could someone help me rewrite this? please!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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i just wrote a long thread but my internet got cut :wall2:

so.. as ppl are starting to talk about birthplan i thought if i write mine i get one thing out of the way and one less stress.
The problem is im not good with words and i seem to complecate everything. so would someone be sooo nice and read trough and then rewrite it for me so it make sence and look good.
here we go

Demba will be with me at birth. I want a midwife to check on me alot to give me reasurence and also to give me advise on how to move or possition myself to help things along but also to help me cope with the pain.
I want gas and air but i dont want to be offered pethadine.

When Noa is born and if he is not in destress i want him to be whiped of a little bit (just the worst) and i want the midwife to give him to Demba. Demba will give Noa to me for skin to skin contact and he will then cut the cord (we want to wait to it have stopped pulsating).
He can then be checked over by the midwife.
(i need help with this bit, im gonna breastfeed but i dont know if you do it straight away or if you wait? cuz if you wait then i want the midwife to leave us alone with Noa for a little while but if you breastfeed straight away then i want help with this and then be left alone with Demba and noa)

and also.. can you ask the midwifes to take pictures for us? We are hoping to give birth at a birthcenter and its not very busy there normally so hopefully there will be someone there that can stand in as photographer :oooo: to capture them first moment of us holding him and cutting of the cord.. is that cheeky to ask?

gosh i hope it makes any sence
i hope someone is really nice to help me rewrite all this :wall2:
My birthing partner is called Demba

If needed i would like to have a midwife near by to give me reassurence and positioning in labour to help move things allong quicker

For pain relief I would like to use gas and air.

I would like to try and avoid using pethadine. Please do not give or offer me this unless I ask for it.

On the birth of my son if possible I would like him to be passed to Demba who will then pass him to me

We would like to wait untill the cord has stopped pulsating before the cord is cut and i would prefure if applicable for Demba to cut the cord

I am planning to breastfeed Noa and would like to be shown/guided on how to do this sussesfully - i would then like a small amount of allone time with Demba and Noa - I would prefurabully like to do this within the first hour after birth to premote a good breastfeeding relationship

Also if there is anyone avalible at the time We would greatly appriciate it if we could have pictures took of the cutting of the cord and first moments with Noa but i understand things get busy
your welcome :D and sorry for my appaling spelling lol!!
Evie's pretty much done it! x sounds like a good birth plan x
I can't wait to write my birth plan! I got so many ideas even though I expect it'll all go out the window once in labour lol!
Really good plan evelina :)
do you give it to the midwifes when you get there "this is my last wishes.. "
In my book it got a page about birthplan do i write it in there?
Awww that's lovely. It brings it all back to me, it's such an amazing time.

I especially like the idea of the MW giving reassurance as I always seemed to be asking "is he ok" what does that mean" etc....

I don't think it's cheeky at all to ask for pics to be taken.

Don't let them rush you into delivering the placenta if all is well. I got really stressed cos the mw's were shouting at me tp push it out when all I wanted to do was take 5 minutes to chill. (apparently it was the biggest placenta ever and I needed the entinox to push it out lool.

After the birth it is lovely to be left alone with your little family. My MW brought me toast and it was the most amazing toast I had ever had!!
oh yes i remember the toast the best food u will ever have after lol, birth plan sounds great just make sure to address the things you dont want and what happens if u need them, on my birth plan i didnt want an epidural or c section if possible and i nearly had an emergency c section so write a section about the things you dont want and what happens if u have to get them, good luck xxx

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