

Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
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Hi all,

As you may have read in another of my posts, I went to the Dr today as I found out I was pregnant on Saturday. I am 6 weeks gone :)

Anyway, while the Dr was going through the list of things not to do and not to eat, she asked if I have a cat.

We have 2. And they are indoor cats.

She says I am not to handle their cat litter at all. Because of a disease they can carry.

Has anyone else been told this? Do any of you have cats?

She said I would be okay stroking them etc, as long as I take good care and wash my hands before eating etc.

It's made me feel abit weary, as one of our cats is a Ragdoll Cat and he is SO affectionate, bless him.

I guess I just have to leave all the litter changing to hubby... he didn't look too impressed when Doc said that. lol.
Last edited: long as you wash your hands well theres no problem but im no doctor. xxx
yeah its true :(
i dont do my cats litter hubby does it but he still gets a fuss :)
yeah its true :(
i dont do my cats litter hubby does it but he still gets a fuss :)

Thanks Midnight. Do you stroke your cats and everything as normal?

Dr. had me worried for a bit lol.
i did the litter and my little princess was more cuddly then ever when i was preggo. she sleept under my duvet and always was close to me. just out of topic, now since i have had Noa, she is very protective of us both, she has becomme nasty to everyone but me and Noa (also toward OH :( )
We have a cat and I've made my hubby take over the litter cleaning, but tbh if you wear rubber gloves and wash your hands afterwards I can't see how there can be any risk. I'm going to keep the official line but start doing it myself when I notice it needs doing as it's a pain in the arse sometimes waiting for him to come in as my cat doesn't cover her chod up when we use the wood litter n just leaves it lying stinking on the top of the tray. Lovely little image there for you lol.
We have 6 cats. Luckily they go outside to go to the toilet. Howver because of the snow we've had (and still have) we've had to give them a litter tray which I have avoided at all costs.

I'm still stroking & cuddling them as usual though so I wouldn't worry too much as long as you practise good hygiene you and your little one will be fine.

I've also read that if you own cats then you have probably already been exposed to toxoplasmosis, it doesn't affect us at all but can affect an unborn child.

I changed the litter and was just extra careful. 80% of people have had toxoplasmosis already even more so if you have cats and it can't affect you again x
I have 3 cats & since we starting TTC Hubby has been on litter duty LOL! Hopefully by summer, our kittens will be outside and have learned to poop there! x
Yes, the bad news is that i have a friend with a simese who used to walk footprints all over their counter tops and stuff and the doctor was very firm that he had to go.

The good news is that she ignored him and her healthy little girl is now two and adores the cat.
I don't think Hubby would let me get rid of the cats LOL! I love them too much, they are my first babies :)
Because I make & sell goods from home, I keep everything super duper clean anyway - I just avoid the litter box like the plague! x
We have 2 cats. My hubby did the litter tray the last time I was pregnant & is doing again this time for me. As our cats walk on the work surfaces at night when they shut in the kitchen with their beds, I always wear rubber gloves & spray all our surfaces down in the morning & throughout the day. I have not done anything differently with regards to stroking them & them sitting on my lap etc & have one healthy 5 year old & another on the way. Most people with cats will have been exposed to toxoplasmosis, but it's the unborn baby that it affects. People who aren't that keen on cats may encourage you to get rid of them - but I don't understand why. My friend had 2 cats & got rid of them when she got pregnant, but to be honest never bothered with them that much in the first place. I was quite annoyed with her about really as she got the cats knowing she was trying for a baby!
The other thing is if you are not hygienic around the house & don't even have pets, you can be at risk & exposed to loads of different nasties! Be clean & tidy - pets or no pets & you'll be fine.

Sunnyb xxx
yep we have two indoor cats and OH is now ON LITTER tray duty !!!:whistle:
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Thanks everyone for your advice :)

I've also read today that it is extrememly rare for indoor cats, and ours are indoor. They have never been outside.

Cats can catch it from catching prey etc.. So obviously mine have never done that.

I still won't handle the litter as a precaution though.

I have an indoor cat and unfortunately OH would NEVER change her litter as she was my cat before I met him and he is not a cat lover at all!He'd gladly get rid of her, lol! I just wear disposable gloves and wash my hands afterwards - as for stroking her I don't think that's a problem at all, as others have said just use basic hygiene sense and I'm sure it would be fine.....your GP is obviously not a cat lover, lol x
yes im the same with my cat as before just i dont do the litter tray my cat is an outdoor cat just wash your hands as usual before preparing or eating food
We have three cats and I got soooooo sick of the litter getting everywhere that I got my Hubby to train them to use the actual toilet. It's ace, no mess to clear up, just flush the loo, and no litter. It only took him about six weeks from start to finish to train all three of them, i'd recommend it to anyone. Just buy "the litter quitter" from pets at home and your away! X
I still change the litter, but i go to my local chemist and buy a box of latex gloves which i chuck away when i am finished. I have 3 cats.
As long as you are careful you should be O.K.
i get oh to do tinas tray as its his cat i feed he so he does the tray

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