Countdown to 20 week scan

Congrats on ur little girl! Love the name imi!

Well im up again next got my growth scan on the 19th april! Lets hope she is growing just fine and not taking after my daughter!

Ill let you all kno how i get on

Hey Everyone,

Had 20 week scan yesterday like Imi.. and like Imi I too am having a GIRL!!! :dance: :dance:

I am so relieved all is well ... all fingers and toes present and correct.. maybe now I will start to relax a bit and enjoy being pregnant..

Oh yeah and I felt "her" kick yesterday too [very gentle and cute!].. was a great day all in all!!

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the non-replies.....we have just got back from 3 weeks away and of course with lovely tans (except bubs - kept tummy covered). Well, I'm sooooo excited - I'm in 3rd tri-mester as of today - jesus, that has flown!

Braxton Hicks have started again - must be something about England. I'm urinating alot more during the night now and - has anyone else had this yet - my boobs have leaked colostrum twice. Always in the middle of the night and I wake up with crusty tops around where my boobs have been.....doesn't smell or anything, just really strange.

I must update the main page of this subject and possibly start a new thread as this one is becoming too big.

Glad you're all well.....back to work tomorrow errgghhhh!

Love Sass

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