Countdown to 20 week scan

Hi ladies,

Been a while for me not being on here.

We moved house about 2 weeks ago and then the broadband at home took FOREVER to be connected (nearly two weeks!) and work had been hectic so couldn't really post anything whilst at work.

We're also off on a 3 week holiday - a week this Saturday......bliss! Final holiday before all the action commences. Flying off to Miami and commencing a cruise there, through the Caribbean, across the Atlantic, then up through Portugal, Spain & finally Italy. Fly home from Milan.

So busy few weeks ahead. I'm well. I've noticed my legs aren't as slender as they used to be now. Also getting quite breathless when I walk up stairs etc. Got 25 wk midwife appointment next Tuesday (a week early due to holiday) so need her to check me legs and also write a note saying I'm a-ok to travel - fingers crossed. I'm a low risk pregnancy so I'm sure everything will be fine.

So Helen & Keely - your big days are tomorrow! God, it feels like ages since we had a scan. BTW Kels, congrats on your little princess.

Also, I'm going to give re-usables a go. Bought a new born pack from Mio Bambino - washed them all last night to fluff em up. We'll see how it goes but got ONE pack of disposables just in case. If women in the 70s did it, well geez, I'm sure we can - why are we all so busy in the millenium.

Gotta run.......let us know how you're all getting on......oh yeah, Tan great idea. We've been hopeless haven't we - lets get those bump pictures happening girls! I'm gonna do one this weekend.

Love Sass
Hi sasswa

Was wondering if you as ok? Glad you are!

My sister used disposable nappies for my nephew! She got on great with thme, they looked really nice when they where all drying on line washing line in the summer!!!

I have been getting the breathless feeling too, also been getting cramp when i walk long distances or if i walk too fast! Had a bit of high blood pressure but after rest and a few days off work that has gone down now! All this and still 18 weeks to go lol

Anyway have a great hol look forward to hearing all about it!

Hi all , really nervous and excited for tommorrow (4 pm) so will let you all know later.
I'm going to use re usable nappies this time round, and like you I'll use disposable in the hospital and for the first 2 weeks cant stand the thought of having to wash all that greeny sloppy poo!!!!
I bottle fed Molly, but I have really been considering trying on the breast.
So do I still need to buy a sterilizer and bottles too ??? So many bloody things to do and remember I feel like this is my first child all over again !
Forgot to ask does anyone know what I can eat or drink to make the little one really active so they cooperate during the scan ? It'll be just my luck if he/she just lies there doing nothing and not moving! Thanks ladies x
Oh and have any of your other halfs felt the baby yet? I tried to get my daughter to sit with me feel the baby but her patience ran out after 2 mins!!
I havent got any advice on the movenment thing really! My little angel was quiet all mornig then decided to be a monster when they started the scan an she curled up but we got to go back again yest so the could have another go so it wasnt all bad lol!
Oh felt our little one move last week for the 1st time! I find that if she is ayed quite high up it is easier for him to feel but if the movements are low down he has no chance! Not sure if anyone else has noticed this? Its also catching her when she is moving, you can always garentee when oh puts his hand there she stops moving lol

Good luck for tomoro cant wait to hear all about it

halfs felt the baby yet? I tried to get my daughter to sit with me feel the baby but her patience ran out after 2 mins!!

My OH has felt him move a few times but everytime he comes over the little one stops!!... also him, my mum and my sister all run out of patience very quickly.....

Good luck for tomorrow, mines at 2, I am sooo excited but sad that it might be my last scan! :(

Hi everyone

I am unfortunately being very bad and i'm going to use disposables. I just feel that I don't cope enough now with the washing etc and I am just constantly on the go. I just don't think i'll be able to do the washing of nappies, look after my 3y old, do my studying look after the baby, do my house up and go back to work after the six months! Would ,ove to give up the work option but that ain't gonna happen! :lol:

Anyway, other than that, glad to hear you're ok Sasswa. I've just got a buyer for my house this weekend so just started things going. Think we're looking at about 10 weeks time to complete so it's going to be a nightmare if i'm getting a bit on the fat side and with the breathlessness etc! But, I am really excited cause we fell in love with the house we are buying as soon as we both saw it so I can't wait!

I also booked a holiday last week. Bit last minute as going in 4 weeks but just decided we'd fit one in with Sammy before the baby comes. We're going to Cyprus for a week so am looking forward to that too.

Other than that, all is good round here. Weighed myself this morning and have only put on 5kg (about 11lbs I think!) so am hoping it stays down this time and I don't put on the 3 1/2 stone that I put on with Sammy!

Oh, the other thing, my little angel has been kicking the crap out of me lately! DH felt it at about 17 weeks but it was laying really low. Everytime it has a good kick now, he'll put his hand there and it will stop straight away - typical!

Anyway, hope you get on well with your scans tomorrow Helen and Keely. I've got mine on Friday and I can't wait! Let us know how you get on asap.

Speak soon and will sort some pics and a posting for them asap!

Tan x
Hi guys.

Firstly, good luck girls today and Tan for tomorrow. I know how you feel with it being (possibly) the last scan......but exciting, as the next time will be when we see him.

Bit the bullet last night and hired a cleaner.....I'm over trying to be miss domesticated. Too tired and I can't do as much as I used to - now with a two storey house as well, killer!

Got snappy at OH last night - god men do my head in sometimes. Just the usual, taking liberties and not realising what his priorities should be.

Same thing with the kicking - babes kicks pretty low so there's no hope as yet for OH to have a feel. Baby did a massive kick last night and when OH had a go, well typically, baby stopped.

Well chicks, gotta run. It's 11am and I still haven't started any work?!

Well ladies it's a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So pleased, eveything in the right place. And he was very cooperative, thank god but now I'm sad it was the last scan, seems so long to wait now.
Thank girls. x
HI, No , no names yet really I like the old names like Jack, Charlie, Alfie but nothing I really like. I had loads of girl names though !!
My little girl likes Zac but that hasn't grown on me yet, maybe I'll just wait and see what he looks like and pick a name that suits. How about you ?
Our little girl is gong to be called Olivia-Grace its the only name me and oh agreed on lol! But we love it
Yeah congrats Helen, another boy in the forum club!!

My scan went great, he is still a boy!! haha, saw his bits to prove it!! (he really is NOT shy) haha

Everything is fine and working, he was being a bit lazy in the scan and wouldnt open his fist for ages (MW have to check he can stretch his fingers) but after many pokes and wiggles he gave us a little flash of his hands and then closed them again!! hehe

Funny thing is, we all take the mick out of my OH and say he has a bit head and the MW said the babys head is still a little big than normal!! haha and his waist measurements are slightly bit, so he has a big head and belly like his dad!!! haha.

Good luck for today Tan. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Am going in about 5 minutes and so so so nervous!!! Don't know why. Sure I wasn't before, but maybe i've just forgotten!!!

Tan x
Glad you scan went well Keely! Looks like the girls are going to be over run by boys lol!

Good luck for you scan Tan cant wait to hear about it

My scan pics from yesterday.... he looks like a monkey haha haha xxxx


cool scan pics, dont you think it is depressing it is our last scan!!

I REALLY want to save some money and get some 3d scanning done!! xxx

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