9 months old + potty training

At that age I would have thought it was more elimination communication than potty training :think:
I keep meaning to buy a potty to show DS because he's fascinsated with the toilet :roll: and always follows me in and helps me flush (sometimes before I've even got up!). He thinks it's hilarious when Daddy wees too :D

I've also noticed that he knows when hes about to poo and always goes off into another room, or into a quiet corner to do it.

Having said that I wouldn't expect him to actually use a potty properly yet, I'd just sit him on it before bath time and see how he did. 9 months seems very young to me - some babies can't even sit up properly at that age!
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Marijana FC said:
I've just been advised by my GP to start putting my little one on a potty. I was a bit confused with the advice: I think she is too young for potty (9 months next week).

When have you started potty training? Is anybody else doing it this early?
Thanks for replies! :hug:

you cannot potty TRAIN a 9 month old baby.
You can potty TIME them. As in sit them onthe possy every half an hour which is thoroughly stupid and a total waste of time.

Wait until she is 2 years old then start.

You GP is not right sharp in the head. :think:
daftscotslass said:
Sounds a bit odd. I got given a 1001 tips for parents book for maternity leave and one of them says that they physically haven't developed enough to be able to control their bowels/bladder and that this doesn't occur till about 18 months.

exactly.. by all means get a potty and get your baby sued to it.. and going into the toilet to see mummy do wee wee and poo poo.. its what i did with charlotte and she trained at 25 months it only took ehr a week and she was dry day and night..you must only train yuor baby when they are ready.. coz its likly they will go backwards and start dirtying again..
I agree it's too early, unless you're happy to make loads of extra work for yourself!

With my first I started at two because that's what was recommended. Actually looking back on it, she wasn't quite ready. It took about four weeks.

With my second, she just decided herself! She saw her older sister using the loo and decided she wanted to do that as well. She was completly dry by the time she turned two.

With Sam I intend to take my lead from him. When he's ready, he'll let me know just as his big sister did. (Although I'm told with boys it could be later?) We'll see.
I used to work in a private nursery and after every nappy change we would put the babies on a potty(starting at 6 months) to get them use to it. I did this with my son and he was FULLY out of nappies at 1 1/2 yrs old and I can proudly say he only had TWO night time accidents and NO daytime ones not even when we where on the road(sorry i always brag about that). It wasnt hard and i think it's because he was probably to young to be stubborn like older children are and refuse and it just came like teaching him a new skill like walking or a new word.

I will do the same with this baby and hope he takes to it.
Thats WAY too early...tbh don't even try until 18 months.. you will save yourself and your baby loads of hassle in waiting.
Hey girls, thanks a lot for all of your replies :hug:

As with everything, I guess, there are always a number of opinions. Given that we are now going through a rough time, I think I'll postpone evn thinking about the potty thingy for a while. Also, at the moment, I am finding it difficult to make Danica sit for longer than 30 seconds! She won't even sit still in her bath let alone on a potty :D . Crazy child!
:rotfl: yeah mine won't sit in the bath either. Have to give her showers :roll: She climbs ALL the time.
hi - i am just going to start tommorow just getting oliver used to the potty at 14 months, i arent going to force him so he sees it as a thoing to be afraid of though thats the key i think?

i saw something in a baby book in the 1950's babys were on average fully potty trained by the age of 18months and now the average age is 3 years of age!!! :eek:
when i discussed this with my mum the other day, she was horrified when i said i intended to potty train LO at about 2 years she said she could tell when i was going to poo and she would quickly put me on a potty from 8 months and i was potty trained at a year, OH's mum did the same apparently so i will be asking them to show me!

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