Confused with pregnancy symptoms


New Member
Jul 26, 2011
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I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend (stupid I know, and from looking back at my dates I would have been ovulating at the time). I started feeling a bit off a week and a bit later, and started to think I was pregnant (feeling slightly sick and some other symptoms listed below). However I got my period much earlier than usual and it was pretty heavy but only lasted for about 2 days. Anyway its now over a week after my period and I'm still getting pregnancy symptoms (have been driving myself mad scouring forums for other peoples experiences)
-Loss of appetite, get full quicker and don't seem to get as hungry between meals a I normally do.
-Mild period like cramps in my lower abdomen
-Raised Spots on my areola (but I can't remember if they were there before or not) I also used to have a slight inverted left nipple and it seems now to be correcting itself
-My left breast is getting occasional twinges and feels a bit more tender
-Heavier than normal white sticky cervical discharge
-Mild headaches
-Increased tiredness

I've done 2 HPT and got a negative both times, and I have been to see my GP. Mainly as I was worried about my loss of appetite. She was adamant that I couldn't be pregnant and that it was just a stomach bug. However I have never had any vomiting or diarrhoea. Anyway sorry for long post, I'm just in need of a bit of advice as I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to go back to my GP.

I'm not TTC so I don't think I am imagining these symptoms.
I didn't want to read and run hun. I don't really have any answers for you just keep an eye on all your symptoms. You can always test again in a few days to be sure. Although your not ttc maybe because your focusing on it now your analysing every symptom. We all do it when ttc and even when not if we know we have taken a risk. I hope you get some answers soon hun good luck xx
I don't know what to say except try not to stress, as that can cause some of the symptoms you are describing and wait to test in a few days if you're still getting said symptoms :hug:

How would you feel if you are pg? xx
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try testing again in a few days? maybe a bit too early to pick it up yet xx
I don't know what to say except try not to stress, as that can cause some of the symptoms you are describing and wait to test in a few days if you're still getting said symptoms :hug:

How would you feel if you are pg? xx

To be honest... very scared.. we haven't been together very long. I'll try not to stress, but not sure how to act. I have a big hen do coming up (my brothers fiance) and don't know if i should drink or make excuses.

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