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Its not like he dont get nowt thought bh, he gets BJ all the time, i think his tidger wasnt quite prepared for the monaly action that is the sexing of Mel, cant blame him for that though :wink:
Mel&Bean said:
Its not like he dont get nowt thought bh, he gets BJ all the time, i think his tidger wasnt quite prepared for the monaly action that is the sexing of Mel, cant blame him for that though :wink:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Mel you might be fed up, but you certainly havent lost your sense of humour - you crack me up hun - I shall miss ya when I have to leave the 3rd Tri (although planning on hanging around for a few weeks yet)!!!

Lisa - Wedding venue sounds lovely.......oh to plan a wedding again - so exciting, you are definitely going to be very busy for the next few months - what with a LO and planning a wedding!!!

I know I cant believe its all happening tomorrow............keep feeling sick, and then I get all emotional.......must be a bit on edge today as LO hasnt stopped kicking the living daylights out of me, so think he knows somethings up too! Even watched a few c-section videos on You Tube yesterday - operation isnt nice, but the bit where baby is lifted out is amazing and reduced me to tears everytime!!

Right I best go and get dressed, need to take my dog for a walk.......... :D
i'm very jealous now knowing your LO will be here tomorrow and i'm still waiting with no real signs that he's on his way out, 6 days left though so there's still time before i go overdue.

good luck for tomorrow.
Ellie you seem so calm - I would be climbing the walls if it was me going in tomorrow....

Mel apparently it is better to swallow it than receive it the other way!! Dont fall out with him now you dont know when you may need him :lol:

Lisa I loved arranging our wedding but I cannot imagine doing it with a new baby to get used to too!! You brave lady.

Pickled Onion shopping rocks - although I have to be honest and say that I cannot be bothered to leave the house today and I actually have shopping to do!!

Well I am 37 weeks today :cheer: but my DH is being an arse - his business is based in Kent and I know he has to go down there once a week but he hasnt left yet today and cannot understand why I am upset that he will be really late home tonight - I really dont want to go into labour with him 4 hours away!! When I tried to talk to him about it he was vile and said if anything happens just to ring my mum or his mum and dad.... Now I really cant think of anything worse than his Dad seeing me in the throws of labour!! I know I am being unreasonable but all I wanted was a cuddle and for him to say not to worry it is unlikely for me to go into labour today..... :( Feel all tearful and thats really not like me.... :( :( :(

Jane x
well sexd deffo aint gonna work then as i always give him blow jobs :bored: Ah well hasnt really done anything any way.

Got to go pick up my iron tablets tomorrow, or today if Gal will take me, maybe its the reason im not sleeping good, or im grumpy, who knows :think:
Happy Full Term ROM! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: thats a shame your DH seems to be being a bit off with you :( I feel like my OH is trying to squeeze any time out the house in before the baby arrives.... he's not home till 7 each night from work, football training tues and thurs nights (so not home till 9.30). Friday football again (5's) so not home till 8. Saturday, yep, football so away 12 -5 in the day and this sunday he seems to have signed up for a football tournement that starts at 1pm till who knows when..... I think he forgets that labour can just start!??!? no wonder I'm going out my tree with bordom! :(

We're looking at spring 2011 for our wedding so dont really have to start planning properly until 2010, but we wanted to get a venue picked and date set as places get booked up pretty quick these days! Also, gives me something to look at while I'm waiting on this baby! I'm sooooooo indecisive about things I really need to start getting and gathering ideas for things now! :D
Jane - Firstly Happy Full Term hun :dance:
I sympathise about your OH's job, my DH's job is based 4 hours away too, and until recently he was away 3 days a week, he has been able to work from home since before Xmas (although I still dont see him for 10 hours a day - he is very committed to his work). Unfortunately in a few weeks he will have to revert back to being away 3 days a week :(

Lisa - Definitely a good idea to book well in advance these days....I only had 8 months to plan my wedding and it was tough I can tell you, the venue I wanted had a cancellation, so it all happened a lot sooner than we had planned!!

My DH was moaning the other night that he gets bored in the evening (which means he tends to work til 10pm)......due to the fact we only recently moved back to the UK from France we havent yet moved to the area we want to settle in, or established any kind of social life - which can be hard at times!!

