Concerened about toilet training


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2013
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My lo was two in june.
Toilet/ potty training is no where near started as she refuses point blank to sit on them, ive tried all the usual things.
Im worried because everybody is asking me how potty training is going even though ive not mentioned it, so they are assuming she should be doing it by now.
My friend tried to insist i borrowed her los pants on the way home in the car so she could just go cold turkey?!!
Am i the only one that its not happening for because it feels like it!!
Shes so advanced in everything else but this seems to be a non starter
Don't worry about it,we have been talking about it with Olly for about 6 months now and we have had the odd wee and poo on the toilet and the potty but he's no way near ready yet. Iv bought pants for when he is tho, I'm just going to wait for his cues, I don't want to force him
i worried about this too and then i thought when Elise is ready she will do it so we have been doing it only really for the last two to three months and she is more ready now trhan when we tried earlier on - I find it hard as I workj five days a week and hubby works shifts so if i was at home a couple days a week i could really focus on it but i cant - we are going to look at trying her through the night with no appy too as she starts nursery in january and our ext baby is due end feb but she is doing well yeh we have had the odd accident but she knows its all part of the training and its not going to get her into trouble clothes wash and couches wipe we tell her and shes ok with that xx
We didn't start potty training tip our boys was 3yrs as he had no interest at all before then and would have had no idea when he needed to wee or poo as he didn't care if he was wet or dirty. You will know when your little girl is ready, no point in starting before as it will be stressful for you both and will probably take longer. We had just one day of wet pants and since then it has just been the odd accident when he gets carried away playing. xx
My daughter is 2.9 and not potty trained yet. I feel embarrased and almost like a lazy mum as everyone i know has got their children potty trained by now but she isnt showing any interest in it or understanding. Just wanted to say youre not alone xxx
Rosie is no where near ready!! And like yours is very advanced with her communication so people assume she would be trained by now but she no where near! She won't even tell me when she's done a poo! She will only sit on her potty if she's fully clothed (which defeats the object!) im going to leave it til after Xmas unless she has a u turn - I'm not overly stressed but ideally want her trains before April as expecting baby no2 then.

My HV said 'the longer you leave it the quicker it will take - don't push it'
It's an interesting one. My daughter is very bright and articulate and was from a very young age, but would still rather poo in a nappy at 3.5 years old (even though she is dry/clean during the day, she'll wait until her night time nappy goes on). She finally pooed in the toilet a couple of months ago, around 9 months after we started potty training (at around 3 years 5 months). My son, on the other hand, who has a very limited vocab, is already telling me when he's about to poo and seems to hate wearing even wet nappies. He's only 22 months, but I'm seriously considering starting training him soon.

They're all so different. Taking the pressure off helps a lot. I really backed off where my daughter's poos were concerned, telling her it was fine to use the nappy but to keep thinking about using the toilet as it was less messy. When she finally decided she fancied using the toilet, it came as a total surprise. I never thought she'd get there... Next step, night times!!!
Every baby learns at their own pace. Rushing will prove futile.

Jackson is almost 3 and the closest I got to toilet training was him telling me he needed a poo, not doing it - then doing it in his nappy once I gave up...

Be patient. Stuff everyone else, shes your child.

I have posted a few times about this. James is nowhere near ready and he is almost 3.

I am only really pushing it now as he needs to be dry for nursery otherwise I would wait as he just isn't ready and it's becoming a huge source of anxiety for us both.

Hun you're not alone, Matthew was 2 in July and we've not started. I bought the potty, pants etc a while ago because he picked put the book Petes potty at the library and seemed really interested. But he's not interested in even sitting on it with clothes on never mind a bare bum so I'm not pushing it.

I've got a week off end of November and going to given it a go, just put pants on him, have the potty out and stay in all week if we have to. But if he's point blank refusing after a couple of days I'll not push it. Like the girls say, forcing them won't work.

Matthew is very good with his speech as well and is aware that pee pees and poo poos are done in the toilet but that doesn't mean he's ready to do it himself.

I get annoyed with my mum cos she puts pressure on me too 'get that wean on the potty!' Just because in the late 70s/early 80s when me and my brother were toddlers she potty trained is by 18 months! But she was using terry towelling nappies so had the incentive of less washing!!

Just leave it for now and try again in a couple of months xxx
Son was 2 in July - he's started to not wet his nappy during the night which everyone keeps telling me he's ready but I think it might be something else ? Anyone experienced this ?

I've tried with the potty - he puts it on his head (empty) ! I don't think he's ready yet.
They will all do it in their own time. My eldest trained just after his 2nd birthday and my youngest who was 2 in August was trained at 22months - he definitely followed his brothers lead. But I have friends whose little ones who are the same age as my eldest who have only just trained. Just have the potty present and follow her lead. We started with just getting the potty out in the evening after a bath when everyone is relaxed and let them sit on it and use it if they wanted to x
We have not started either.
Noah was 2 in July.

He will tell me 'its a poo' most days when hes gone in his nappy, but he will not even attempt to try and sit on a potty or toilet.
My dads offered to buy him the sensored Thomas The Tank potty seat, that makes a noise when they wee or poo lol.
My lil sister had a similar one and he said it helped loads!? Apparently? So if he wants to waste £20 on a potty crack on!

But im not going to try until near christmas time. I just know hes not ready atm and cant be arsed to put us both through stress when it wint get us anywhere x
My boy was two in March and I've only just started potty training. Even then I think we are still a way off ditching nappies completely. He didn't walk until he was 18 months so I'm immune to people telling me what my son should be doing by what age. He'll pick it up when HE is ready to.

My mum was telling me she didn't potty train any of us four kids until we were nearer three, so I'm happy we're doing the right thing.

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