Come on then what can I do?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2010
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After a sweep on Friday and one this morning I am 2-3cm dilated and my cervix is almost effaced oh and I am pretty certain I have had a show. Not really feeling anything aside from the occasional shooting pain.

Yesterday I did a 3.2km walk and today I have been on the ball for probably 3 hours. Weather is grotty today so cant get out.

Is there anything else you reckon I could be doing to try an progress things or is it just a case of sitting tight?
A few weeks ago I'd have given u a long list but from personal experience ul just have to sit tight. I started gettin pains whilst I was on laptop and not lookin for anything. Fx itl b soon 4 u xx
Lol. Fair enough. Patience and positive thinking it is! I feel quite content that at least something has been happening.
It literally could b any tine-my cervix went from high and tight at noon on the Friday,to 3cm dilated 36 hours later,delivered 5 hours after that! x
Oooooo! How are things at the moment hun?
Wish you all the best, hope the LO arrives soon xx

Well my waters went at 12.30am ish that night and I gave birth at home in my birth pool to a beautiful baby boy at 10.20am on valentines morning. He weighed 9lb2!

Well my waters went at 12.30am ish that night and I gave birth at home in my birth pool to a beautiful baby boy at 10.20am on valentines morning. He weighed 9lb2!

Congrats hun!!!!! :)


Well my waters went at 12.30am ish that night and I gave birth at home in my birth pool to a beautiful baby boy at 10.20am on valentines morning. He weighed 9lb2!

Wow I wasn't expecting that post!! Well done, what a big boy :)
Congrats hun. I am so x x


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