Can't stop thinking about this


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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This is going to maybe sound a little bit self pitying and a bit pointless really but...

A few years ago me and DH were on holiday and I got my "period" on the plane. Now I have no idea if I was due or late or anything like that ... its all very cloudy.

The next day I got up and put a tampon in as usual, and started walking down to the beach (2 min walk) ... half way there my shorts were soaked through with blood and we turned around thinking it was just a heavy period.

Went to the loo to change and clean myself up and I had loads of clots, it was so bad that the toilet blocked (sorry if tmi).

The bleeding carried on like this and we spent the first day of the hol in our room with me crying because I was getting bad cramps and felt like something wasn't right. But we put it down to the long flight etc etc.

Later that night we went for dinner, I couldn't eat anything, on the way back to the room I collapsed. DH propped me up against a wall left me and ran to get me a drink of water, when he came back I was spreadeagled on the floor out for the count!

Anyway ... back then I was very niaive and knew very little about the female body, pregnancy etc etc, and only since my ttc journey have I thought that maybe I had a mc or chem preg.

I know it doesn't make much difference as I didn't know about it at the time, and didn't have to go through the heartache, but its been eating at me for a wee while now. Just wanted to put it on paper iykwim. Even DH asked a couple of weeks ago out of the blue if I thought thats what happened.

Don't know where this is going.... I'm being a bit daft really!
sounds like it could well of been.
Im pretty sure I had a chemical last year, but didnt test so will never ever know.
If it still plays on your mind, then the feeling was obviously very strong and very different, but like me you will never ever know for sure.

it could have been but they are usually early with not enough to block a loo with clots?

best not trying to think about it, you will never know hun xx
Hi Tweety,

I would say not to dwell, you'll never know and it's best not to think about it..

I've had a loss at 5 weeks and at 6 weeks and as horrible as it was they were more like a heavy period?

My loss at 8 weeks was awful and I there was no mistaking what it was but the earlier losses were physically a lot easier to cope with...

heya tweetyfoo, i had an early miscarriage at 5 weeks just before christmas that was just like a slightly heavier period, a few weeks ago i miscarried a baby at 9 weeks and i actually felt a small gush of water the day before that soaked my knickers and a sudden gush of blood the next day that soaked my clothes and continued like a period for 3 weeks with one large-ish clot and smaller bits also, last summer i lost a baby at 14 weeks after 2 nights of terrible pain and no bleeding i had a big gush of water and my baby and everything else slipped out with alot of bleeding that continued for a month, it certainly sounds like you had alot of bleeding but its maybe best for you not to think too much about it, the unexplained can sometimes make us sad xx
Thanks girls I think I feel
Guilty for not knowing really. Nat regards to toilet it may be that the sanitary systems
In good old Margarita just weren't that great. I dont feel too upset about it in the sense that I never knew and things are on the up now. Think I just needed to get my thoughts on paper so I would maybe stop thinking about it iykwim??

I'm more than aware of how mch you ladies have suffered and I know that this doesn't compare in anyway! It was just a general
Wondering on my part
:hugs: i thought i had a chem preg a couple of cycles ago it was wierd, my flow was super heavy soacking through my clothes etc but i will never know. Its hard hun but dont wind yourself up thinking about it
Slightly off topic but I've been to Margharita as well ... worst holiday I ever had but for different reasons!

Of course you will wonder hun, it's natural BUT you cannot dwell on it and feel guilty for "not noticing"

hiya this same thing happened to my 22 yr old daughter just the other day she ended up in a&e she was faint hot sweaty and in a lot of paina nd losing a hell of a lot of blood/cots anywyas the hossy did lots of tests and it just came bk a very very bad period the pain was obvy her cervix opening and contracting to let out the clots, i was so worried she was mc or summet but it was fine and like i said all tests came bk clear, its a horrible thing to have to go through losing blood and clots like that and there is no way to tell but usualy with a mc u can see like greyish matter colour its not very nice at all were as a normal clotty period is just like slices of liver type (tmi) xxx
Slightly off topic but I've been to Margharita as well ... worst holiday I ever had but for different reasons!

Of course you will wonder hun, it's natural BUT you cannot dwell on it and feel guilty for "not noticing"


It was the worst holiday EVER! Was sold to me as the Carribean! More like bloody butlins.
Starved for 2 weeks ... couldn't wait to go home.

We did fly into Venezula though and see Angel Falls, camp overnight in the jungle and fish for Piranha in the Canaima river! Really exciting those few days, but the hotel was pants!
It was the worst holiday EVER! Was sold to me as the Carribean! More like bloody butlins.
Starved for 2 weeks ... couldn't wait to go home.

We did fly into Venezula though and see Angel Falls, camp overnight in the jungle and fish for Piranha in the Canaima river! Really exciting those few days, but the hotel was pants!

OMG - we were sold it as Carribean as well.

The food was awful, the weather was dreadful and worst part is we went for Crimbo and NYE (this was with my Ex!)

Only 3 days out of 14 did it not rain :shock:

We got up 3 times (at 5.30am) to do the Angel Falls trip and each time it was cancelled - there were so many people backlogged on that trip we never did do it - I was gutted!!

I lived on vodka and pastries for two weeks!

I shudder at the memory of that Hell Hole

Sorry to take over this thread hun!!

It was the worst holiday EVER! Was sold to me as the Carribean! More like bloody butlins.
Starved for 2 weeks ... couldn't wait to go home.

We did fly into Venezula though and see Angel Falls, camp overnight in the jungle and fish for Piranha in the Canaima river! Really exciting those few days, but the hotel was pants!

OMG - we were sold it as Carribean as well.

The food was awful, the weather was dreadful and worst part is we went for Crimbo and NYE (this was with my Ex!)

Only 3 days out of 14 did it not rain :shock:

We got up 3 times (at 5.30am) to do the Angel Falls trip and each time it was cancelled - there were so many people backlogged on that trip we never did do it - I was gutted!!

I lived on vodka and pastries for two weeks!

I shudder at the memory of that Hell Hole

Sorry to take over this thread hun!!


No worries .. could do with a rant about that!

Bet you we went to the same hotel! LTI Costa Cariba?

It was bloody awful. I literally starved, lost about 1/2 stone in weight .. never drank alcohol the whole time I was there as the selection was pants. We went in July and it rained everyday and our room flooded twice! All they did was send someone up with a brush to get rid of the water ... whilst we stood on the sofa!

Funniest memory was finding this malt loaf type thing once in the buffet and smuggling it into our room to ration it for a few days, never saw it again. Or waiting at the burger bit in the hope of getting chips for lunch ... but they weren't on every day. I lived on rice and "coleslaw" which was just red cabbage in mayonnaise. Oh there was also the time the crab fell out of the tree narrowly missing my head!

We had booked the Angel falls trip in advance before the holiday privately so it was really good. I went into the jungle very naively and it was the scariest experience of my life to date ... even David was screaming during the night! I thought there would be a "tourist path" what we got was a man, a machete and a pair of preused wellies! I cried all day and got really sick because I was so hungry and dehydrated.

But the waterfalls were amazing, as was the trip down the Canaima river.
Tweety - it was the same hotel!!

I'd never have remembered the name (I blanked it out LOL) until you said it.

It was a Hell Hole, I nearly broke my neck as the whole place was tiled but always wet with rain water.

I actually started a thread in the members sanctuary about holiday destinations inspired by our little chin wag


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