changing spelling

My brother is called Josef and as you can imagine he has alot of problems being spelt joseph but because his middle name is stephen my mum didn't want 2 ph's in his name and Josef is a famous spy from lemmington spa. lol x
Noboy spells Aoibheann's name right :( I think its because there are a few variations of it ? So we cant complain really
i get all sorts of spellings. malissa, milissa, melisa, milisa, meleasa. its blood MELISSA!! not hard lol
As long as people come up with new and modern ways of spelling these names, it brings confusion to the more traditional way of spelling then. I have freinds with Clare and claire, and really struggle to make sure I drop the i in the other one!

My name is Jennifer , but have always been called Jenny - then when I was about 10 went through a right stage where I told my mum, it was wrong to stick a Y in my name when it wasn't in Jennifer! prob just wanted to be different at the time, and so she agreed and I have been Jenni ever since, as not changing my name of Jennifer at all. Nowadays it would have been easier to have either Jenny or Jennifer, as no-one spells it right! I just don't worry or correct people anymore. I have sports awards printed on glass trophies as the newspaper interviewed me and I wrote my name for them, and yet the trophy still says Jenny! Also when I played for England they got me wrong on my tracksuit embroidery too!

Attention to detail is everything with names, people need to care to spell right.

My son is rhys and it's always spelt Reece
Vix- my daughters middle name is Leigh! luckily she is the only one who has written it so far!
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