Change of TTC Date


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
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Hi All!!

Originally, think I've been put down as WTT until now, however, lots of changes.

1. DH just had a promotion so waiting for that to settle.

2. I'm doing a 6 month Post Grad degree in Sept-Feb, so don't want baby brain for most of it lol!!

3. Most importantly, my nephew was born 5 weeks ago, and just 2 weeks ago was diagnosed with CF from his heel prick test. Before we TTC again, we want to be tested just to be sure one way or the other.

So, we're (I'm!!) thinking Dec/Jan now for an Autumn baby hopefully!

So, that's where we're up to!
Hi hun,

Sorry to hear about your nephews diagnosis, that must have been a bit of a shocker?

I think your little one is the only other James I've seen on here? It's a super popular middle name but very few little boys [on PF at least] have it as a first name.

We're not TTC again for a good few years, but I deffo would love another if we can.

I noticed you had a James too!! Such a lovely, classic Christian name as well as middle i think.

Was a complete and utter shock! Worst part was seeing the state of my brother - never wish to see anyone that upset again. It's all manageable for now though. Got my blood test on Friday, so hoping it won't take too long after to receive my results through.

I do want another, but can't help over-thinking everything!!
Fingers and toes crossed that your test comes back with a good result.

It must have been so upsetting for the whole family but at least you all have each other and your little nephew will be adored :lol:

Well, it's D-day tomorrow. I can officially ring up my GP surgery to get my results for CF. According to stats, there's only a 1/8 chance I'm a carrier, so that's a massive 7/8 that I'm not! I've got my fingers tightly crossed it's negative.
Gah!! So frustrated!! They haven't got my results yet :-( Got to ring back at 5.30 to see if they've come in during the afternoon. Want to know!!!!
No results :-( Facing a loooooooooong weekend now until I can ring up Monday afternoon to see if the results are in :-(
Well, I had my bloods taken on 2nd August, was told to ring up for the results after a week. So, as above, rang on the 9th and had no joy. Well, rang today (after ringing every day since!) and STILL no results. Gah!!

Although, the receptionist (who has been brilliant with me to be fair) said to leave it til Friday, ring as close to 1.30pm as possible, and if the results are still not there, she will personally chase them up Friday afternoon for me. So, I'll either know the result on Friday or be given an exact date when the results will definitely be ready.

God job I'm WTT until December, might just get the results in time.....
Thank you! Oh, absolutely. Not even TTC until the end of the year, but just want to know! Guess I have to learn patience :-)
And the saga continues.....

Just rang up for results. Still not back. They are going to ring the lab and ask them to fax the results over. Great, I'm thinking, will have them today :-)

But no. He explained on the phone that even if they do get faxed over today, a doctor has to look them over and then I have to make an appointment to go in and speak to a doctor about them.

Now, I don't know what your gp surgeries are like, but mine is pretty hard to get an appointment at. Feels like this could run and run.

Not to mention, they are ringing me back to let me know whether they can get my results or not, then got to proceed with appointments or waiting longer for results.

This thread has kinda turned into a bit of a log about this so i apologise!!
Wow they are really messing you about?

Sorry for my ignorance, but what is CF? X
Cystic Fibrosis, and it's not your ignorance sorry, it's mine!!! We've been using the term "cf" in our family now so much I just assume everyone knows what it means - oops!

Just really want to know now!
Gosh bet you do. Must have been a shock for your family.

Hope your results come through soon with good news! X
Oh Hun what a nightmare!

My friends wife has CF & we do lots of fundraising for the charity. She's 30 & going strong, great person with the odd day here & there- but then again who doesn't?

Hope your brother & family adjust & I hope you get your results xx
Thanks ladies!! Shall update as soon as I know anything :-)
Well the results are back.....

But I have to ring up Monday morning to book a telephone consultation with a GP to tell me the results.

Roll on monday!

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