Castor Oil/Evening Primrose


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2012
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Just been reading various comments online about the pros and cons of trying castor oil as a way to bring labour on, but not found anything written by a reputable source yet.

I was wondering if any ladies have tried this in the past and/or happened to have spoken to a midwife about it?

Same thing with the evening primrose really. I've not heard this one until today, apparently taking the capsules is good but inserting one vaginally before bed can help to soften the cervix! Anyone else heard anything about this? :eh:
Yeah, my mum took castor oil day before she gave birth to my brother & sister. As I was a week late & she couldn't handle another late baby she took it night before & went into labour day later. She recommends it, but there is obviously a higher risk of baby pooing inside but there is always a risk of that anyway. She did say it was handy that she managed to empty her bowels before she was in established labour though!! Xx
I had it with Katie on my due date at 6pm.........Started with pains about 11pm and was in hospital at 4am & 4cms dialated!! Katie was born at 10:45 am :)

Go for it!! Although i didn't think you could get it anymore???
I have no idea, I'll have to look!
I've taken a couple of evening primrose tablets, but I've been thinking about the insertion thing and the scientific part of my brain is questioning how it can work, as all tablets are specifically designed to dissolve and work in the correct part of your digestive system, so I don't see how they will dissolve without the aid of digestive acids. I think I'll give that one a miss! x
Oooh I'll have to dig out my EPO - I swear it was the thing that got me preggers in the first place so feels like I've come full circle :) x
Looks like the only way I can get castor oil is with a prescription! Oh well! :(
Looks like the only way I can get castor oil is with a prescription! Oh well! :(

Why do you need a prescription? Loads of places sell it online and you can buy it at holland and Barrett and I would think any other health food shops.
I dunno if they would sell it to a pregnant person though. I'm sure it's in chemists - but get someone else to buy it for you!! Xx
I tried buying it in boots & a few other chemists last year for my friend & was told that they don't sell it over the counter anymore :eh:
They definitely do sell it over the counter but places like boots don't stock it, you have to go to a more traditional chemist or holland and barrett, they won't sell it to a pregnant woman though.
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