Can the hospital refuse to do a c-section?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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I've posted before about lo being breech and maybe needing a c section, but the more I think about it the more I think a section might be best.

I'm seeing my consultant on tuesday and he is very pro VBAC, can he refuse me a section? I had one just under 3 years ago as an emergency. I haven't taken the decision lightly and I've had some problems...

I have SPD and I can hardly walk and turning over in bed is absolute agony and impossible.
Lo is currently breech and apparently because of my previous section the hospital will not be able to turn lo.
I suffer from anxiety, which is getting worse, I think part of it stems from my last labour.
I have suffered with thrush through my whole pregnancy, I've had god knows how many pessarys and creams but in 34 weeks of pregnancy I have only been thrush free for about 2 weeks:shock: I know lo can catch it if I have a VBAC & I really don't want to do that to her.

Do you think he will listen and understand or try and bully me into VBAC?

Thank you xx
I think that you have a really good case for a c-section, and if he doesn't think so, then talk to your midwife to see if you can see another consultant! Good luck
Previous c section and a breech? He can't force you to vaginal birth.
Thank you ladies

As far as I'm aware lo is still breech (she was on monday and I don't think her mivements feel any different) I know the main reason for a section is lo being breech but I'm worried she will turn and he will refuse to listed to the other reasons. Apparently she only has until 36 weeks to turn.

I had a previous section as I was induced and my body and son didn't handle the drugs very well and my son's heartbeat kept dropping, so hey had to get him out quickly x
a got choice me first ever midwife appointment because had 1 previously regardless for what reason was so dont quite understand the fact u have had 1 before and ur babys breech speak ur mind tell him or her u not having vbac x
My old boss had an emergency c-section for her first baby due to various issues and she was absolutely terrified when it came to her second baby - she went to meet with the consultant and she was up for a good fight to get herself another c-section - the consultant took one look at her notes and asked her what she wanted, she said a c-section and he said no problem! Just be honest and methodical about your worries/problems and I am sure they will give you another c-sectiion. Good luck - let us know how it goes!
I was asked what I wanted being as Id previously had a c section due to LO being to back. Please dont be scared you state your case and you stand by your guns and if he says no then you get a second opinion. Remember its your body your life your choice take care keep us posted ps I wish I could come with you big hugs xxx
seems strange that they would be so pro vbac, especially as LO is currently breech...
when mine was breech, i felt that they were manouvering me towards a c section naturally.
he has turned now though, so i don't have the worry, but i was ready to argue my case FOR a vaginal birth, not the other way round!
Thank you for all your advice ladies.

I had my appointment yesterday, saw a different consultant. She was very pushy and in my face. She did a quick scan and lo has turn. These few words immediately filled me with panic, I don't think I realised how much of a part my anxiety plays in things.

Anyway she told me to just see what happens. I haven't been filled with confidence when it comes to VBAC, my consultant said the figures were something like 70 - 30, only 30% are successful. I explained very politely that I couldn't go through with another emergency c section as it trigger my anxiety, took over a year to be diagnosed and I've only just become 'ok' with it.

I have to write a letter to the consultants explaining why I should be put forward for an elective section so it can be discussed in a meeting.

I don't know what to do!! I liked the fact the decision was out of my hands as lo was breech but now she has turned I have to choose!! I'm so scared!!

Part of me would love a VBAC so I could be in and out of the hospital asap, but part of me worries as I just know I will have a bad tear,( sorry for tmi, but I'm not that large down there & do not stretch very easily), so is it worth having a really bad tear and risk emergency section or have a planned elective where hopefully all will be calm?

I'm so confused :cry:

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