Period-like cramps.

Sometimes, if I have a headache, I tie a tie around me head, and it really helps lol. I look like a mad woman, but the pressure from the tie on your temples eases the headache, and after an hour or so of looking like rambo, u take it off and ur fine :)
Just a wee tip for those of you who don't wana take headache tablets :) lol.

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Brilliant tip!! I've been getting headaches every couple of days, this is a great idea thank you!

I don't care what I look like so it's fine :p
I don't care what I look like either lol. Every few days I'd come in to the living room with a tie on my head and hubby is just used to it now lol. I don't care as long as it does what its sposed to do lol.

But I'm petrified of taking any sort of tablet now so its a handy wee trick :)

Lol I can just imagine all us tri 1 girly's running around our houses with ties around our heads lmao!!

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I'm the same, I feel very bloated and like I'm due on any minute.
I'm also very nervous about being pregant again especially after losing my first one back in march so I've got a nervous fluttery feeling too

Glad we're all in the same boat with feelings though - puts my mind at rest :)
I've had really mild af type cramps too and was worrying today! Kept nipping to he loo expecting to see blood!
I'm scared to do a number 2 in case the bean falls out lol!!! Stupid I know!!
Lol Tanya I feel the same. Even today I was on the loo and sneezed and trumped at the same time, and had to check myself to make sure all was still normal lol.

Glad I'm not the only insane person lol x

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I'm the same! When i first got my bfp i said to oh i didnt want to run or jump about incase bean falls out! It has taken me a while to pluck up the courage to dtd too since i found out bout bean but it was fine- very nice infact ;-)


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