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hey kmac. you must b really fed up now. i know i am & I've still got ages to go. are they going to do an induction soon? xx
just to let u all know im still here sweep was unsucsessful but cervix is almost fully effeaced just half a cm to go, but hasnt started to open!
well im having what feels like contractions now but i havnt got a clue if they are as iv never had them before obviously, it is sooo painful and i wanna ring hosp but feel its too early but the pain is too much! i bet nothing is even happening yet but iv got such a low pain threshold, i bet there tiny or niothing but i just feel like there huge cos im such a wimp! timing them online and they are as follows

04:30:19 am 04:30:58 am 39 secs 2 mins, 0 secs
04:28:18 am 04:29:07 am 49 secs 4 mins, 5 secs
04:24:13 am 04:25:04 am 51 secs 3 mins, 9 secs
04:21:03 am 04:21:40 am 36 secs 3 mins, 21 secs
04:17:42 am 04:18:34 am 52 secs 4 mins, 31 secs
04:13:09 am 04:14:00 am 51 secs 5 mins, 0 secs
04:08:09 am 04:09:13 am 1 mins, 3 secs

i know if i go in or ring then they will stop and send me home i went in for monitoring easrly and never had 1 lol!!! it keeps stopping and styarting i dunno wat to do with myself im not coping well
huge amounts of plug coming away now ladies so at least i know these pains are doing something :D owccch x
Good luck christmasbabygir!! Any more news??

I texted Julie last night but she hasn't answered. :?
Hope everything is ok.

lisaspoon and elliebelle - hope you have sorted your OH's out!

I think I am starting to freak out now at the thought of being induced. I'm so scared. And I keep worrying something is wrong with the baby. God, i'm tearful already and it's not even 8am yet! :roll:
Going to have a cup of tea and calm down - I have a feeling it's going to be a very long day!

Hope everyone is ok
Kmac.......Im sure baby is absolutely fine, there have been so many inductions recently, maybe the overdue babies are just not keen on the cold, and would much prefer to stay warm and snug where they are!! It must be such a stressful time, but just think you will be holding your LO this weekend if not before :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Christmasbabygirl..........hope you are coping ok hun, sounds like you are in a lot of discomfort, fingers crossed this is finally it though :hug:

Im ok today, not slept properly in weeks now, but at least when my LO arrives I will be used to the lack of sleep - I seem to lightly nap through the night - not sure how I actually function through the day, but seem to cope ok :D

Mel, hope you are getting some more sleep now..... :hug:

:wave: to everyone else
Try a horlics hun, i had one before bed last night, went to bed at 11ish, didnt go straight to sleep mind :wink: Then was up at 5.45 for half an hour then back to sleep, thats loads better then normal :cheer:
Morning girls!! :D

God I feel so lazy, got into the habit of getting up when OH gets up for work at 7 and have a cup of tea and cereal with him and then go back to bed when he goes to work! Managing to sleep for another hour and a bit, so not too bad!

kmac - hope things get started for you before your induction..... dont worry though if you have to be induced, I think it will be a bit tougher as contractions come on quicker and stronger, but I know you'll be fine :hug: :hug: :hug:

CBG - is this it!?!??!! whats haaaapppening!!?

Liza - hope you're ok today, good on you sorting your DH out! My OH is the same if I snap at him, it shocks him too!

Glad you had a better sleep mel!!!

Well I'm still in a kinda festive mood,.... we're still getting "Congratulations" cards for our engagement at Christmas,....and then baby cards will follow after... hehe! Wonder if I can string this out until April when its my birthday! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Does anyone know who mamas and papas deliver through? I ordered some stuff and keep seeing different vans in the street (Royal mail, DHL, Home) but nothing., :lol:
hi all :wave:
well yes they were real contractions despite my worries that they were just niggles lol! there still happening now, getting 2 to 3 every 10 mins and lasting between 30 and 50 secs each.
i am coping much better now as im trying to relax more and the pain is quite intense with each contraction but they dont last long so its really not that bad!!! got plenty of time for them to get worse though.

iv just been up the birth center to be examined and baby is fine and happy and they examined me and im one cm dilated! i am soo pleased that all the pain is making something happen i was convinced she was going to say my cervix is still closed lol! she had a good rummage so hopefully should start to dilate further.. she said its looking promising and baby should be born tonight/early hours of the morning by her predictions!! im officially shitting myself lol!!!!!

i was worried about being induced but my cousin said that its fine realy, and not to be scared she was only in labour for 7 hours and she said she coped ok and she is a complete wimp lol!!!!!
hope ur all ok and feeling better!!!! get ready for that late night txt mel...

where the heck is julie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i bet she has beat me to it!!!!! any news?!!??!!?
We had slipped ladies to the second page so just thought I would bump us up.

I have just read the post Re Tracy in the adults section and all of a sudden all my moans about being uncomfortable and not being able to sleep seem pathetic...... God my heart goes out to them both but especially Tracy, I cannot begin to imagine how she is feeling at the moment :( :(

Jane x
i know what u mean ROM. ive only just seen the post in adult.

I cant begin to think what she is going through. how can life be so horrible and cruel.

I really hope she pulls through this. my prays are with her.

Im think i need to think about how much moaning i am doing and relise its not important :hug: :( :(
mum2be? said:
i know what u mean ROM. ive only just seen the post in adult.

I cant begin to think what she is going through. how can life be so horrible and cruel.

I really hope she pulls through this. my prays are with her.

Im think i need to think about how much moaning i am doing and relise its not important :hug: :( :(

it def makes you think more about yr situation doesnt it.... life is soo cruel sometimes :(
:( I saw the post too..... :( so sad.....

how is everyone today ? I have the midwife this afternoon..... I'm hoping she's going to tell me that baby's head is even just slightly engaged!!! plleeeeeaaasssee behave baby!!! :D

Also, its friday! wooooo, not that this has any meaning anymore, not being at work....but to me it means that my OH is here for the weekend!! :D

I went to see my friend last night and her dogs have had puppies......6 collies, 7 weeks old jumping about! OMG! I could have smuggled one home, they are sooooo adorable........ !!!! Really want a dog now! MIL says I'm irresponsible wanting a dog when I have a baby on the way.....maybe.. lol! :lol: :lol:
Now can any one tell me, would it be totally wrong of meto deck Gal's mum?? All i ever fooking hear is 'your looking swell' 'hey fatty' 'fucking hell have you not had it yet your massive'
For fuck fucking sake i wish people would leave me alone with it now, why the hell does she have to say this every single time she sees me :wall: Sorry gone from being in a good mood to a foul one again

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