
Hope everyone is ok x
Havnt posted for a while so thought id keep you updated.
Firstly- I changed my Username.. It was previously xCarly if anyone remembers
37 Weeks tomorrow & time has seriously flown. Iv been cleaning/painting/washing,bleaching non-stop for the last 2 weeks and am in nesting over-drive

I jsut cant sait down for two minutes and feel the overwhelming urge to be mega organised. Tbh i think this is my subcontious mind gaining some control, knowing that having 2 babies is going to throw me into mayhem!
My labour bag is almost finnished and i'll be glad when i can relax & say im all ready

Lovellas bedroom has been transformed into an Upsy Daisy shrine complete with all the pink Upsy Daisy furniture & bed lol.. and i have her overnight bag & travel cot ready for when labour starts.
Im convinced this baby is going to be bigger than Lovella (9lbs 3oz). All through the pregnancy i actually felt the oposite but the last two weeks she seems to have just ballooned! I feel like im carrying a huge amount of weight and it is so painful & uncomfortable when she tries to move around in there. The pressure i have low down is intense. I didnt feel this with Lovella and i still have 3 weeks to go so God help me if i get to my due date or go over- il explode! It could be because i carried a hell of a lot of water with Lovella so that cusioned the blows, or it could be my muslces are weaker now so i feel everything a lot worse. Or maybe im just having a huge baby

Anyway, hope ur all feeling well and having healthy pregnancies

Congrats to all the recent new mums