Craving non-food items..


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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This is probably going to make me sound quite mad, but i'm badly craving soap! Palmolive soap specifically! Every time I use it I just have to keep sniffing it and the urge to bite into it is huge. The only think that stops me is knowing that it won't taste like it smells!

I was in the bath a couple of nights ago, covering myself with the stuff and sniffing the water when I felt an almost overwhelming urge to drink the bath water - through a flannel!!! Where did that come from??!!!!

Has anyone else had anything like this??!
I LOVE the smell of my nivea shower wash. its smells so fresh and clean. I foam it up and sniff my puff like mad. Not had any urge to stick it in my mouth though!

i just like the fresh smell
It's actually quite common but you should mention it to your midwife as they say it's because of something else you might do this
I'm the same I have an insane urge to chew wet sponge and the smell of my dove pomegranate shower gel is divine I want to eat it!

I tried to google it to see if it meant I was lacking some vitamins or something but couldn't find anything!
Don't do iiiitttt!! :shock:


Don't worry, I haven't!! Luckily my logical side has taken over and reminded me it won't taste as good as it smells!!!

I spoke to my midwife last week. She said my iron levels were ok so it's not that, and not to worry too much! She said she wanted to drink petrol when she was pregnant!!! That doesn't make my soap craving seem quite so bad!!!!
i had cravings for ice cubes, could eat loads of them. its called pica and quite common.
Snow... i was so upset when eveyone glot snow apart from us last month :(

I seriously would of eaten it too...

(jumps back to tri 2) :D
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Pica is the term used to describe the intense craving for and eating of non-food items, such as soil, clay, laundry starch, ice, ashes, plaster, paint chips, and coffee grounds. No one knows what causes these unusual cravings, but a combination of biochemical, psychological, and cultural factors may be at work.If you're having any strong cravings for non-food items, be sure to talk to your physician or midwife.And just talking with your practitioner about these feelings may help you deal with them in a healthy way.
Ick this makes me feel a bit sick! Got a bit of a phobia of anything non foody going iny mouth! It's funny how pregnancy affects people differently! I have to say though, I'm mildly disappointed that I haven't had any proper cravings through my pregnsncy! xx

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