Could I be???


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2014
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Miscarriage 21st of May started ttc 1st June.. Light pink bleeding 20th June now feeling sicky and tired! Could it be? Or am I just imagining things? When should I test!
Hey hun,
When you say miscarriage 21st may, is that the day the baby came away? If so i would say 20th june was your period.

Do u have any ov tests? Xxx
Unless that light bleed u had was an ovulation bleed? If it was a pg test might work. Xxx
Hey! I have almost the same dates as you, mc started 17-May and first AF after was 22-June. My AF was a bit odd too, longer than normal and im still spotting a bit. Ive read other ladies have had really light bleeds their first AF after mc so I guess it depends.
Cant hurt doing a test to check though right? Good luck!
It's hard not to symptom spot when TTC and after a MC it's hard not to be obsessive about it. I think I would test just to put my mind at rest but I am a POAS addict, lol. The longer I waited the harder I'd take it if it turned out to be a BFN. How many weeks were you when you had your MC? I got pregnant straight after a loss but it was an early one.
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21st was the day it passed 17th the bleeding started! Took a wee cheap test there ..negative :(
Aw sorry to hear that it was BFN. Your symptoms are probably just from hormones getting back to normal plus the emotional stress of it all.hope it happens for you soon.
Cocosherbie I think our dates are very close! Maybe it was just my period! Are you ttc? Thanks for all the comments :) it's nice to share my thoughts and questions!
Yep, definately ttc again, I was actually hoping to catch it before the first AF...oh well.
The first time I got my BFP I wasnt really doing anything much besides using an app in my phone to calculate dates etc but this time I'm starting to use opk's this month as I want it to happen again asap. Ive read somewhere that the first few months after a mc can be highly fertile cycles, Im not sure how much truth is in that but Im really hoping its right!
Were in the same boat then! Are you calculating your ovulation dates online.. Or when do to think they would be after mc? I calculated them using my mc as period but not sure if that will give the right dates! I'm a bit obsessive atm and want to know what's happening and when to make sure we try at my most fertile times! Xx
I used an opk and got a positive ovulation on 9-June, so roughly 3 weeks after the first day of bleeding on the mc. AF arrived 2 weeks after that.
Im now back to using the date calculator app and doing opk's as of now ( Im on CD11 now) hoping to ovulate within the next few days.
Im getting a bit obsessive too! I had gotten so used to the idea of being pg I miss it!
Are you using opk's?
So had I it was such a good feeling! We will have pretty similar ovulation dates would u think I must get a kit!
Hi ladies

It occurred to me - I don't know how far along you were before the MC (and my heartfelt sorrow to hear about that), but after my MMC at 12 weeks, it took a super-long time for my periods to be anything like what they used to be. I used to have 5 days reasonably heavy period, after the MC it was just a couple of days long and very light - completely different from before.

I recall another lady on here saying that her periods after a MC had been light, too.

Good luck with everything xx
It probably is my period then :( have checked my ovulation dates and they are starting tomorrow so gonna buy some tests and see how it goes! Never wanted anything so much :( thank you all for comments! Xx
yay, oh thats good that you at least know where you're at now. Im on CD14 but havnt had a positive opk yet. Im stressing a little as I have to travel for work on Tuesday so Im praying I'll get the positive tomorrow
Apparently there's only 20% chances of getting pregnant in the first month but hopefully there's some truth in extra fertility after mc! I'm trying not to give my hopes up but I'm terrible at thinking every symptom means I'm pregnant! Hope you get a positive soon! It's so hard playing the waiting game especially after 12 weeks of pregnancy to go back to the start! Xx
Thank you! Goodluck to you with your pregnancy hope it all goes well xx

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