could I be prehnant???

I can't stop eatin even wen I'm full bout 20 mins later I'm eating again x
a frer is a first response early test and yes the digi will say pregnant and how many weeks it thinks u are by the level of hcg in ur pee or not pregnant xx
Thanks hun x is there a make of test u wud stand by more than others?? X
Sorry I haven't replied sooner!!

I am feeling dizzy, so miserable I can hardly smile atm, my boobs are sore, I'm very bloated but took a test this morning and it was a BFN!! Maybe it is just PMT but I have never suffered like this before with it. x
Awww hun sorry to hear that I also feel like I'm goin to come on my period can u still have period symptoms but still be pregnant?? And when are you due on?? Xx
Period symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are very similar.
If you are sure of your dates, definitely late, use a good branded test and are a bfn then I'd say (from painful experience) that you are just late x
Yeah you can have the symptoms and be pregnant as a lot of women mistake PMT for early pregnancy signs.

I had a mmc in February but it wasn't detcted until 9th March when I had a D&C. I then had my period about 3 weeks later and so I have worked out that I am due on roughly this week, it is just frustrating that I am getting the symptoms and nothing to show atm. I wish if my af was going to show it would do it soon x
Yeah it is annoying I do hope you are pregnant hun I feel like I got period pains amd I always get a spot when I'm due on and one's just come up lol xx
I have naturally greasy skin and tend to get really bad when I am due on (usually around my chin and forehead) but I have acne on my chin atm but no grease!! This happened last time I was pregnant too!!

I am so confused :-( x
Yeah I bet u r hun will you take another test in a couple of days?? This is a bit of a random question but I am so horny latley but I recently heard a lot of women get horney when due on??? I mean I've never wanted sex so much in my life xx
Yeah I will take another test if I don't get a sign of my af!!

I got extrememly horny when I was pregnant, apparently the hormones make the blood rush to there and so heightens sensitivity etc!!

I am just not understanding my feelings atm, I just feel like I want to be left alone to curl up and go to sleep :-( x
Aww babe that's not good at all but I do no how u feel do you have much to do with ur days?? I mean I no wen I dnt have much todo I get even more down (moody) etc my partner is with his mum this week and moneys alittle tight so I no its goin to b a long boring week witch really does not help xx
I am at work atm so always got something to do!!

I need to stop thinking about it me thinks or else I am going to end up in a loony bin soon :-( x
Wish I was at work I can't get my lil girl a place in nursery at the mo xx
Ah so you are at home with the little one atm then?

You don't know how much I envy you :-( x
Yep and trust me I love my lil princess but u dnt no how much I envy u lol xx
Lol, I suppose if I ever have any children then I will be wanting to get back to work asap :) x
Aww bless ya didn't realise u were tryin for ur first hun u must b more anxious than me xx
If I am PG then this will be my 4th in a row with nothing to show for it!!

Its so bloody depressing :-( x

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