Chat thread!

Tbh my foo is alot more sore atm, well my pubic bone its killer, my feet dont particularly hurt, except nowe my straps on my flip flops dig in :cry:
arrrrrrrrrgh men :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: may as well plan a wedding and marry myself! why are men soooo awkward when it comes to planning a wedding?! if i knew this i wouldnt have bothered :( I'm doing all the leg work looking at venues on the internet before we've gone and visited. I've booked the appointments.... he just turns up and wanders round with me :wall: :wall:

the saturday i was keen on has now gone (provisionally i think)..... so that kinda said to me we have to be quick in deciding when we want it.... i'm now keen for the tail end of 2010.... dont know why, just am... OH is now digging his heels in and saying whats the rush when he was the one saying he didnt want to delay too much as we want to have a second baby soon! :wall: :wall: :wall:

i give up :cry:
^ Heh. I don't envy you, Lisa. We had a small wedding (like Emma by the sounds of it) with only close family and friends. It was in a walled garden, we hired a wonderful harpist and had a lovely meal afterwards and then went on to the pub. All very informal, like. After witnessing all the stress of my sister's wedding a year and a half earlier, I knew I didn't want to go down that route. No siree.

Can empathise re: the partner thing. There was relatively little planning and organising for ours but at times I would have appreciated more than a nod or a half-hearted 'yeah.' I didn't get much in the way of input let's put it that way. Everything is 'nice' and everything is 'fine.' And you're left thinking: GRRRRRR. Just commit to something, man!! Make a choice.

It's not that they aren't happy or excited about the wedding, it's just that it's usually the woman (gender stereotyping here, I know) who gets caught up with the details. Most men are looking at the bigger picture. Not the ins and outs and wot not. They seem to think all the little things just magically sort themselves out.

And then when your patience is exhausted and you finally lose the rag, they try to flatter you by saying that they know you'll organise it all wonderfully and they trust your decisions completely. Cop out! :lol:
pickled_onion said:
And then when your patience is exhausted and you finally lose the rag, they try to flatter you by saying that they know you'll organise it all wonderfully and they trust your decisions completely. Cop out! :lol:

yep! had that line already!!!!! like you said, a bit of input wouldnt go a miss!

your small wedding sounds really nice come to think of it...... :think:
:lol: we had a small wedding too - 21 close family and friends in all - we got married on Chrismas Eve at our local castle and then just had a really nice meal..... and yes I did all the arranging (apart from the cars) he just turned up - in fact I was slightly worried about even that as my friend rang me at 11.00 am on the morning to say she had just seen him christmas shopping!!! :lol:

So I concur ladies men are hopeless with weddings.......

Jane x
Just a quick question - can you overdo bouncing on the birthing ball?

I spent about an hour on it earlier and now I have horrible backache :( had planned to bounce the evening away but am a bit worried I have perhaps been on there too long today.

Jane x
Mine hurts my back too hun, i think its from sitting up straight for a while, i need to get on mine, i want baby out now:(
yep i think you can over do it if you're not used to it! I found that when I had bounced a bit too much that my back hurt..... think its just the posture muscles working hard as you're sitting upright! :)
OK i'll give it a miss tonight then - its the sofa and a hot water bottle for me :D

Jane x
Hi everyone.....

Typing with 1 finger - lying in bed and Devon is fast asleep on my shoulder :D

Hope you are all well? We are fine - although no-one can prepare you for the emotions and exhaustion that becoming a mother involves!

We had to make the decision to stop breastfeeding today, due to me having severe breast engorgement where basically Devon was no longer able to latch, due to the swelling - so sad as I had been enjoying it so much until this point!

Becoming a mum though is so incredible, and I feel like the luckiest girl alive!!!!!

Lisa I can also say men are not great at wedding planning.......I learnt quite quickly to just get on with it! Like Jane we also had a small castle wedding!

Jane - sounds like you definitely need a break from the ball.....enjoy your night relaxing on the sofa!

Mel - Hope you are feeling better soon! :hug:

Miss you all very much :hug:

Cant wait to hear about your babies arriving soon :D
Now thats why I finally pulled the plug on all wedding plans lol!
I was planning for years and seemed to be getting nowhere?! :wall: We had several different dates and things kept coming along and we had to put it back! In the end I had had enough! I QUIT! LOL :lol:
Hi ladies :wave:

*moany moan moan alert*

I'm feeling rather fed up. Had another crap sleep due to being really sore (pelvic girdle pain) it actually had me crying during the night, unable to get comfortable any which way I tried. And when I wasn't fruitlessly trying to get comfy, I kept having to get up to pee. I eventually gave in and came downstairs early. I'm left hobbling like an old woman today. Makes me wonder how I'm going to cope later on :( :shakehead:


In other news, I've sent hubby out on a mission to buy cake. I deserve cake today.
Morning girls!!!!!

I dont envy any of you planning weddings!! im dreading having to do that (If I ever even get the chance :talkhand: )

I think I over did it yesterday as when I went to bed last night the bottom of my bump was killing me. Too ages to get off to sleep while Lee slept snoring away next to me :roll:

Me is thinking of washing wee mans hospital stuff today for his bag cause I NEED to feel more organised.
Hellow :wave: Hope everyone is ok x

Havnt posted for a while so thought id keep you updated.

Firstly- I changed my Username.. It was previously xCarly if anyone remembers :)

37 Weeks tomorrow & time has seriously flown. Iv been cleaning/painting/washing,bleaching non-stop for the last 2 weeks and am in nesting over-drive :shock: I jsut cant sait down for two minutes and feel the overwhelming urge to be mega organised. Tbh i think this is my subcontious mind gaining some control, knowing that having 2 babies is going to throw me into mayhem! :lol:

My labour bag is almost finnished and i'll be glad when i can relax & say im all ready :D Lovellas bedroom has been transformed into an Upsy Daisy shrine complete with all the pink Upsy Daisy furniture & bed lol.. and i have her overnight bag & travel cot ready for when labour starts.

Im convinced this baby is going to be bigger than Lovella (9lbs 3oz). All through the pregnancy i actually felt the oposite but the last two weeks she seems to have just ballooned! I feel like im carrying a huge amount of weight and it is so painful & uncomfortable when she tries to move around in there. The pressure i have low down is intense. I didnt feel this with Lovella and i still have 3 weeks to go so God help me if i get to my due date or go over- il explode! It could be because i carried a hell of a lot of water with Lovella so that cusioned the blows, or it could be my muslces are weaker now so i feel everything a lot worse. Or maybe im just having a huge baby :| lol

Anyway, hope ur all feeling well and having healthy pregnancies :D Congrats to all the recent new mums :cheer:
Welcome back Carly. Of course you are remembered :) Nice to see you posting again.

After an hour spent wide awake tossing and turning, I've admitted defeat and come downstairs. The woof is a bit disgruntled about this cos he's having to share 'his' sofa (and a blanket) with me. He's used to having the couch to himself come night-time.

I need to be functional today as well. Meh.
Vicki83 said:
Evening Carly!

How you feeling? 2 days to go woohoo!!

Evening :wave:

I know, its shocking! I feel great thanks :) Hope ur well x

Its Exciting, waiting & not knowing when things will start but frustrating aswell lol. Midwife is coming to the house Wednesday (Due date) to give me a sweep. Its all new to me.. Id allready had Lovella by this point last time :)

How u feeling hun? xx

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