Confused Newbie


New Member
Dec 8, 2009
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Hi All

Just a question really - I stopped taking the pill 6 months ago after we made the decision to start trying for a baby, which coincided with me getting vertigo.

Just recently (for the last couple of months) I have started feeling quite strange with the following symptoms: Sore, aching breasts, feeling bloated, loads more discharge than normal, feeling tired as well as being really snappy.

My October/November period was very light and only lasted three days in comparison to the usual 5). I did start to think that I might be pregnant, brought a pregnancy test, so I had one just in case. But low and behold I came on 4 days early but again it only lasted 3 days. So I am a bit confused.

Sorry for the long post but just wondered if anyone else has had anything like this whilst trying to concieve or is it just my imagination.

i would suggest taking the test as i bled with both my kids the first 2 - 3 months only 3 or 4 days light so you will get your awnser then x
:wave: Welcome to the forum.

I'd say you need to test any way. Like Evie says some women experience some bleeding early on that they put down to their period but it might not be.


Good luck!
I would also suggest taking a test as well but if it comes back negative I suggest a visit to the dr to rule out medical problems :)

Welcome to the Forum and good luck :)
Thanks for all your replys and advice

I did a test last night which was negative, so think that i will leave it a while to do another test and then see what happens at my next period. Hopefully it's not my imagination.

Lots of good luck and baby dust to you all.

Charl x

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