colour of Urine **update**


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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I may be losing my marbles now but im sure when i just went to loo, and when i went throughout yesterday. sometimes when i have had a wee its pink. Like not a dark red colour or anything but like really watered down fruit and barley lol....weird any one else had this?!

Not in any pain, still urinating normally, will just keep an eye, though i was going mad lol!!

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Might be a water infection? I'd give your midwife a call, you might need your urine tested xx
Yeah like lulu said could be blood in your wee due to an infection, I once wee'd red urine (not while pregnant) I had quite a bad infection and needed antibiotics and bed rest for a few days.
thanks, MW'S phone off as usual last night so called NHS direct and we were called back by an out of hourse doctor. Basically he said because of my history with this preg it will go down as a THreat of miscarriage and advised me not to work. I am in work But said drop a urine sample into docs anyway and if I have any 'pink ' wee again insist my scan to be brought forward or to go into the Early Pregnancy Unit which we have been under since finding out for them to scan me. he said there has definatly been a bleed somewhere to have that colour because now we need to se if it persists. He said if it's a Miscarrige there's nothing that can be done to prevent it so just dont go to work and bedrest and try not to drive so im not straining because of some pain im getting. Very on edge xxxx :'(
He is just telling you the worst case scenario, could be anything or nothing, try not to worry at least until you find out what it is :).
hope your ok, definitly rest though and let us know how you get on x
He's almost definitely telling your worse case scenario, get home, get your feet up and have some chocolate/ ice cream or whatever makes you feel better and do nothing all weekend :D xxx
Let us know how you get on, try to stay positive xx

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