Chat thread!

:wave: everyone I've just got back from my baby shower and god we've been so spoilt :D Advantages of having friends that are old too I suppose :lol: Along with lots of gorgeous clothes we were given a moses basket with all the bedding to match our nursery as well as the quilt, nappy stacker and storages boxes to match the theme too. Loads of bath time smellies for me and also lots of first size nappies and toiletries for George.... He is going to be such a lucky little chap :-)

We have our birth workshop tomorrow which is an all day affair so I hope I get some sleep tonight but to be honest I think I will be up playing all night :D :D :D

Jane x
Morning everyone :)

ROM - glad you enjoyed your baby shower!! sounds like fun! :D Hope your birth workshop goes well today!

Liza - glad you had a good meal out! Think we had a last one together on new years eve! Managed to get over my disappointment of yesterday... :oops: think I was on a bit of a downer too after my first week of mat leave and being home alone.. I guess I had got my hopes up as I had been making an effort with going out for a good 40min walk every day and making the effort not to slouch on sofa etc etc... (oh added you on facebook! :D)

kmac - best of luck today hun!!! saw your post in the 37+ signs thread.... think its quite common for things to happen on the day you get induced or c section. My SIL waters broke the day she was having her C section...and she wasnt even overdue! Maybe the babies know!! :D

:wave: to everyone else hope you are all well :hug: :hug:

not much happening today.... OH away to football so wont be back till another day by myself...think i'm just gonna take it easy and look at wedding stuff again....we're trying to pick a venue at the moment! :D
Good evening :wave:

Im absolutely knackered, just spent 4 hours shopping - yes I know I must be insane........!!

Just had a lovely hot bath to ease the aches and pains - it was absolute bliss, especially as my hubby bought me ice moulds that make glasses (yes the things you put drinks in), so I sat in the bath having some juice from my glass made of ice, and then the finale - I get to eat the glass........ satisfies my ice craving somewhat, and must make me sound absolutely nuts - but hey I was very happy!!!

ROM - How lovely having a baby shower and sounds like you were spoilt rotten!! :D

Lisa - Glad you are feeling better today, I think these final few weeks bring out all sorts of emotions, hope you had a great day planning your wedding - planning mine was one of the best experiences of my life - the only word of advice I can give is stick to your budget - I didnt and ended up in a National Newspaper but thats another story :D

Emman - Glad your 36 week MW appointment went well.......and your weight gain is definitely nothing to worry about, as its the same as mine :D

Mel - Hope you are ok hun??

:wave: To everyone I missed.......

Have a great evening ladies, Im so uncomfortable tonight I feel like my stomach is literally about to go "POP"!!
Hey ladies :wave:
Im doing ok, had a chinese and my tummy feels a bit dickey atm though, got a bit of tummy ache, i hope it doesnt repeat on me. Im officially 38 weeks in about 10 mins :cheer: I cant believe it.

Good luck kmac today too x
and big hugs to everyone else :hug:
well been having tummy ach since about 3am this morning, im not contracting and its not regular but its annoying haha its prob nothing but hey i can dream.
Hows everyone :wave:
:wave: Hey Mel, congrats on being 38 weeks. Never know, your sore tummy might be the start of something. I haven't had a single sign that things are moving along, suppose its a bit early for me tho. xx
Thanks hun, going into my back now but still not contracting or regular, we shall see :)
Hi everyone :wave:

I'm doing alright, sore hips and lack of sleep aside. Got a coal fire going this evening so feeling all warm and snuggly. Just musing over what to make for dinner.

Had a run in with a bitchy receptionist earlier this week which left me feeling quite shaken. I rarely fall out with anyone/I get on with most people and I'm not very good at dealing with confrontation. The dental practice had ballsed up on my appointment, she claimed to have rung me to rearrange which no-one had and I wasn't about to go home (40 mile round trip for nothing!!) so I was calm but insistent and she got all aggressive on me. Felt like bursting into tears but it paid off and I was seen. So I was glad I stuck up for myself but I'm not looking forward to going back there :shakehead:

Had 31 wk appt on Fri. I'm measuring 34 weeks. Baby is still 'free,' floating about etc. And all test results came back clear. My iron levels have actually gone up (and they were high to begin with) so definitely no risk of anaemia. Not bad for a veggie.
:wave: thought I would bump up the chat thread as we have had a lot of ladies go off to have their LO's.

