Chat thread!

Mel......What a cow :shock: All that said my mother in law hasnt even asked how I am in 3 months!! My DH has no time for either of his parents!

Lisa - OMG 7 collie puppies.......Im collie mad - Im not sure I could resist! I had 2 collies when we were in France (as per my avatar), but the youngest one stayed in France with some friends as she needed some sheep to look after :D One is more than enough!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is well today, I just walked the dog so am now offically knackered as usual! I have so many things to sort out but have zero motivation!!
I have just sorted out a huge pile of ironing and am rewarding myself with a break :D Still got to iron it as Josh is back to Uni on Sunday :( so it needs to be packed.... I cant believe how quickly this month has gone - nevermind under 3 weeks and Han will be home for 10 weeks from Tunisia :D then Josh will have almost finished for the summer!! Our house is going to feel so full again :D

My friends are holding a baby shower for me tonight - I'm not that comfortable with it really as I think its a bit american but it seemed rude to say dont do it.... I have made the girl arranging it tell everyone not to buy gifts as I would feel so bad if they all felt they had to bring something..... Hopefully it will just be a nice night where we can have a good gossip and my best friend has promised to give me a pedicure and paint my toe nails :D bless her.

Has anyone heard anymore news from Christmasbabygirl? Surely she must have had the baby by now???

Lisa a baby and a puppy sounds like far too much hard work to me :D I bet they were adorable though......

Ellie know how you feel about your MIL - when ever we see mine all she goes on about is "her grandchildren in Australia!!" The only time she mentions George is to ask if we have decided to change his name yet!! :shock: It really annoys me but I have to say it just goes over Dave's head. They have arranged a 8 week holiday out there starting the beginning of March...... seems a shame that they will miss our baby's first couple of months but hey its their loss.

Jane x
Mel - some people are soooo rude!!! Yeh we give permission to deck her!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ellie - they were adorable... I'll see if i can up load a pic that I took onto here.....just for some cuteness!! I had one over my shoulder lol, like a baby....hehe would not stop trying to lick my face!! :angel:

ROM - baby shower sounds fun! I know what you mean about being all "american" thing and I would feel guilty about people bringing pressies...truth is though, I would LOVE someone to organise one for me! :oops:

Just received my stuff I ordered from mamas and papas :cheer: :cheer: half price change bag, pj top and a cute little jacket that was reduced on the website...couldnt resist! :oops:
Just back from midwife appointment, rubbish :( She never said anything about LO's head being engaged (checked my notes afterwards and she had just written "free") Didn't ask how I was. BP was fine, urine had a trace of glucose in (is this normal/ok?!?!?) so she decides to say "have you been eating alot of surgary things??" and do a glucose blood test since I was having full blood count done. Got my arm butchered to get blood........

feel totally deflated as I was convinced that baby's head had even slightly engaged due to increased pressure and the fact I can feel his head in my pelvis :?
just came home and cried....totally gutted :cry: also slightly concerned that this is my first, i'm nearly 37weeks and babys head has not even started to engage?!?!?!?!? :wall: :wall: :wall: lazy ***
Lisa :hug: :hug: :hug: I think midwifes see so many people they forget that they are dealing with human beings..... :hug: :hug: :hug:

Dont worry about the engaging thing, honestly it will happen and it sounds to me like baby is getting ready with all that pressure you are feeling :hug:

A little glucose at this stage is OK - dont worry they will look at all your signs (BP, swelling etc) not just the one measure.

Are you being checked weekly now? Hopefully you will have a better visit next time.

Jane x
Heylisa, it could be that baby is going in and out of your pelvis, i wouldnt worry too much though hun xx

ROM hope your ok
Im just about to settle for a beth as had a really long ahrd day and now that Hopes at her nannys house im gonna chill, took her to a mother and toddler group and she peed all over herself, didnt even tell me she needed a wee at all, i couldnt stop appologising to the lady there.
Im so exhausted im bath then bed for a while i think :cheer:
lisa im sorry you not happy, My baby boy still not engaged either. im waiting and hoping he will soon. Dont get too upset the midwifes are useless. As my mum said they not got any people skills, mine is the same.

Mel, rest up hun and take it easy while you got chance

Well ive had another lazy day today, making most of my time before baby arrives. Ive not got dressed have been doing things round house.

Ive been in hospital this week twice, as blood pressure was up on wednesday + had protein in urine so they trying to rule out pre-clamsia. Which i had to do a 24hour urine sample, im waiting for the results to come back which is monday so they booked me in again to go back to hospital on monday for further monitoring + the results where they will know more and decide what action to take....
mel - a bath sounds good... I may go and do the same :)

ROM - appointments still fortnightly.... so next one not until 23rd Jan when I'll be 38 +5 and could in theory have had my baby!!!

mum2be - hope your tests come back ok and its not pre-eclampsia.... i think my body is punishing me for having too many quality street sweets.... lol

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone!
Gosh Lisa I assumed that everywhere was weekly appointments after 36 weeks!! Isnt it amazing how care levels are different across the country. I found out the other day that Shropshire is one of the only places you have to take along the baby's bedding for after the delivery..... Also we have no provision for NT scanning unless we pay privately and they also charge to sex the baby.....

