Countdown to 20 week scan


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2005
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Hi girls,

Thought I'd start this one so we can keep an eye on who and when we are going for our 20 week (anamoly) scan AND whether we find out the sex. For one, it'll be interesting to see whether our dates are connected to having the same sex kiddies. I'll start off below:

Sasswa - 15 Feb - want to find out sex (will add when known)
I'm due for my next scan on the 9th of March ( 21 weeks) . I'm definatly going to find out the sex of the baby. Mainly because I think that Labour has enough suprises anyway so one less thing is good. Also I'm so impatient I want to start buying things and get organised.

Hi Guys

Starting to feel a little more normal now although still incredibly moody!!! Poor kids at work don't know what's hit them :lol: (that goes for DH too!)


TANYA - 10TH MARCH - DON'T WANT TO KNOW SEX (well maybe a little but don't think we're going to!)

I can't wait for this scan :D - it can't come quick enough! Also can't wait to finally feel little one moving. Am hoping it's soon cause it's my 2nd!!

Hope you're all coping ok!

Tan xx
My scan is on the 3rd of March, definitely don't want to know the sex!
My sacn is the 24th Feb - I want to know the sew but OH doesnt so unless he changes his mind we wont be finding out! If he doesn't even feel tempted at this one we have another scan in april (a growth scan) so he may be a little more tempted then :wink: !
Hi Guys!

How are you all?

SARAH - 14TH FEB (Teehee, date with my baby on Valentines Day!!) - REALLY WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX!!

I really can't wait. It'll probably be the first thing I say to the hospital - "Well... tell me Girl or Boy???" I want to start buying and planning for the little bubble.

S. xx
Hi Ladies,

Well here seems to be the rundown of who's going in when:

SarahH 14-Feb GIRL
Sasswa 15-Feb BOY
KelsBels 24-Feb GIRL
Bagpuss17 03-Mar N
HelenUK 09-Mar Y
Keely 09-Mar BOY
Tan 10-Mar N
Imogen 30-Mar Y

Good luck SarahH, first cab off the rank next Tuesday! Photos would be great too!

Aww Thanks!

It's so strange I'm actually kinda nervous!!

I've been called back to my midwife this week to get my bloods re-done as she labelled the tubes wrong!! Nothing is ever simple is it!! Especially when it's me, the person that doesn't mind pain - but needles eeeggghhh!! Nevermind what us girls have to do!! lol!

S. xx
Poor you Sarah having to have your bloods done again through no fault of your own.

I hate the thought of having a blood test but it's never as bad as what I think it will be. I still get really worked up when they put the needle in though - horrible!

Good luck tomorrow darl - bet you're excited. Don't forget to try and post a pic......can't wait to see!

Aww.. Thanks for the good luck messgae.

Excited isn't even the word!! I can't wait!! Both my husband and I have booked the whole day off work since we have the scan and it's Valentines day. We are hoping to go looking for buggies, etc after the scan. Ooooooooh! So exciting!!

S. x
Hey July ladies...... its soooo exciting isnt it

I found out my baby sex (BOY!!!!) on my dating scan as my scaning department is so busy I was 17wks 5 days when I had it done....

Still can not wait till next scan, I'm booked for the 9th March.

Good luck everyone with finding out the sex.

Keely xxxx
Hi Sarah and Sasswa,

Just wishing you both luck for your scans in the next couple of days. I'm really jealous and can't wait for mine!!! I I've had loads of kicking etc though so that makes me feel better :D and DH also felt it the other day so it must be a strong one!

Let us know how you both got on asap.

Tan xx
Yohoo! It's a boy!

All lovely - he was very wriggly and showed us all his bits and pieces.....cheeky monkey. OH is thrilled - god, imagine what he's going to come home with now!

OH has left the house with the scan pic's so I don't have them to post at the moment but will do when he's back. They were very clear.....all a bit weird now as got all my notes back and had a bit of a read before - they've put in a few leaflets on pain relief in labour, what if my waters break, breastfeeding, etc etc and then there's the labour & post-delivery sections - all there ready to be written on. Arrggghh! Geez time is flying. Can't believe it.

Anyhow - SarahH, how did you get on yesterday my dear? Keeley and I all ready for boys, don't tell us it's another one. KelsBels, you're next! Maybe we should be posting pics of our bumps soon......mmmm......maybe I'll start that one off on another thread.

Hope you're all well, I'm now off to go shopping on the net!

Love Sass
Hi all!

Sorry never got on yesterday with all the excitment! It's a little girl!! Sooooooooooooo excited!

I'll postt he pics when I get home!

S. xx
Sorry sasswa missed this post lol glad everything went well! And for you too sarah!
So thats 2 boys and a girl! I have just over a week to try and sweeten oh up into find out what we are having! He was begining to weaken, lets see what happens on the day! Hopefully it will go my way lol
Glad to hear there are lots of healthy babies !! Hope you are all happy with the results counting down the 3 weeks till we find out !! Good luck girls x
Hi guys,

Well here he is......apologies if this pic comes out too big or small. I've got a nick-name for him too - C3PO......check out those eyes, he looks like C3PO from Star Wars!


Congrats on your little boy news!!! Am still very jealous and can't wait for mine - three weeks tomorrow!! You have so many pics too, they're lovely. I hope I get a few.

Am feeling loads better lately and everyone has been telling me I look so well, can't seem to see it for myself though!! It's so nice not to feel like vomiting every five minutes etc!
Tan xx
Glad you feelig better tan! Im still throwing up every morning and some evenings im beginning to think its here till the end now


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