Mirena Coil???


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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I've got my post natal check up with the doctor tomorrow which has lead me to think about contraception ove the past week. I got pregnant whilst using the pill plus I'm BF so the combined pill would be out.

After doing some researchI *think* the mirena coil might be for me, it sounds like just what I'm looking for but before I make a firm decision I just wanted to hear some of you guys experiences of it. If you have had a Mirena Coil fitted hw do you find it as a form of contraception? Have you had any side effects? How was the fittting? Did you have prolonged bleeding afterwards?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks girls :D

Alex xxx
Hi Alex, i had the mirena coil fitted (and obviously, since removed when we started trying for Dylan).

It was a long time ago i had it fitted but from what i can remember the 'fitting' wasnt painful at all. I felt a slight pinch but that was it. My periods did become heavier though. A lot heavier. I think this is a symptom from this coil.

As a method of contraception it was great though. Once it was fitted i forgot all about it and had no problems at all with it in the 3 years i had it. It was great. When i got it taken out i didn't feel a thing. I would recommend it.

i had major problems with the mirena. BUT i have a problem with any hormonal form of contraception to be honest. The doctor promised me it would be fine as there is such a low level of hormone in it thats released v slowly. But it caused me to have 2 periods a month that lasted for ages and my boobs were so so sore and went up 3 cup sizes and i generally just felt terrible and put on weight too.

So im not the greatest advocate of it but i know other ladies swear by it.
Well the nurse told me it would make my periods lighter, then stop them all together.

I had mine fitted 10 weeks ago, fitting wasnt painful just like period cramps, but I could feel the threads handing down for the first few hours, I kept my threads quite long so they curl around, rather than short (and spikey! :o :o ) No problems as such so far, fair bit of spotting, had a period 5 weeks after it was fitted, and then another light one 5weeks later, as I said, nurse said they will stop all togther- yeah!

OH has said he's felt it a few times when we've been doing the deed, but didnt hurt him or anything.

So far so good as far as I'm concerned!
3 times they attempted to fit this coile for me and 3 times it either broke or just wouldnt stay put!? :wall: So I gave up lol but am thinking about it again for after baby! The reason I want it is to stop my periods!? I hope it does and I dont have a bad experiance with it?! :?
leckershell said:

uh oh, bad experience?

Well, I had my check up today and have come back with some literature to read on the coil but OH and I decided that condoms (or Jonys as he so lovingly puts them :rotfl:) are alright for the near future.

Thanks for your replies, very helpful :D
I had mine fitted around 5 years ago... then had it out to try for lil miss..

I didn't have any major problems, although I found the fitting very painful (wasn't told it needed to be during a period :evil: ) and I found the removal pretty sore too. I had quite a bit of pain for a couple of months, then it got better and I only had pain if DH was a big *ahem* boisterous in bed and then nothing... Forgot it was there. Didn't have periods for 5 years and fell pregnant within 2 months of having it removed.. so be warned.. :lol:

Wanted to have it again this time round, but I can't afford the 400€ to have it done privately and the NHS won't do it unless I have 3 periods first, but I'm bfing, and on the Cerezette pill which means I probably won't get a period unless I stop taking it :wall: :wall: :wall: So meh?!

I know leckershell had a terrible time with it... but apparently you can have the same difficulties with the ordinary coil.

Basically the coil is a foreign object in your uterus and either way it can irritate you cervix and uterus and cause problems. But in general the mirena seems to have a lot more advantages than the pain copper.
I had mine fitted about 4-5 weeks ago and im now having my first AF. Its much lighter then usual, but it seems to keep almost going away and then coming back after a day lol. (been bleeding now for about 6 days.)

I was very nervous about it being fitted, so they gave me gas n air!!!!!! (i had it done at a hospital)

so far im really really happy with it - have a check up in about a week or so. ill let you know how that goes.

(i cant feel it, as i dont ever put my fingers up 'there' lol (i have long nails :rotfl: ) but my OH hasnt said he's felt it at all.)
I havnt had it but know 3 people who have and that all had negative experiences with it. The first friend had loads of tummy pains and her belly went huge, she looked about 5 months pregnant!. Another friend got a really nasty infection in her uterus because of it which caused her loads of pain and had to have it surgically removed :shock: and my sister had one in for a few months but it fell out when she went to the toilet one day (but she has an oddly placed cervix appareltly!)
I had mine for 5 years. My GP didn't want me to have it as I'd not had children, but I insisted as the OH was very ill and we wouldn't have been able to to cope with a baby too.

It wasn't too painful going in, but I did have horrbile cramp for about four hours afterwards. My periods were very light in the first few months after fitting and then reduced to none at all. It wasn't painful coming out, but the periods afterwards were bloody awful to the point where I had to lose time off work.

One thing, you really should check regularly to make sure it's in place. You should be able to feel the threads. The coil can become dislodged, though I've not heard of anyone personally who had problems with it.
i had mine 2 months after having Liam and it was fine when i had it fitted. i just made sure that i took some pain killers before hand. My periods havent stopped but are a bit lighter.

DH said that he can feel the string during :wink:
Red_Fairy said:
I had mine fitted about 4-5 weeks ago and im now having my first AF. Its much lighter then usual, but it seems to keep almost going away and then coming back after a day lol. (been bleeding now for about 6 days.)

I was very nervous about it being fitted, so they gave me gas n air!!!!!! (i had it done at a hospital)

so far im really really happy with it - have a check up in about a week or so. ill let you know how that goes.

(i cant feel it, as i dont ever put my fingers up 'there' lol (i have long nails :rotfl: ) but my OH hasnt said he's felt it at all.)
little up date:

more or less after i wrote this, i started bleeding and bled constantly for about 3-4 weeks, had my 6 weeks chack up and all was fine, and i was told this bleeding was to expected. :think: (it was mcuh lighter then normal periods, and seemed to be only really in the mornings)

Now im hardly bleeding at all - BUT my moods have deffinatly been somwhat 'strange' recently. (paranoid, tearful ect) my tummy has been abit 'budda' like too, which im hating, had a photo taken yesterday of me and i seriously look about 7 months preggers on it!!! :twisted: :cry: sex drive isnt up to much either... im hoping this is just all the hormoan levels 'evening out' as such lol. Thats atleast what the nurse told me, also that not to expect everything to be fine until 6 months have passed, i can *just* live with that while im not constantly bleeding.
:pray: :pray: :pray: heres hoping my issues go away soon :)
Thanks for the update and replies.

I've not decided on the mirena yet. OH is more than happy to use condoms atm, they're such a passion killer though- oh well.

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