9 months old + potty training

Marijana FC

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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I've just been advised by my GP to start putting my little one on a potty. I was a bit confused with the advice: I think she is too young for potty (9 months next week).

When have you started potty training? Is anybody else doing it this early?
Thanks for replies! :hug:
i personally think it is too early and all the hvs i saw with hannah told me not to even try till she was 2 but she was ready just before 2 and virtually trained herself and was out of nappies the week after she was too but i think 9 months is far to early
I agree 9 months is far too early :?
Some babies aren't even crawling at that age, I mean how on earth are they meant to get on the potty, Let you know they need to go etc?

I plan to start showing Lola when she's able to walk and talk :)
how stupid of your doctor!

How on earth is a baby meant to tell you hen they have done a wee or poo?

Defintely wait until the baby can walk and talk!
It didn't sound right to me either...I've got a potty and yesterday I put Danica to sit on it but how do I explain to her what it is for?! Anyway, she decided she liked playing with it :D
Sounds a bit odd. I got given a 1001 tips for parents book for maternity leave and one of them says that they physically haven't developed enough to be able to control their bowels/bladder and that this doesn't occur till about 18 months.
thats ridiculous!! I wouldnt even dream of trying to potty train until at least 2!! and only earlier if they really show signs. In my last 4 years of working in a nursery id say only a small handful of children were potty trained by the age of 2! being potty trained at 20 months was amazing...9 months....your having a laugh!! :roll:
definitely too young. Wait until the child is walking and talking.
definately too early to actually try to train her but doesnt hurt to sit them on it to get them used to the potty.my LO used to have a sit on the potty every day before bath but didnt train him til about 2 1/2.
perhaps they didnt mean to start trying to train them now but just to have one in the house and occasionally sit on it so she gets used to it??

Mums got one at hers (one of our old ones she dug up :roll: ) and oran hated it but we just left it in the room and now when he has his nappy of he runs and sits on it only for about 5 seconds, not to wee or poo in the slightest he just knows what its for now so when he is ready he will know where to go to when he wants a wee or poo.
Thats far too young! Nathan is no where near being ready to even consider potty training and he is 16 months. I got some pull ups through the post for him the other day and just laughed, Aimee is using them though. :D No, I'd say wait until they are at least 2.
My mum potty trained me at 9 months and I was out of nappies at 1 year old - just to give another side to it.
newmum said:
My mum potty trained me at 9 months and I was out of nappies at 1 year old - just to give another side to it.

Can you get any tips from you mum how to do it? Have you started yet?
Hi :) will PM you. Just on holiday at my parents and can't really get online. back on Tuesday. Read your other post that it went ok at the doctor's with Danica - really glad but hope your nights are getting better. :hug:
*ugh* potty training! my baby's 33% older than 9 months (she's 12 months, did i do the math right?!) but i dont think i'll ever want to begin the ghastly business of toilet training! i like to just put my fingers in my ears and go "lalalalalalalala!" at the first mention of potty training! sounds like too much hard work lol
trixipaws said:
*ugh* potty training! my baby's 33% older than 9 months (she's 12 months, did i do the math right?!) but i dont think i'll ever want to begin the ghastly business of toilet training! i like to just put my fingers in my ears and go "lalalalalalalala!" at the first mention of potty training! sounds like too much hard work lol

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I know what you mean! I wasn't even thinking about it until my GP mentioned it. We are currently stuggling with so many other things that potty training is definitely the last on my list.
That said, I vaguely know when she poos so I might start putting her on a potty just before that. Unless she decides to be fickle and constantly change her pooing times!
every child is different but that is very young! you can start by getting them used to what a potty is like playing with it but actual potty training is too early in my opinion, what crazy advice!! :wall:

kellie80 i got the pull ups through too and thought "what!"

luke is now just realising at 16 months when he farts it is him so becoming more aware of his motions :D and when hes done a poo he fusses to be changed, but thats very recent.
Can't believe the doc suggested that as these days they usually recommend waiting until at least 2. Though I'm a firm believer in going for it if you're child is showing signs of being ready to potty train what ever age.

When we were that age, they did used to potty train much earlier.
In my baby book it says babies don't have the ability to control their bladders until they are 18 months old!

9 months sounds crazy to me!

I have read that it's a good idea to have a potty around the house for a while before you start potty training because then they get used to it being there so maybe that's what he meant???

My HV said the later you leave it the easier it is.

I don't know if it depends on the child etc, but my mum said that she had all 4 of us potty trained by 1 year old and 18 months old at night times. I think I will try to do that too. Saves on nappies :)

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