Hope everyone is OK this morning just wondering whether to text Kmac again for an update - I know they were hoping to either break her waters this morning or send her home - one or the other - lets hope its the first!!!

Jane x
hope something happens soon for her.
Nothing much to report here now, gonna walk to my mums soon which is about a mile away so hopefully that will help :D
Did you get any sleep in the end honey? I read myself to sleep at about 4.00!! but have just opened my eyes about 30 minutes ago so feel much better for it :cheer: . They recon walking and sex are the best things to do - still trying to work out how to do the two at once :D

Jane x
Hello ladies :wave: I get to post in here now :dance:
Well another crappy nights sleep where i didnt get much of it for being up and down to the loo all night and generaly not sleeping anyway and it doesnt help hubby snore's like a trooper :evil: Ive still got a tummy ache which i had yesterday aswell as achy arms and leg's still and i have another 13wks of this yet :(
:hug: Flossy - there are lots of us who dont sleep anymore :D just log on and you will usually find one of us here :D

Know what you mean about your DH - I could have done some serious harm to Dave last night :D if he's not snoring he is fast asleep and looks so peaceful!!

Jane x
went to bed about 4.30ish and up at 8 so not much tbh, got the pains going again, had a quick fondle :oops: sorry for tmi but im desperate :rotfl:
Hey flossy
Lol dont worry mel id be the same :lol:
ROM my hubby sleeps so peacfuly too but there are time's where he snore's so loudly and keeps me awake i feel like smothering him with the pillow :lol: (to add not that i would btw)! Mindue i always think when he's snoring like he does he will suck his face in :rotfl:
Mel :rotfl: just had a conversation with Dave that he is down for twice a day from now on.... I am going all out for starting this labour :D He looked quite shocked but then had a great big grin on his face - I think he is going to get more involved in trying to get this baby out :wink:

Jane x
Morning Everyone! :wave:

Hope you are all well.... :hug: Not much to report here...getting bit frustrated and bored of being pregnant now! :oops: My parents are popping in at lunchtime on their way through to see my auntie, so at least that will break up the day!

:wave: Flossy, hope you are well and managed to get some sleep! :hug:

ROM - hope you managed to get some sleep as well! :hug: wish my OH would get involved in getting this baby out :( I'm being deprived until 38 weeks..... :? men :wall:

Mel - hope you have a good time at your mums and the walk does the trick! :D

:hug: to anyone i've missed xxxxx
Lisa, to be honest I dont think Dave knew whether to laugh or cry :D but at the workshop we went to on Saturday the midwife did say that sex was by far the best way to bring on delivery so he sort of feels its his "job" :D Sleep is something that other people experience I think :D :D although my cough does feel a bit better today so thats good news - hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight :D

Jane x
:lol: wish the midwife would say that to me and I could pass it on! I keep telling OH it only starts things if ready..... but hes too scared! lol! Think thats why he's put any nookie back to 38wks.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :wall: I do keep telling him that he will prob get none for ages after the baby is here... so take it while its being offered! :D

Glad your workshop was good.... :D
Oh I feel so crap...... :(

Hardly slept a wink, woke up at the crack of dawn feeling so sick that I had to get up at 6am, went back to bed at 9am and have just woken up now, so definitely having a PJ day today, have really bad pains at the top of my bump too - not labour pains though :?

Oh I just want to feel so many things to do before Friday!!

Hope you are all feeling well and alive today, and sex is definitely not at the top of my agenda today (saying that my DH has been more than happy to oblige in such activities throughout my pregnancy so its not like he has been missing out :D )!

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