Confused as still in this section after "ectopic"


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Hi girls,

After all the posts I've made so far, I'm still here!

Got BFP 2 weeks ago today. It was a weird one, as i thought i'd had AF and had moved onto next cycle and was using opks and getting confusing positives. So, I rang EPU and went for early hcgs and progesterone test and they were 275 (hcg) and 58 (prog)

48hrs later hcg 312 and when they scanned they saw free fluid in the pelvis and round my left tube.

I had methotrexate for a presumed ectopic (the low dose protocol)

Since then the hcg went 400ish, then down to 239 and scan was clear of anything a week ago.

48hrs later and since hcgs have been 576, 1151, and 2100 today.
Scan on tues shown a small "abnormal"gestational sac, but I am going for a scan again tomorrow. The consultant sounded for the first time a little optimistic even when i said i'd been bleeding on and off all week.

This is all so weird. The hospital say this is all "very unusual". I don't know what to think. Should I allow myself to get a bit excited, or will the methotrexate make the chance of carrying a normal baby now impossible? I know I'm probably asking for answers that aren't out there, but any opinions welcome.....
chick i dont know the answers to your questions but didnt want to read and run, i hope that you get all the answers you want and that everything goes the right way for you. sounds like youve had a long journey so far and just want to wish you the best of luck xxxx
Sorry, I don't know any answers to your questions either!
But it all sounds very strange :eh:
Wishing you all the best + hoping you get the answers you want xx
I don't know what to say other than good luck for ur scan and hope u get answers soon xox

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There is always that chance hun, so I hope things work out for you.

I had something similar (minus the ectopic part) last year. The pregnancy continued to progress just not exactly as it should have and every time I went for a scan the Dr that saw me would "urm and arh" and then get a consultant in, who would do the same :shock: I had about 10 internals in the space of 3 weeks....

Sadly that didn't pan out for me but I hope your story is different sweetie

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I dont know the answer darling but I do know suspected ectopic can be false diagnosis -so there is always hope! xx
Let us know how your scan goes sweetie

I don't know either not heard of anything like this but what I do know is our bodies are very strange sometimes. Both my mmcs my body continued as normal and the hcg must have continued to rise as I had symptoms way past wen bby stopped growing my body just continued as if I was still pregnant and must have continued to produce hcg cos if not my body would have miscarried naturaly I think.but there is always hope and I hope it all works out ok for you and gd luck for today xxx
I don't know either not heard of anything like this but what I do know is our bodies are very strange sometimes. Both my mmcs my body continued as normal and the hcg must have continued to rise as I had symptoms way past wen bby stopped growing my body just continued as if I was still pregnant and must have continued to produce hcg cos if not my body would have miscarried naturaly I think.but there is always hope and I hope it all works out ok for you and gd luck for today xxx

This is exactly what I think is happening, body just won't let go... same with mmc last year.

I think this may end in D&C again at some point, but I'll settle for having some idea which way its all going today. Apart from anything else, if i'm not going to be effing pregnant I want a drink on the BH weekend!!!
HCG going down thank god, at least i know before the weekend and can now at least enjoy a few bevvies. Fx this will all be on for a natural resolution now and hope to rejoin pregnancy section before too long...
realy sorry it didnt go a better way for you but like u say u now know for sure and can concentrate on getting bk to it and enjoy a few drinkies this weekend i know i will having a bbq bash with gd company and lots of laughs cant wait then monday my new chapter officialy starts, gd luck fliss il be watching for u in ttc section again xxx
HCG going down thank god, at least i know before the weekend and can now at least enjoy a few bevvies. Fx this will all be on for a natural resolution now and hope to rejoin pregnancy section before too long...

Sorry to hear this hun, def make sure you have a drinky-pooh's this weekend!

Be good to yourself


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