Castor Oil


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Right I was wondering what I should do. Everyone is telling me to drink some castor oil to bring labour on. Ive heard some horror stories about the baby pooing inside which can be extremely dangerous everyone keeps saying just take a little bit and you will be fine. Whats everyone's views and opinions on taking castor oil? x Also if my cervix is high and closed I doubt the castor oil would work am I right in thinking that?
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I haven't really got any advice but didn't want to read and run :) one of my mates tried this and it went fine for her although she said it bought on labour really hard and fast and she wouldn't do it again because she was just too uncomfortable after taking it. xx
my friend starting drinking it from 38 weeks and apart from making her poo, it did absolutely nothing. She was induced in the end.
Noooooooooo!!! Lol!! I did this with my first worste mistake ever!! It gives u massive stomach cramps u will poo for hours on end and it can stress the baby - I'm not sure about the poohing thing my second poohed inside me but my first which I tried it with didn't I just ended up in the hosp with loads of pains that lead no where and it will only work if your like 2-3 cm and flat ext... So I doubt it will work - you could try nipple stimulation it's much safter and no runny pooh! My mw has recentally suggested this to me and it brings on some strong pains I have since gone from high long and closed to 25% efaced - what Eva that is 1-2cm and softening so - worth a shot ey even if it doesn't work it might help prepare things although it's very long tiring and boaring lol!! If ur interested let me know and I shall share how mw told me to do it x

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please dont! i have heard some bad things and its just not worth the risk, he will be here soon hun XX
Plus I would like to add omg!!! More painful than labour!! Lol!! Xxx

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Noooooooooo!!! Lol!! I did this with my first worste mistake ever!! It gives u massive stomach cramps u will poo for hours on end and it can stress the baby - I'm not sure about the poohing thing my second poohed inside me but my first which I tried it with didn't I just ended up in the hosp with loads of pains that lead no where and it will only work if your like 2-3 cm and flat ext... So I doubt it will work - you could try nipple stimulation it's much safter and no runny pooh! My mw has recentally suggested this to me and it brings on some strong pains I have since gone from high long and closed to 25% efaced - what Eva that is 1-2cm and softening so - worth a shot ey even if it doesn't work it might help prepare things although it's very long tiring and boaring lol!! If ur interested let me know and I shall share how mw told me to do it x

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yeah im totally with you on that evie i dont agree with taking it either but just everyone keeps telling me to take it. To be honest if my cervix isnt opened then it wont work i believe when baby is ready he will come on his own. My OH is going to do some nipple stimulation tonight and some sexy time so hopefuly that will start things off xx
it was just a thought but i really dont wanna take the risk that i could put my baby in danger just for the sake of me being fed up when he will come on his own when he is ready xx

thanks everyone x
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I know exactly how you feel hunni with my first i was so fed up and everyone was telling me to take it and I didn't want to then my MIL told me that's how she had my DH so I was like humm I shall give it a go... :shock: :rotfl: so I know exactly how you feel lol!!
My mw told me use my palms or tips to massage the nipple and the dark area around it to stimulate breast feeding one boob at a time for 15 mins until you have done it for an hour so like 15mins right 15mins left 15mins right and 15 mins left and do it three times a day or you can 5mins on 3 mins off 5 mins off 3 mins off for both nips for an hour the last one is stronger (haven't tried this one yet lol) she also told me it's safe even had a previous section so that's good :) it has to be done for over three days xx

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thanks evie i will give it a shot tonight and continue it for 3 days hopefully it gets things moving for me. I think because i have a date my mind is a little more settled now i actually got a sleep but its just the waiting thats driving me insane i wish i could just pop him out myself ahahahah x
Lol bless ya!! I'm starting again tonight!! It's painful but I find it sooooo boring haha! She said it might not work and I said what if I get sore nipples but he said I could do it through light clothes so it's much more comfortable lol!! And it is lol!! Also it brings on allot of Braxton hicks so beware lol!!! Xxxx

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Poor you - baby will come when baby is ready and not before, its so frustrating when everyone is on at you to do this or that! Wishing you all the luck for a smooth and easy birth xx
Well my friend took castor oil yesterday and 10 hours later she was 5cm dialated.. she had her little girl at 10:29am after 6 hours of labour , and the baby slid out no pain relief or anything.. first baby weighing 8pound :O

she just had 2 cups of raspberry leaf tea and 2 tablespoons of castor oil.
omg really charlene thats fantastic. See i think it just depends wheter ur little one is ready to come out or not if he isnt it prob wont work plus if i have been told my cervix is closed and high then it prob wont work for me. x
she set it off herself.. her baby wasn't due till the 21st :)

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