Mel - :hug: :hug:

I guess I should check I have everything ready for tomorrow - I am so dis-organised its untrue!! I really dont think its actually really sunk in yet - hence the reason Im currently so calm! :)
OMG Just had to post as Im in best friend is due 2 days before me, so on Tuesday next week! We never planned to get pregnant at the same time I hasten to add :D

She called me last night to wish me luck for tomorrow as she was driving the hours commute home from work (she was working until Fri), and carried on talking to her as she did her Tesco's shop!

I just had a text to say she had her baby at noon today - Im in absolute shock, but obviously delighted!! She must have had a record quick labour!!! Oh Im all emotional again :D Baby girl though.......who seem to prefer coming out a little earlier than the boys!!!!
Now im in alot of pain, but not where i want to be :rotfl:
My pubic bone is hurting soooo much, feels soooo bruised, i cant win :rotfl:
Hiiii :wave:

Just thought id pop my head in and say hello ladies

cant beleiv you will all be meeting your LOs soon!!!

Mel you should try DIY accupressure i think thats what got me going you should google it, its dead easy!

Best of luck tommoro ellie i reaaally cant beleiv it whoooo :cheer: :shock:

right iv got a STINKING nappy to change x
Liza !!! Are you all ready for tomorrow!?! Cant believe you are getting to meet your LO.... :D :D :D

Mel - how you doing hun? :hug: :hug:

CBG - Hello!! How you doing hun? :D how is it being a mummy??? :hug: :hug:

I'm not surprised that you're feeling a bit narked with your OH, Jane. I know I would be.

Wow, EllieBelle your friend must be super-dedicated to her work! :shock: Lovely news, btw. Your babies will only be a day apart. My sis is due on the 8th March so our babies could well be pretty close together too :)

I'm making flapjacks, nom nom. Just had a sudden urge.
Hey girls, bit of a rough night again, i am really struggling off ofmy anti d's atm, done nothing but shout at Hope and Gal for a while now and i feel horrid, Gal says he understands, im just trying to keeop it together :(
Mel have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: hormones make things really difficult at the minute I think...... I know I start arguments for no reason at the minute too honey :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x
Aww does nobody post in here anymore?!
Hope your all well!?
:wave: Jane
:wave: Mel
:wave: Lisa
:wave: Liza (though I doubt you will be on yet to say hi back haha)

Sorry if I missed anyone!
I miss you all! :hug: :hug:
:wave: Lea and ROM
Im doing much better now, think it was justt one of those days lol
Hope has been playing up like mad but i feel great :cheer:
Hi all
Glad your feeling better mel :hug:
Only 5 days to go :shock: :dance: thats gone bloody quick!
Hope ur all ok :wave:
i miss it so much on here and its so hard to catch up when i come on! not getting much peace though lol x
Hi lea and Toni!! :wave: hope you are both well and LO's doing well!! :hug: :hug:

:wave: how is everyone?

I've gone back to wedding mode to take my mind off this baby not coming out!!!! One of the venues we looked at has one saturday left in 2010 (25th Sept) and for some reason it seems to just strike a cord with me. Could be that the date that me and OH got together was 24th September but he also proposed on 25th december.... lol is it wrong to feel attached to a date :oops: :oops: anyway, I've made enquiries since its the only sat left that year, then we're heading into 2011.... to me that feel too far away especially when we want to move on with our baby making! lol! :lol: :lol:

apart from that things are good,....going to try and make carrot cake this afternoon! :D
Right im gonna get oh to chain me to the sofa, im fecked and swollen and yet my body keeps moving, i cant stop, its not good :wall:
Mel, you should def have a rest, your feet looked so swollen. I thought mine were bad until I saw your pics, mine are only a tiny bit in comparison & I find it so sore.

Lisa - your wedding plans sound so exciting. I can understand you wanting to pick a certain date. We had a really small wedding in NZ so I didn't do any of the planning side. it was just us & some friends. Carrot cake sounds yummy, I made cookies yesterday then sat and ate them all :oops: :oops: . Off for a walk now so hopefully that will burn some of the cookie calories off

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