Countdown to 20 week scan

They've changed everything around in the forum - we are now in the Summer Baby Club special area for July mummies.

How you feeling Kels? Big scan tomorrow......excited?

Can't wait to hear what the news is and looking forward to any piccies you may have.

Hope everyone else is a-ok. I haven't been on here for a while as we moved house last weekend (not recommended for pregnant women!) and our PC at home is still not re-connected to broadband so I'm having to use the work internet which is sporadic.

Enjoying the snow today everyone?

Yea im really looking forward to my scan tomoro! We are taking our daughter too so cnt wait to see her face when she see's her little brother or sister!
Im still feeling sick in the mornings! I seem to go a couple of days where im not sick then a couple of days where i am! At least it isnt every morning now!

I have my scan at 11am tomoro then im at work at 2-6 so ill be on around 7ish to let you know how my scan went an with my piccies!

Hey girls,

Shame we haven't got the month grouping anymore :( . Thought it was a bit :? confusing trying to remember who was due in July and which ones were our postings. Oh well!

Anyway, sorry to hear you're still ill Kelly. Were you bad when you were pg with your daughter? Also good luck for your scan tomorrow. I still can't wait for mine although time is flying by now so not too long to go.

Tan x
Yea i thought it was a bit confusing too!

Yea i suffered with morning sickness with Brooke for the 1st 4 months or so, wasnt as bad as this time tho! It's has settled down a lot since the early stages of pregnancy so im kind of dealing with it now lol!

I'm really excited about my scan! And i think oh is coming round to finding out the sex so fingers crossed lol!

Good luck for the scan Kelsbels,Had trouble finding us July mums dont like change!! Swassa your baby looks so cute and the picture so clear,.
Thanks Helen.

Bless him - I think he's going to be a little cheeky monkey. Dad keeps coming home with bits for him so I guess he's going to be Daddy's little pride and joy.

Question: Do you think they keep the pattern that they have now with kicking, will match the times that are awake when born? For instance, he's always waking me at about 7.30am (come on mum, let's eat something!!), then around 11am, then again around 3.30-4pm, then sporadically through the evening, then around midnight-1am. What ya reckon?


**Good luck Kels!
Hi ... was wondering if i can join you??

Seen your scans and they look soooo fab!! ... Awww bet your all so excited now u know if it's a boy/girl!! i know i can't wait!!

Imogen - 30th March - Want to know the sex

I move house 8wks before im due so thought it would save hassel if nursery was already done ...(If we have time!!)
It's a nice thought Swassa if you have a sensible baby !! Mine seems to kick all night long!!! so I hope not!! Funnily though I dont feel anything while I'm at work ,probably because I'm not relaxed, and then as soon as I'm snuggled in bed it all happens. Any names lined up anyone?? Im at a lose at the moment I'llbe more focused when we know what we are having I suppose.
Hi Immi. No probs! Welcome.

Helen - we picked the names ages ago......looks like Jake. Middle name still debatable, wanted it to be my maiden name but hubby wants his first name.....mmmmm. I told him that I have to carry baby for 9 months and have to push him out, soooooo, I'm making the final decision. We'll see how it ends up.
We have a madeleine Ruby Grace for a girl .... or Jack/jake benjamin for a boy ... not quite sure on the boys name yet !!!

Bet i'll end up having a boy just because i can't find any names i like!! Typical lol!!!
Hi girls,

Hope you don't mind me joining you.

Good luck everyone for your scan''s so exciting, we just found out we are having a little girl......we are struggling to think of names at the mo, although we do like mia??

Amy xx
Hi everyone,

Had my scan today! We found out we are having a little girl! Thye said the was 99% sure as the picture was so clear! Everything was ok apart from baby she was being a little naughty! She was curled up in a ball so they couldnt get the measurements they needed! They sent me off for half hour hoping she would move a then went back but as soon as she realised the scan was on her she curled up again! I have to go back on the 7th March to get the rest of the measurements which we are really pleased about as we get to see her again!

Brooke thought it was great altough she thought she was ready to come out, she was fine as soon as we explained that she wasn't "cooked" enough yet lol! She is very impressed that she is going to have a sister! Bless her!

OH was so proud, it was very touching!

Anyway i will post a pic a soon as oh gets home from work as oh has taken it to show everyone!
Anyway we have decided to call her Olivia-Grace!

I'll let everyone know how the next scan goes!

Hi Kelly

Glad scan went well even though she was a little naughty! I'd be really happy if mine did that though so I could get another scan! And the name you've chosen is lovely - it's exactly the same as my niece's who was born the same time as my son!

Anyway, I have some good news for today too. My DH finally agreed to let me find out what the sex is although he doesn't want to know so it's going to be really hard keeping quiet! I'm not allowed to tell anyone else either so I don't know how i'm going to do it!

Also, I found a lovely pram/pushchair today that i've just bought from Ebay and my MIL has paid so it's even better - our choice and her paying!!!

Hope everyone else is getting on ok and welcome to the new ones!

Tan x
Hi kelly

love the name you've chosen for your new little girl.... and god news about a 3rd scan.... hope mine is as naughty... I go for my 2nd scan 2 weeks tuesday... we're not going to find out the sex. I'm in 2 minds about it... one day i'd like to know then not! DH doesn't want to know and neither do my parents! i don't think i could keep it to myself if i found out - (good luck Tan - let us know how you get on finding out the sex and how your managing to keep it to yourself)

Tnx hayley we love the name too! Oh chose it and it was about the only 1 that we agreed on lol!

Yea we have been quite lucky with this one really as we have a 3rd scan on the 7th then we have a growth scan on the 19 April at 28 wks as my daughter stopped growing! They didnt realise she had stopped growing untill 34 weeks so they are doing a growth scan this time to make sure she is ok!

Here is my 20 week scan picture! I will get another one when i go back next week!

Youre scan looks amazing ,even if she was a little monkey !! oh I'm getting sooo nervous now for mine , did anyone else feel like that ? oh and Olivia is such a beautiful name. Congratulations x
Hi Helenuk

Yea i felt a little nervous about it i must admit! Not sure really why tho! I did worry incase there was any problems i thik it was just me worrying over nothing really! I have worried a lot more with this pregnancy and again im not really sure why as i have had no reason too really lol! It was such a relief to see her wriggling about on the screen! I have felt her move a lot more since my 20 wk scan the moverments are getting a lot stronger now too which is reasuring!

Im sure evrything will go ok at your scan just like mine did! Look forward to hearing all about it!!

I'm so excited!!! I managed to pursuade DH to let me find out the sex but now he wants to know too so I won't have to try quite so hard to keep it quiet! But we are going to keep it to ourselves so will have to find out if i'm allowed to post it on here or not!!
I can't wait until Friday, it's going so slowly!!!

Hope you're all ok? We really should start posting our belly pics. We could put a July Mums photo posting on here specially? What do you think?

Tan xx
Thats great news Tan! Lets hope you can post on here so we can all know lol!

I went for my scan again today! She was behaving this time and they managed to get the measurements they needed an to cheak her heart, spine snd kidneys! Everything is all perfect! I also asked the sex again to double cheak and she is sticking with last week 99% girl!!! Was really hoping to get another pic but she wouldnt keep still and they couldnt get a clear enough 1!

Looking forward to the growth scan now next month, we could watch her all day on that screen! Just hope she is growing ok and that she doesnt have to be delivered early like my daughter did!

Look forward to hearing about your scan Tan!


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