Spelling problem

I prefer Leila and Marie is a lovely middle name. All the girls in my family are Maries'. Can I ask why you think she would have the mickey taken being called Leila?

There was a girl i remember at school called Layla who was forever being asked by the lads " fancy a lay, lay..." :-( probably me just deing silly at the end of the day. xx
aww i really like layla marie :-)

i would personally go with layla, might make it easier for teachers to say at school and for her to spell n get her name printed on things as mentioned before,

good luck hun!

i prefer your spelling, although a girl i went to school with spelt her name laylah.

i dont think the mickey would be taken out of her at all,

~OH quite likes Billie-jo logan (logan being our surname) for a girl but then his brother turned round and said she'd be nick named B-J at school...now that could cause problems xx
my cousins called billie-jo and atv school just bgets billie xx

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