Good evening
Im absolutely knackered, just spent 4 hours shopping - yes I know I must be insane........!!
Just had a lovely hot bath to ease the aches and pains - it was absolute bliss, especially as my hubby bought me ice moulds that make glasses (yes the things you put drinks in), so I sat in the bath having some juice from my glass made of ice, and then the finale - I get to eat the glass........ satisfies my ice craving somewhat, and must make me sound absolutely nuts - but hey I was very happy!!!
ROM - How lovely having a baby shower and sounds like you were spoilt rotten!!
Lisa - Glad you are feeling better today, I think these final few weeks bring out all sorts of emotions, hope you had a great day planning your wedding - planning mine was one of the best experiences of my life - the only word of advice I can give is stick to your budget - I didnt and ended up in a National Newspaper but thats another story
Emman - Glad your 36 week MW appointment went well.......and your weight gain is definitely nothing to worry about, as its the same as mine
Mel - Hope you are ok hun??

To everyone I missed.......
Have a great evening ladies, Im so uncomfortable tonight I feel like my stomach is literally about to go "POP"!!