

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Hi guys, I've noticed the past few weeks that I've been gettin real bad cramps in my belly. I've not had any bleeding at all and it's my first pregnancy. It happens mostly at night and sometimes it's when I wake up needing a wee. I know cramping is normal, but as I never really had it with my periods I don't know what's ok and what's too bad. Anyone else similar??
Oh ja, had loads of mild cramps on and off through the day and night, especially between 4 and 7 weeks but have gradually got less and less, though am still getting some now. Especially getting them with a full bladder, or full bowels (lol, sorry if that has put you off your brekkie).
For the past few days I have had a slight cramping on my left side normally before bed or when i wake up.... its more of a niggling than constant cramp but from what i understand its normal (or at least hope it is) - think a lot of it could be related to being a bit constipated at the moment so hopefully it will resolve soon!
Hope you feel better soon tash
I'm 6+5 and have had cramps on and off since I got my BFP. Doc told me it's very normal, unless it's accompanied by bright red spotting, or is unbearably painful. I think constipation has a lot to answer for, tbh... :oooo:
Are you constipated?

I get cramps all the time, but I've been badly constipated the whole way!

Sometimes I feel like I'm having contractions! :rotfl:
I had terrible cramps in tri 1 up until about week 9. Was assured its all normal.

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I'm having bad cramping too hon - I know what you mean, as I don't know what's normal either. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow to get it checked out... Hope yours stops soon, but if it doesn't maybe you should get it checked out too xx
I had really bad implantation cramps week 4. Has improved loads but still get niggles particularly when needing a wee. Not constipated (totally the opposite) so can't be that. Have scan booked for Wednesday so trying not worry about it. I think it's pretty normal.

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