Clearing up the full bladder question.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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My local hospital specifically states that they prefer you to empty your bladder prior to you scan.

So when I was there on Monday I asked the Sonographer why?

She said that it was simply an old-fashioned practice to make women have full bladders. With modern sonography equipment she said it makes absolutely no difference at all to the picture quality.

She said that hospitals that still ask for a full bladder are just sticking with old bad habits for no reason, and that its cruel because it makes women so uncomfortable.

So there you go!
That's shocking, i almost peed my pants at my 20 week scan!!
I did wonder why some said full and others empty.
That is cruel , i hade my scan yesterday and it said to not go to the toilet 2 hours before the scan, And then they were running 40 mins late , i was in soooo much pain i nearly cried . x
Can I suggest that all of you ask why at your next appointments?

Be interesting to see what they all say....
When I had mine I had to empty my bladder because it was too full!
I remember how uncomfortable my dating scan was with a full bladder, and the hour delay!!! Thought I was gonna embarass myself on that table :oops:

Didn't have a full bladder at my 20 weeks scan and was glad not to feel uncomfortable in that one :D
well thats fascinating ...I sharn't be burstin my bladder for my scan 2 weeks 6 days not counting or anything LOL
with my dating scan they told me to fill up my bladder more coz they couldnt see baby, so they made me wat outside for 20mins with water. They saw it fine after. Plus that happened on my 12week scan with Jaycee. Couldnt see her til i filled up! on my 20week one tho, i was too full and they said i could half empty lol :lol:
i had that was told i hadnt drunk enough at my 12 week scan and then i had to empty most of it out at my 22 week scan as thay said i was too ful. :shakehead:
I can understand maybe at the 12 week scan them asking for you to have a full bladder as baby is so tiny and you're bladder being full up will push the uterus up.
i went for a 9 week scan and baby was to low down i was asked to go drink lots of water and come back when bladder was full as it pushes baby up so it aint to low.

at my 30 week scan i didnt need full bladder
I was told to have a full bladder at 12 wk scan but my letter for the 20 wk scan says I can have an empty bladder.....perhaps there's no room left for a pint of water and both babies....... :rotfl:
ohh if only I had known sooner.... I was bursting at my 12 week scan as my bladder was so full...

in the end the midwife said that I had to go and empty my bladder as all she could see was water and no bubba.............

it was such a relief when I emptied my bladder that I nearly cried...

will remember this for my 34 week scan
I had to have a full bladder for the 12 week scan, but it said i must empty my bladder before the 20 weeks scan.
I think its just like Dionne said, with the earlier scans a fuller bladder may help the ultrasound pick up the baby better. Dont see the need for it by the 20 week scan though as the baby should be really noticable by then. :D

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