coil today :o| *had it removed, thank god*

What you have described is exactly what my little sister had after she had one fitted.

She was off colour for a day or 2 but then fine. I dont think she's had a problem since. :think:
Oh hun, sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope scan goes ok tomorrow :hug:
:hug: :hug: Poor hun

My sister was told her cervix was at a funny angle and she didnt feel well after having hers fitted :(
Just to say, I'm still on paracetamols but feel a lot better. It's still very uncomfortable on the one side and picking up/holding/feeding Ryan on the one side is pretty painful, but it's definately improved. The bleeding has really died down too (sorry tmi) so hopefully tomorrow's scan will be nothing more than to reassure, and nothing is seriously wrong. The thought of them saying earlier on they may have to surgically remove it, and ir may have perforated me... :shock: but since my pain has died down I'm hoping things will be ok.

Will let you all know. I wouldn't be put off tho - ok so I had a bad day but I still want to keep it in. Next time though I'll hang around the doctors longer before heading home, to make sure I'm definately alright.

Thanks for your messages, earlier on I was really scared :(
Good luck Shell and glad to read your feeling better, and you have put me off it for life! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have to admit that it was quite a shock when I had mine, i never quite expected it to feel so painful... I was a bit wobbly straight after... I went home and drank a very large whisky, promptly threw up and went to sleep... but I always put that down to the whisky and shock... :roll: when I woke up the next day it was still achy but not half as bad as the day before...

After about a week it was OK... there were still times I'd have issues with it... straight after sex for example could be rather painful.. but after about a year, I forgot I had a coil in.. I can see why some people do completely forget for years.

Fingers crossed for the scan tomorrow though Shell.. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im Supposed To Be Having This Exact Coil Fitted In 4 Weeks. Now Im Not So Sure :shock: :think:

.. Can Someone Explain The Part About "a Wire Sticking Out".. What The Hell :| I Though They Just Put It Inside You & Thats It. Do You Really Have It Sticking Out? Im So Confused!
The scan was ok, I'm physically alright but they said the T's not popped out, so it looks more like a Y. It was a bit worrying because they thought it had perforated me and had to get a second opinion and didn't tell me why (so I looked on the screen while they were gone lmao). I had to have an internal as well as a normal ultrasound cos they couldn't figure out where it was and originally thought one of the arms was hidden (therefore puncturing me and caught in the lining).

It looked a bit like this (except obviously without the 12 week baby)...


when it should have been a proper T.

So they said I should leave it as it is if I'm not in agony, and they will send the scan results to the doctor who fitted it and then she will decide what to do about it. It's either going to be allowed to pop out by itself, or they'll take it out and refit it. It took them 3 attempts yesterday as it was :roll:

What a load of fuss over something that should have been so routine. Not very enjoyable to be feeling like wtf is going on with my body :( It's all so distant from me, like I know there's this piece of plastic floating around in me and I'm wondering what to do about it and whether it's actually ok or not and if they are fobbing me off :(
Only just seen this thread. Glad you are ok hun. What us girlies can go through huh? :hug:
midna said:
Fk me shell dont do that I went straight to page 3 saw that and thought u were preggo lol ... :lol:

When they went for a 2nd opinion that's what I thought, that's why I had to look at the screen :oops:
sorry you've had to go through all this hun xx at what point in your cycle can you get one fitted? or doesnt it matter
It didn't matter for me as I've got no cycles atm cos of breastfeeding, but they like to do them when you're on for other people...
LMFAO sorry but it took me a minute to see the Y on the scan-I thought you were pregnant too :shock:

sorry you're having a hard time with it :hug: :hug:
Oh my lord i thought you were pregnant too......
Glad everything was ok. :D :D
midna said:
Cant you have it out and go with something else shell about the implant or something... ? or what else can you have if your breastfeeding?

Is there such thing as a male pill yet ....its 2008 ffs when are men gonna take some responsibilty!! ..grrr @ what us hoes have to go through its so unfair ...I very much doubt our OH`s would have plastic shoved up there japseyes to play there responsibilty part. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
midna said:
Is there such thing as a male pill yet ....its 2008 ffs when are men gonna take some responsibilty!! ..grrr @ what us hoes have to go through its so unfair ...I very much doubt our OH`s would have plastic shoved up there japseyes to play there responsibilty part. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: You don't half have a way with words mid.

Bloody hell though shell... :shock: Don't let them fob you off though, I'd want them to make a decision asap.
My doctor has just rung my mobile and house phone but I couldn't get to them in time as I was just putting Ryan to sleep.. I called back but they're closed. The only reason they would be calling me would be to do with this mornings scan results but they left no message. Just got through to the out of hours number that is based elsewhere and they said there's nothing I can do until the morning and I should call first thing.

I can't help thinking they needed to tell me something, or else why would they be calling so late - I wonder what's wrong, now I'm worried and nobody can tell me why they called :?
poor you shell :hug: :hug:

good luck for the morning.......

to answer your question claire, I was told the need to fit it during the first two days of AF, because your cervix is slightly open then.......

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