
Still early days 4 me and had my first craving yesterday...Bacon, could get enough bacon sarnies! with my son all i wanted was veggie lasagna, ate it everyday! x
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