Mel sounds like Hope is being a bit of a monkey - make the most of your free afternoon/evening and enjoy your bath...

Mum2be - I have had a house day although I am supposed to still be working but just couldnt face it today - the good news is I have ironed a mountain of ironing so Josh can go back all clean and tidy :D and me and Dave will actually have some clothes to wear....

I am going to buy some baby washing powder tomorrow and wash all the bedding ready - I have packed his suitcase with his clothes, nappies etc so once this is done we should be good to go :lol: just need him to realise it :D

Jane x
aaaw Lisa, have some :hug: :hug: :hug:
My last 2 MW appointments have left me in tears too. I felt completely deflated too. I know how you feel! :hug: :hug:
I was getting all in a fluste about the head engaging but so many people have told me not to worry about it - it can happen just in the run up to labour.

I am back from my fluid level scan. I was so nervous but now I don't know why! It was a bit weird as we haven't seen the baby since the 12 week scan, but there it was wriggling away. She said it all looks fine and my fluid levels are good, so we're all set for 5pm tomorrow!! :shock:
Now I've got my head round it a bit I hope i can start being excited!! Seeing the baby on the screen definitely helped! :D

We're having chippy fish and chips for tea!! :D :D (I can't stomach any more curry!!)
Oh Kmac enjoy your last night as a couple together tonight :hug: :hug: I am assuming you will have to stay in tomorrow night? Now you have seen all is OK hopefully you can enjoy getting excited..... You lucky lady its nearly all over and your little one will be in your arms before you can blink :hug: :hug:

Jane x
yeah i went for my last midwife appointment when i was 36 + 6 and she said to come back in a fortnight which i'm not convinced i'll make but my next one is 38 + 6 which is tuesday i thought it would have been weekly cos i was keen to go back after a week to see if he was more engaged as last time i went he was 4/5
my appointments only got up to fortnightly, then weekly round about due date.

i haven't been happy with my MW care to be honest, I hardly saw the same person twice, and the one i did see most of was terrible - thankfully now retired!!

rom - the woman who dod the scan said that most likely, because everything looks fine, they will just put the gel in and send me home to wait and see if it starts. This weeks MW said they monitor you for a good few hours before they send you home.. so I don't really know! All the bags are in the car now anyway so we'll just see how it goes!
thanks for all your support and hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I thought I would be on weekly appointments by now....fortnightly seems to sparse on the run up to B-day.... I go to weekly when I hit 40weeks.... joy! :?

I've only seen the same midwife twice, and about 7 others now...... Personally, I would prefer to see the same 1 or 2 throughout my pregnancy, at least then they get to know you and your pregnancy etc

hope everyone is ok ..... I'm away to muse over wedding magazines! take my mind off things :hug: :hug: :hug:
In my local antenatal you only get fortnightly appointments unless you're under consultant care and then its up to them I think. As standard you see them at booking in, 12, 16, 18-20, 24, 28, 31, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 41 weeks. On any other pregnancy you lose the 31 and 40 week appointment.

ROM - Just read your post about lack of care in shropshire, thats shocking. We dont have NT scans but have the bloods but charging for telling you the gender is shocking. Its even more shocking about having to take bedding with you!!!!

KMAC - Good luck for tomorrow, and enjoy your last quiet night together
Good luck for tomorrow Kmac.

Lisa - I had my 36wk appointment yesterday & was told the baby is only 3-4/5ths engaged. I've been feeling a lot of pressure too so I was sure he would be more engaged than that. I'm now convinced that he'll be overdue, but the midwife did say the it wouldn't necessarily make a difference, some babies engage just as you go in to labour. I know how you feel tho, if the head was engaged then at least I would feel like things were moving along. I have another appt on Tues which is a bit strange, then nothing for 2 weeks which will make me almost 39 weeks.
Blimey you lot can't half talk.......... :D

Decided to go out for a curry tonight.......absolutely delicious, wasnt trying to kick start labour, just decided it will be the last meal out for a few weeks!!

Lisa - Im sorry MW said baby isnt yet engaged, but I think thats totally normal - mine wasnt even slightly engaged until my 37 week appointment, and was then fully engaged at my 38 week week one, think its all the dog walking I must do. MW told me it was difficult to be totally sure as she is dealing with an engaged bum and not a head :?

ROM - I cant believe you have to take LO's bedding to the thats just taking the P**s!! Everyone goes on about how we all get free healthcare blah blah......but its not actually upto much sometimes!!

Kmac.... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for tomorrow!

:wave: to everyone I missed...

Anyone else fancy becoming facebook friends?? My facebook name is Liza Narracott (there is only one, so very easy to find).
Liza - glad u enjoyed your curry. Me & OH have been trying to spend the last few weeks doing all the things we prob wont have much time for when the baby comes. I cooked all afternoon, made some lovely food. Then decided to weigh myself (1st time since my 12 week appt), not good news.. Think I might hide in my bedroom for the next 4 weeks. :cry:

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