question about 20-week scan


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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its our 20-week scan tomorrow (excited- and will find out the sex!)

going off my last AF i would be 20+3wks by now, but at the last scan they put me back 10 days. i was at my sisters yesterday and she felt all my belly like the midwives do, and was convinced that i'm ahead of my dates, not behind.

my question is, has anyone's date been moved at the 12-week scan, but been moved again or put back at the 20-week one? i guess i'll find out 2mro, but i'd still like to hear whether that ever happens.
hey hun my dates where moved at my 12 week scan, I had a scan at 8 weeks which made me due on 6th May.
Then my 12 week scan said I was 13 weeks and 4 days which made me due end of April. However they havent changed my dates on the paperwork and when I asked what my real date is they claim to go by the first scan even though it might not be accurate.

Best thing to do is ask tomorrow or call your midwife and voice your concerns like I did.

Good Luck for tomorrow xx :hug: xx
good luck with the scan tomorrow

They do say the dates of the 12 week are the most accurate but if you find your baby is on the big side for the age worth mentioning

have you got any inclings for the sex?
cloud9 said:
have you got any inclings for the sex?

i have a feeling it might be a boy. my boyfriend and my dad both want boys (my dad has 3 daughters & 3 granddaughters and my boyf's brothers wife is pg with twin girls!) so it would make them happy; but we're more prepared for a girl as we've agreed on a name and my sister has lots of cute girls clothes her 3 hav grown out of. i'll be happy either way, just hope all is ok with it. excited to find out tho and will post 2mro!

Good luck with the scan tom cant wait to see pics
Good luck for your scan tomorrow hun, i had a scan at 14 weeks my only one so far and i was put back 3 days x :D
good luck! my dates were exactly the same all the way thru
good luck for your scan 2moro hun they shouldnt move your dates as they say the scan at 12 weeks is the most accurate for dating my baby is growing so big now that at 24 weeks if they went by the size of baby they would have put me at 30 weeks :shock: xxxxxxx
I hope your scan goes well tomorrow and I think they feel that the dates from the 12 week scan are most accurate.

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